A Stream from the Higher Worlds

soundThe Hathors – In our last planetary message called the Aetherium, we shared a sound meditation to help you transit through intensifying levels of world chaos by decreasing stress and by increasing coherency in your body and mind.

In this message we are giving you another sound meditation called “A Stream from the Higher Worlds.” The purpose of this sonic ally is to assist you to purify deeply held psycho-spiritual as well as emotional negativity and toxicity. Continue reading

How To Hone Your Bliss Instinct

“Purifying the body and losing its density is directly related to being an effective human being on Planet Blue.” – Indra

FollowBlissManAngelPonder this thought for a moment: Planet earth is a video game. Consider that we are all are here to “win” the game of life, or rather get to mastery skill levels, and to slay the proverbial dragons we encounter with our incredible agility, mental acuity, and wit. All along the journey there are traps to lead us astray, as well as important clues, signs, and road maps. We are provided only one tool to distinguish between the traps and the clues, to determine which is leading us to victory and true survival, and which to our demise.

Perhaps you’d agree that it would be no fun if this tool were easy to use. Otherwise if too simple, we would find a need to program into the game varying levels of complexity. In order to accomplish this, we adopt a multi-layered feeling-based tool known as intuition, or radar, or our gut feeling. The basic premise is that when you feel certain things, it’s a “green light”, and when you feel others, it’s a “red light”.

Following your bliss

When Joseph Campbell said “follow your bliss”, I doubt he realized his simplistic suggestion actually decoded a highly sophisticated tool. Indeed, following your intuition — your Bliss Instinct — is a science. I call it the language of the soul. Those of us who have worked on honing it have come know a higher rate of being “right” about things, people, circumstances, and situations. I call it a “right rate”. Continue reading