“Sentence First, Verdict Afterwards”: The Alice In Wonderland World Of Fast-tracked Secret Trade Agreements

`Let the jury consider their verdict,’ the King said, for about the twentieth time that day.
`No, no!’ said the Queen. `Sentence first–verdict afterwards.’
`Stuff and nonsense!’ said Alice loudly. `The idea of having the sentence first!’
`Hold your tongue!’ said the Queen, turning purple.
`I won’t!’ said Alice.
`Off with her head!’ the Queen shouted at the top of her voice. —
Lewis Carroll, “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland”

tradeEllen Brown – Fast-track authority is being sought in the Senate this week for the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), along with the Trade in Services Agreement (TiSA) and any other such trade agreements coming down the pike in the next six years. The terms of the TPP and the TiSA are so secret that drafts of the negotiations are to remain classified for four years or five years, respectively, after the deals have been passed into law. How can laws be enforced against people and governments who are not allowed to know what was negotiated?

The TPP, TiSA and Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (or TTIP, which covers Europe) will collectively encompass three-fourths of the world’s GDP; and they ultimately seek to encompass nearly 90 percent of GDP. Despite this enormous global impact, fast-track authority would allow the President to sign the deals before their terms have been made public, and send implementing legislation to Congress that cannot be amended or filibustered and is not subject to the constitutional requirement of a two-thirds treaty vote.

While the deals are being negotiated, lawmakers can see their terms only under the strictest secrecy, and they can be subjected to criminal prosecution for revealing those terms. What we know of them comes only through WikiLeaks. The agreements are being treated as if they were a matter of grave national security, yet they are not about troop movements or military strategy. Something else is obviously going on.

The bizarre, unconstitutional, blatantly illegal nature of this enforced secrecy was highlighted in a May 15th article by Jon Rappoport, titled “What Law Says the Text of the TPP Must Remain Secret?” He wrote:

It seems like a case of mass hypnosis. . . . Continue reading

Trade Treaties, Mega-Corporations, And Worldwide Socialism

“The ever-emerging popular image of socialism: a humane government colossus controls the means of production for the benefit of the people; and share-the-wealth at all levels of society comes alive. This is political theory for children in a condition of arrested development—for example, college students and Hollywood actors who long for lunch at the White House.” (The Underground, Jon Rappoport)

government Jon Rappoport – I use the loaded word “socialism” in the headline, because it’s important to understand that Globalism is a form of socialism.

That may not sit well with some people, because they believe in the socialism team and they think that team is against Globalism. Nothing could be further from the truth. It’s about time they woke up.

Globalism was born out of the triumphs of cutthroat capitalists like Rockefeller, and out of the triumphs of international bankers like Rothschild and Warburg. These men made a decision quite natural for them: “By hook and by crook I’ve acquired my fortune; now I want a monopoly; I want to cut out the competition; I want empire; therefore, I have to control governments; I want to make governments more powerful, so by controlling them I control society.”

What better way to make governments more powerful than by forming a long-term (criminal) collaboration with mega-corporations, including major banks?

Governments plus giant corporations. Does that equal socialism?

You can quibble and say the corporations are really in charge and therefore this arrangement isn’t socialism. Call it oligarchy. Call it runaway capitalism or the corporate state.

The collaboration among governments, mega-corporations, and bankers is the triangle. It’s the engine of control. It grossly limits freedom. It claims, through propaganda, that its “government wing” is for the people. That’s utter nonsense, of course.

Today’s socialists believe government is the answer to the control of society by big money and big greed. That’s a delusion. The governments are on the side of big money.

Socialists also like to say that governments are weak sisters in the pocket of the corporations, and therefore the governments must become stronger. Another dangerous fantasy.

The last time I looked at America, for example, the government had an extensive military, a dizzying number of spying agencies, and a gigantic Justice Department that could make arrests and put criminals on trial. If that’s weak, what’s strong?

Who are the major money men of Wall Street the US government has thrown in prison? Who are the mega-corporate thugs the government has sent away for life terms?

The government is firmly in bed with the corporations. Committed. Purposefully. Continue reading

Globalized Healthcare is Coming

Welcome to New World Next Week — the video series from Corbett Report and Media Monarchy that covers some of the most important developments in open source intelligence news.


This week

Story #1: Globalized Healthcare Is Coming
Flashback: TISA, Yet Another Secret “Trade” Threat (Oct 2014)
YouTube Search: “TiSA Trade In Services”
Wikileaks: Secret Trade in Services Agreement TISA – Financial Services Annex
“Why Come You Don’t Have A Tattoo?”

More content here

SF Source corbettreport  Feb 6 2015