Mars Oh Mars

MarsDjwhal Khul here. Tashi Delek.

Alright. Well Mars! Mars! Mars! Oh My! the Mars! We have Mercury coming out of its storm, we have a Full Moon in psychic Pisces and then Mars direct in Capricorn.

So this week is really, for light workers, kind of a fast track in your life’s purpose. Whatever is going on, it will kind of propel you forward, ready or not. So I say fasten your seat belt. Get your safety parachute ready and just enjoy the rocket ride because this is going to be a very quick one. Continue reading

Birth, Death, Enlightenment

Terri Newlon  May 22 2014

Djwhal Khul here. Tashi Delek.

Alright. This is the beginning of Saka Dawa, a very important holiday in terms of Tibetan Buddhism to celebrate the birth, death and enlightenment of Buddha.

I want to talk about you, individually, and the process of birth, death and enlightenment. The wheel of re-incarnation is experienced until the point of enlightenment and then at that point one can continue with the Bodhisattva vow to reincarnate till there be no longer suffering on the planet or till we all reach enlightenment or whatever the case might be.

And then the process just in-between of birth and death and how one removes the other, you can just simply embrace existence for what it is, exactly how it is, and keep smiling about it.

And then I also invite you to ponder the focus that I put forth for the World Servers Broadcast this week which is “Everything is liquid light”.

Alright Dear Ones. As always, thank you and my love to you.

Djwhal Khul

Clearing Emotions

Terri Newlon February 21 2013

Djwal KhulDjwhal Khul here. Tashi Delek.

Alright. This is a very interesting time period where we’re going through perhaps an even bumpier ride than what we have been going through in relationship to the emotional body. So I want to talk about some ways to clear the emotional body that are very simple techniques that you can use.

This is also a time to really study what’s going on in your emotional field and in your thought field and rather quickly correct any patterns you notice you feel that you don’t want to keep doing any more.

But with the emotional field, there will be a tendency to attach to things more, like maybe a religion getting even more engrained about how they should wage war against an opposing, a perceived opposing religion, etc. Or someone getting more righteous in general. If they’re just a little bit angry they’ll get quite rageful, etc. So the emotional attachment is up kind of strong during this time period.

So a simple way to do it is just as the emotion starts, the moment it begins to well up, just breathe it down the body into the earth. What you’re doing symbolically is sending that just sort of straight out of your field into what I would call a recycled energy, so it’s neutral energy once it leaves your personal field.

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Water Respect & Healing

Terri Newlon | November 8 2012

Djwhal Khul here. Tashi delek.

Djwhal KhulAlright. We are coming upon a time where the relationship with water is going to be crucial and it is one of respect and healing. We’ve already seen Hurricane Sandy turning into Super Storm Sandy and some other issues with water in other places upon the planet. There will be more coming.

We’ve had Neptune retrograde in psychic Pisces which is a very watery sign as well as a very psychic sign and Neptune of course dealing with the water. And that’s been since June 4 of this year.

On November 10 or 11-11 in certain places around the globe, Neptune will go direct in that same psychic sign of Pisces. I expect to see a lot of turbulence and really kind of a commanding of respect for water.

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