Soul Braid – Merging Into Self

Divine  Sovereignty

FingerOfGodAA Metatron via J Tyberonn – Greetings Beloved: I am Metatron, Lord of Light, and we welcome this gathering.

It is ‘Year Two’ of the newly Ascended Planet Earth. In this extraordinary phase of linear time on your planet there is a uniquely opportune juncture for self-review and chosen solitude.

Masters, solitude is the opens the richness, the bounty of truly knowing Higher Self. It is only lonely when the ego personality blocks the doorway, and in time solitude will prevail and purposely so. You will discover that a degree of loneliness totally disappears when you embrace the self that you are . Merging into Self occurs in solitude and in this state a sublime plurality of consciousness exists that allows the savant to understand that no soul is ever alone. The paradox is that this discovery occurs in seeming isolation.

Masters many of you, particularly those above the age of 49, the seventh 7 year cycle; find yourselves in a state of sovereign solitude.

Spouses have passed, children have left, relationships terminated and marriage contracts have ended and many of you find yourselves living alone. And although this path is at times quite lonely, quite difficult and may feel ‘unnatural’ for many of you, it is a seclusion of high purpose.

The solitude that often occurs in later years, is the connective chord that ties the beginning to the end.

You see in times of chosen solitude you are able to quiet the mental narration and open to Spirit …and in this process Angelic Gates open, and Spirit embraces you. The paradox is that in sacred solitude you truly are NOT alone. Masters, in detachment, however difficult, your separateness enables an un-entangled freedom for you to examine the self and your life expression in profound perlustration. And indeed that is truly requisite for all advanced souls. Places in the life stream for secluded contemplation are ever present on the Path of Mastery. It has always been so.

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Updating Your Soul’s Journey ~ What you came here to do has probably changed

Norma Gentile | Healing Chants
November 24 2011

First, A Note On Psychic Learning

For most people psychic gifts need to be relearned in each lifetime. The world is vibrationally distinct in each lifetime and so is your physical body. It is only natural that you would have to relearn how to be energetically in relationship to yourself and to the world. This is particularly true about how we relate to our soul’s journey and foreknowing future aspects of it.

Whatever your soul planned to do here before you incarnated on Earth has probably changed. Especially if you incarnated before 1972. Humanity changed. The planet changed. Whatever your soul decided to do here on Earth before you incarnated has probably changed.

During the past fifty or so hears there have been multiple shifts in our reality that our souls did not anticipate. Depending on when in our linear time line your soul decided upon this lifetime’s goals and challenges, you may be experiencing yourself as disconnected from your own life. Isolation is one symptom I commonly hear from clients, as well as the sensation of floating away from the physical life you are living. From my experience, this simply means that what your mind may think is your soul’s journey is no longer your soul’s journey.

Most of us have been told by someone at some point either what our soul’s journey is, or have figured it out for ourselves. For me, I feel that no one can fully understand or know the journey of anyone’s soul. Not even our own. But we can have senses about what we are drawn to do in this lifetime, and how we are to do it.

Because of the dramatic changes that have already taken place and the increasing pace of future changes, I find it useful to revisit the trajectory of the journey of one’s soul on a regular basis.

The soul’s journey is more apt, at this point in time, to be revealed first to your body, then to your heart, and finally to your brain. Once entered into, your new soul’s journey will continue to weave and shift throughout your lifetime. Learning how to monitor and adapt to changes in your soul’s journey is most useful.

As you explore your journey, it is your mind that is able to look backwards and tell you where you have been. It is the heart and body that can look into the present moment and tell you where you are. Together, the mind, heart and body can chart a potential path for your future. But this is usually the near future, as your external world continues to shift and change.

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