A Multidimensional Reunion

Beacons of Light  May 21 2014

SteveRotherGreetings, dear ones. It is such a joy to be with you, to see you in a new way for all of you have stepped into a new energy. Every…single…person on planet Earth has moved to the new level. We are so proud to watch you because we are all part of you. You think of us as separate, you think of us as higher, as different, as better in many ways.  Dear ones, when you come Home, you will realize who you are. You will re-member the nature of why you came to Earth in the first place. Please understand that you chose to wear this veil; you wanted to play this game of hide and seek. You are god hiding from himself, searching for herself. And you have been very successful at it. So please understand that there is no wrong here. You have set things into motion in the most beautiful ways and now you will start to reap these benefits.

Letting Your Channel Come Through – The Keeper’s Story

We wish to bring this to your attention today because there are so many new pieces that are now available to humans. We tell you that many of these pieces were hidden in your past; many showed up in your science fiction and in movies of creative writers who thought that they were making something up when in fact, they were channeling the future. They were channeling energy that we were sending to many of them, for that is the nature of what the Keeper calls channeling. He focuses in such a way that he channels the group. He can bring us as a collective vibration from Home, which is very magical. Now, each of you has a similar ability. You may not all express it in the same way, you may not all be able to tap into it or to be as confident in it as the Keeper has learned to finally be. We use the word finally here because it took some time for us to work with him. You should have seen the first channel. That was fun for us.  Continue reading

Rhythm Resonance

Beacons Of Light  December 16 2013

Greetings, Dear Ones, I am Elrah of Rhythmic Service.

You Are in the Right Place

I am not going to give you the whole lesson today and in a moment I am going to turn it over to my brother, eM. First I want to tell you about this because he is actually going to be talking about a subject which is my responsibility and my area of expertise. I know that you are all waiting to talk to him, so I have no problem with letting him come forward and bring the message in today. We are telling you this for a lot of different reasons because all of you out there have your little egos, your sense of self, and your own personal message. But I will tell you when you see it reflected in the world around you and you see other people saying what you were thinking; now you know you are in the right place because that is what happens at Home. You see, it does not make any difference whether I give you the message or the Time Keeper comes and give you a beautiful, elegant message, or whether eM comes in and gets you laughing a little bit. We do not care because it is still the same message. It is your heart, not ours. It is not about us anyway, it is about you. So I hope you enjoy this beautiful part but I cannot go anywhere until I give you one of my smiles…there we go. Got ya! Every single time—I get you every time, do I not? Good. All right.

Polarity Shifting into Harmony

I am going to bring him in here in just a moment, but I want to tell you a little bit about it first because it is kind of interesting. You see, you have all of your perceptions of each other on the planet and all of you look at each other and say, “You are different than me.  You are taller, you are shorter, you are prettier, you are uglier or whatever it is that you define each other with and how you see yourselves as separate from each other.  It has gone so far as to polarize your countries. You are so polarized now that when one person says this, another person is going to have to say that and in truth, you are going to have a hard time getting anything done because you are just balancing things back and forth and going crazy with it all. We tell you, dear ones, that in a very short time you will have smooth energy and opportunities to come together like we do here at Home.

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The Expanding Heart

You Have Landed!

Greetings from Home, dear ones. I am Elrah of Rhythmic Service. You can choose to be on top of the world, if you want to be. You can decide how you want to view life because that new vision is important. I am going to step back here for a moment to bring in my brother the Time Keeper, but I came in first to bring you one of my smiles. There it goes—see, I got you, did I not? You were not going to smile back but I got you anyway. You know I can do that and you can too and it is part of what you are going to be hearing more about. As you start to carry this light, there are so many ways you can use it. You are just starting to find out about the new energies on this side of the portal, and you are going to anchor this in a new way. I am going to step aside and let my brother come in because he has some key words he wants to bring you. Know that I love you and any time you get too serious I am the one sneaking up behind you and tickling your funny bone, to remind you that you are playing a game. You are supposed to be having fun and if you are not having fun, I am going to come and get you so just re-member that.

