How to Be Unstoppably Happy

choiceJafree Ozwald – There are many people who have spent lifetimes striving to reach their dreams and goals which they believe will one day make them happy. Yet, most find themselves addicted to the pursuit of their vision, and the fantasy of what may come, instead of actually enjoying being happy in their lives today.

The truth is there are as many distractions inside us as there are on the outside of us, and they are ALL excuses that say it’s not possible to be happy right now. The secret we have discovered to becoming unstoppably happy is simply to see how happiness is not far away at all. It is always a choice readily available to you in each new moment. Continue reading

The Power Of Thought Molds Experienced Reality

consciousnessEric Janovsky – First of all we need to understand the power of the consciousness and how it molds our reality. This is the first lesson of understanding how we can change the present cycle we are living in.

Most people are beginning to realize the power of the mind and how easy it is to control situations and our environments and ultimately the outcome of life itself.

Scientists today are starting to learn that our consciousness creates matter. So in effect we create our own reality. We are all controlled much more than we think and if only we knew the rules of our consciousness and how we have come by the life we lead, we would be more in control of the world and it would be a happier place to live. We would have far more abundance, there would be no starvation, and no wars, religions would unite. We would understand that we are not alone and never have been. Continue reading

Choice In A Multidimensional World

Heaven Is Not Up Above the Clouds, It’s Everywhere

Choice In A Multidimensional WorldSteve Rother – Today I get to tell you about something new, but before I do I want to take you Home for just a moment. I sit here, the place that you call Home. You know, humans think that heaven is up above the clouds and it is a funny thing for us because heaven is really everywhere…it is all the places that you are not…all of them, together.

When you come to your Earth you are a little tiny baby, and you have to be carried, nurtured and held. Most of the time when you look up, you are looking into the loving eyes and beauty of your mother, father or the people taking care of you, so you automatically think that all beauty and nurturing comes from above. That is why you think heaven is up. Is that not interesting? So, I will bring you up here and you can sit on a cloud with me for a moment. I want to show you something, okay? Continue reading

How to Let Go Of Overwhelm and Deeply Relax!

How to Let Go Of Overwhelm and Deeply Relax!Jafree Ozwald & Margot Zaher – Have you become a bit over-stimulated and overwhelmed by the complicated fast-paced systems we are all operating within? As you may realize, we are living in very exciting times that can sometimes feel like a bit too much.

The world and its consciousness are changing faster than ever before and sometimes our minds have trouble navigating these changes. You have a choice. You don’t have to let chaotic feelings of overwhelm rule your existence. You can learn how to let go, relax, and remain receptive to what life has to offer you.

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The Most Enlightened Way To Deal With Armageddon

“You are the host, and thoughts are your guests. You are the master of the house, the house belongs to you. Receive your thoughts, take care of them, but don’t get identified with them; otherwise, they will become the masters.” – Osho

The Most Enlightened Way To Deal With ArmageddonJafree Ozwald – Sometimes life needs to fall apart so it can rebuild itself in a more enlightened and grounded way. Our jobs, relationships, homes, health and finances will at times require a complete reboot or to be rewired in a new light. When life starts shoving you into a completely brand new direction it’s best not to try to resist, control, or micromanage it.

The most enlightened way to handle life is the path of least resistance. Go with the flow of where the Universe wants to take you. Trust it. It knows what you need better than you do. Sure, it may be scary at first to relax, let go and trust the unknown, yet when you fully surrender to trusting it, you suddenly are overcome with inspiration, excitement as the divine creative energy comes flooding in! Continue reading