Synchronicity – Release the true you

synchrony Peter Paul Parker – The term ‘synchronicity‘ was coined by Carl Jung. Throughout his life, Carl Jung did come up with slightly different explanations of this complex subject, but the basic meaning is there for us to understand. He said if ‘meaningful coincidences’ occur with no ‘causal relationship’, but seem to be meaningfully related, this is synchronicity. In other words, if unrelated incidents happen to you and you find yourself seeing things in a different way and feel more connected to who you are because of these experiences, then you have just experienced the wonderful world of synchrony. Carl Jung came to the conclusion that synchrony is a governing dynamic which underlies the whole of human experience. Quantum mechanics now verifies this statement and we will look into that later in this article.

Manifest our reality

We do have the power to manifest our reality, and many people who are exploring this subject, are coming up with some very profound truths. Synchrony happens all the time in our lives, and it comes and goes undetected if you are not looking for it. The universe will deliver what we ask for, but not for selfish, power grabbing or unjustified reasons. Then it seems that we are sent lessons to learn our path to synchrony. These occurrences can be very simple or very complex. To be connected, we truly need to understand what is good for me, is good for you too. This applies to everything in our experience, humans, animals, our environment, everything! Again some of these truths have been passed down from ancient times, and some are more recent in our history. Let’s explore some of these truths.

Essene mirrors

Greg Braden has posted a terrific explanation of the Essene mirrors on You tube, and the link is below. The Essene mirrors have seven stages and the sixth one is the dark night of the soul. This is where you are synchronising with your observer consciousness, or soul, and seeing all the emotions, feelings and ego you have picked up during your life, or previous lives, and are starting to shed them. If you have been through this, you’ll know it is a difficult time and you can feel completely disconnected. Well, that is true. All these negative vibrations are keeping you from synchrony with your true self and need to be dealt with. The Essene mirrors help you recognise the transitions you are going through, and therefore it becomes easier for you to find your path of synchrony with your world. You will meet soul mates and you will meet people who will try to hold you back. Although it is easier said than done, always stick with the positive, even in the face of adversity. Sometimes it feels your life is falling apart, but remember, things need to break down before they can change, so there is no need to worry. Continue reading