Make Self-Love A Lifestyle

Self love is the keyMichael Eisen – We need to make self-love a lifestyle, not just a practice! I truly believe that the root cause of the majority of the challenges and problems that we as humans face is a lack of self-love, self-worth and self-respect. This is the true epidemic that we face at this time in our evolution.

The funny thing is, though: we are all born with the natural ability to love, respect and value ourselves. It is not something we need to learn how to do as we grow up – for the most of us it is something we just need to remember. If you don’t believe me, go spend some time with a 2 year old. They will show you how easy it is to love and value ourselves. Continue reading

Alicia’s Mirror

balanceSteve Rother – Greetings from Home. I am Merlia and I’ve come today to tell you a story. It is an interesting story that you might relate to. It’s about a young girl by the name of Alicia. Alicia had a wonderful set of parents that she chose. Having made her contracts from the other side of the veil, she decided to come in and play this game of pretending to be human.

As she came in, she was naturally divided into 11 different aspects. In the aspect we will focus on, she had some very magnificent parents that she absolutely adored. Alicia grew up believing everything that they said. Alicia, you are beautiful. Alicia, you are magical. Alicia, you can be anything that you want and she grew up believing that.

Empathic Alicia

It was not long before Alicia started going to school and interacting with other children. The first several years at school were good ones. However, in her third year there Alicia realized she had a different body type than most of her classmates.

Alicia was a bit heavier, because she carried more of her energy in her physical body. Her mother still told her, “Alicia, you are beautiful. Alicia, you are wonderful!” Soon Alicia stopped believing her mother and father, because her classmates were telling her something different.

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The Spiritual Teacher And Service

teacherAthena Melchizedek – It has been my experience that the spiritual world, just as the ordinary world, as many beings in all dimensions that are not what they seem. This relates to physical and the non-physical dimensions.

Remember everything is energy and consciousness and you see what you are projecting out by your beliefs, thoughts and feelings. Your life is happening simultaneously in a series of frequencies or dimensions. This is how we navigate the timeline- with our consciousness!

But what is here now is the only moment.

There are those who may purport to be spiritual teachers and yet many have not done the necessary work on themselves to transcend the next stage of ego – the spiritual ego. Continue reading

Why I Will Never be on “Buddha at the Gas Pump” & Other Full Moon Musings

Lori Lothian – It’s mid April, 2015, and I’m standing at the threshold of my home as spiritual teacher Igor Kufayev and his wife Emma pack their luggage and two children into a friend’s car for a week long trip to one of the islands near Vancouver. I can’t help but think they are escaping my house for a dose of outer peace (cause as you know, enlightened teachers have all the inner peace they need).

Their two weeks as my houseguests has been difficult this time round: Igor is in town to hold teaching events and to grow the local following I helped him start up a year before. The first visit to my home was a “summer of love” that lasted forty epic days. We affectionately dubbed my house “The Ashram.”

This second visit ten months later was to be “Ashram 2” but just like any sequel to a blockbuster film, the second round is never as satisfying.

This visit, I’m in the middle of my householder gig in crazy-ass chaos mode. My husband has been desperately unemployed for months and on the verge on financial wipe-out. The father of my children, my ex, has just come out of an eight week cerebral malaria coma. My teen daughter has come unravelled because of it, with failing grades, missed classes and a harrowing 3 A.M. ambulance to the hospital for alcohol overdose, replete with her ear-splitting, invective-rich shouting — all while the “holy family” as I liked to playfully call the Kufayev’s are trying to sleep in the guest room below.

Add to this tempest that I am in the middle of an intensive video training course so I can launch an online writing-coach business. And that very morning I’ve walked into my open car door, gashed my head, bled all over the place and am dizzy and nauseous. I am clearly concussed.

Still holding the band-aid in place on my throbbing head as the holy family races out the door to catch a ferry, I am confronted by my guru’s wife. Emma, who I consider my soul sister friend, says something to me like, “Why are you doing this online business B.S. What happened to you? Igor told you that you’re supposed to be a teacher.”

Her tone is a mix of pity, disappointment and her look is pure exasperation.

And in that very moment I don’t know a lot of things. I don’t know if this woman is really my friend or simply the devotee mouthpiece for her guru husband. I don’t know if I will have a scar from the gash near my eye. I don’t know if I will finish the video training course this week and I don’t know if Igor is really my teacher after all. Continue reading