Thinking: A Criminal Act?

“We can all play our part in countering this worldwide attempt to suffocate the voice of truth and to replace it with a global ministry of lies. By resolutely refusing to be corralled into the grey soup of mass indoctrination we will be boldly flying the flag for the liberation of humanity.” – J Rose

thoughtPolice“If my thought-dreams could be seen, they’d put my head under a guillotine…” – Bob Dylan

Well Bob, I’ve got news for you – they can – and that is what lies in store for all of us unless the ‘thought police’ fail to get their newly evolved ‘anti humanity’ mind-scanning weapons legally integrated into everyday life.

As ‘the war on terror’ is notched-up to a further level of intensity, and the false-flag flagellations of New World Order exponents start outnumbering the real flag emblems of nation states, we know that we are witnessing a serious expansion of the control system’s morbid attempt to dominate humanity and completely crush the power of independent thought and action.

Have no doubt, this is the intention. The current ongoing shepherding of great swathes of human beings into mind controlled pens of fear and passivity, is the precursor of a time in which any independent thought process will be treated as a serious threat to the ‘normality’ of a subdued and static status quo.

A ‘thought crime’ would include ‘envisioning a better world’ and considering ways of bringing it about.

But hold on … aren’t we here already? Those who challenge the status quo’s perpetual commitment to war, resource mismanagement and rabid social inequality, are already seen as a threat to the state and singled out as potential terrorists. Continue reading

600 Strains Of An Aerosolized Thought Control Vaccine Already Tested On Humans

“The Dept. of Defense plan is far more elaborate, however, using aerosolized dispersal with high-altitude aircraft or even dumping viral vaccines into the water supplies of large cities. Such an action would be considered an act of domestic terrorism if you or I did it, of course, but when the government proposes it, suddenly it’s okay.” – M Adams

Deployed Via Air, Food And Water

MikeAdams2According to the document you’re about to see, for the last eight years, government scientists have actively engineered viral vaccines designed to alter thoughts and beliefs by infecting the brain and suppressing genetic expression of neurological cells. Dispersal of these vaccines has been tested via high-altitude aerosolized sprays, highway vehicles, the water supply and even the food system.

As you’ll see in the document and video below, the vaccine was intended from the start to be deployed against civilian populations, and 600 strains of infectious viruses were tested on human subjects. One of the transmission vectors documented in the testing exploited an influenza strain to spread the mind-infecting virus as a pandemic.

The point of all this is to infect the minds of the population and transform people into what the government calls “normal.” From the government’s point of view, of course, “normal” means “obedient and mindless.”

This is all described in a video and a document that surfaced several years ago but which are only now beginning to connect the dots as the medical police state in America accelerates to insane levels of aggression against the population. See recent stories on medical kidnapping in Arkansas and CPS kidnapping of children in Arizona for starters.

Using aerosolized stealth vaccines as tools of behavioral control and mind alteration

This YouTube video, described as a “leaked Pentagon video,” features a Bill Gates-sounding scientist explaining in cold, calculating language how engineered vaccines can “eliminate behavior” that’s considered undesirable by the government.

Starting at the 3:00 mark, you can hear this scientist explaining how a vaccine can “turn a fanatic into a normal person.” A normal person, of course, means a person who is obedient to government authority.

Here’s a transcript of the presentation: Continue reading

Your Thoughts Are Tasty Gifts

Jafree Ozwald | Enlightened Messages
December 15 2011

jafree ozwaldTry this one on for size today. What if every thought you have is a sacred tasty gift from The Universe for you to chew on and eventually will show you the way home to yourself?

How would treat the next series of random thoughts that saunter your way?

Sometimes when we try to control our thoughts we end up being controled by them. I find it is easier to just acknowledge, accept and appreciate them as gentle
reminders that there is a potluck of succulent, savory, salty, bitter and sweet experiences to choose from in life. Perhaps your neverending job is to sit back and taste them all!

You can do it, just open your mind and take each one in with wonder and awe.