Greetings from Home. I am the Keeper of Time Today is a very magical day. You have now passed an energetic demarcation point that will allow most humans to begin to anchor in the new energy on this side of the portal. It has been very challenging for most of you. You have felt the differences in time; you have moved from compressed time into expanded time, and simply not been able to bring it into your heads at this point. You notice that it feels different, but you are not able to fully describe the changes or the differences that are taking place globally with all humans everywhere. Now you can start to change this.

Projection of a Shadow World

There was the first quadrant that had to complete. We could not even talk to you about it until the 31st of March. After the third month, we could begin to identify it because you have to settle this in. If we come in with information too early, we can impede your progress instead of helping it along. Therefore, the release of information and the timing of it is of great importance to all humans at this point. This is my job, for I am the Keeper of Time. I am the one who lowers his finger when humanity is ready to accept new information. We tell you, dear ones, you have passed a critical point. It had to do with the length of time past the portal and now you are into your second quadrant. This is now allowing you to anchor your hearts, whereas before your energy was anchored with your physical body. You were searching in the shadow world that you had projected, because you knew the energy was going to be different. You realized it was all going to change the moment you stepped forward so you projected into it your expectations, belief systems, and daily routines so that everything would appear to be the same. Most reading this message are now at a very high vibration and are starting to see through the clouds. You are seeing through the illusion and the emptiness of the illusion and becoming very dissatisfied. This is very challenging for most of you to do this because you are starting to see the reality, not the dream. It has been very difficult for you so you have been searching and looking all over for the different parts in your brain to find the right perspective. Most of you have tried on all sorts of new caps, ideas and perspectives during this time. That has been marvelous but now we are going to anchor your heart, because that is the part that has not found its grounding. We tell you, dear ones, that why many of you have felt so distant and challenged at times.

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A Lesson In Time #2

Beacons Of Light | December 30 2012

EarthYou did not think I was coming in but I am Elrah and I am here. I am Elrah of Rhythmic Service. I cannot sit down, I have to stand up. Okay. I will even fix the jacket for the Keeper because he likes his jacket. Does he not look good in a jacket? Does it look good? Welcome everybody. We mess with you camera guys. You were not expecting this, were you? Well, I play the human really well and I come around and do all kinds of fun things. I am here to talk to you before the Time Keeper comes in because he is my brother, you know, and we talk all the time. We have no problems between us, because we have no egos. I am trying to pretend I have an ego and I am doing a pretty good job so far, but it is just a pretend game because I do not care if I am talking through him or if we are talking through me. It does not make any difference because we are all part of each other, kind of the same way that you are. You are starting to see that more and more, but in the days ahead you are going to see quite a bit of difference. I am going to tell you a little bit about what is taking place right now.

You have a vortex that is forming and it is becoming very interesting. Did you ever look at the toilet when you flush it and you see the water swirl going down? That is a vortex. Yep. You do not have them everywhere just here in the United States. In Europe, they do not do the same thing. Anyway, if you look at a vortex it is only half of the picture because that is all that is visible. There is always an energetic duplicate to the vortex, so even though you are only seeing half of it there is a whole piece of it you do not see. You have just entered a time vortex which the Time Keeper is going to explain to you. However, I want to share the concept with you first because you have already stepped into it. Boy, when we say you have stepped into it, you really stepped into it this time. Here is what is taking place. You are entering a new world. Oh, we got you on that one, did we not? You were not expecting that but you have been planning on it for so long – even the Mayans knew it was coming. You stepped into the middle of this, yet that transition from here to over there is a big step and very scary for a lot of humans. So, we started a human wave for you to move and open up the vortex. Now what is happening is that the vortex is becoming complete. You have one side of it that attracts the energetics from the other side, then when all that starts moving it turns into a portal. You ask, “A portal to what?” Well, a portal to the new world that you are talking about, the wonderful place that you call Home. I call it Home with a capital H because that is where I am from, and that is where you are all from as well. You have been dancing throughout the universe in many different ways and here you are landing on Earth just in time to watch yourself go through this portal.

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