Final Stages of Rebirth

rebirthKate Spreckley – With the opening of the 12:12 portal a greater influx of light is flooding the planet and accelerating our process of rebirth. This energy is powerfully activating and awakening our light body and will bring us into greater balance and alignment. As a result, over the coming weeks we will experience a dramatic upgrade that will support the reunification of our physical form and our soul. Continue reading

A Vision of the New Earth, a Celebration and Invocation for 11-11-15

This is intended to be a vision for the 11-11-2015. I am going to discuss the vision I had regarding how the old paradigm can transition into a new paradigm easily, safely, joyfully. The vision I had is that all the organizations in which people live and work — all the ones that they have come to depend upon, that they would be confused and bereft if they were to suddenly disappear.

All the organizations can transform into their higher dimensional versions. And that transformation is initiated by a vibrational shift among the populace that gets them to the level which they can understand the transition and integrate it very easily into their hearts and minds and in their physical existence.

Let’s take these organizations one by one just as samples.

We see corporations turning into cooperatives being owned and operated by the people who are the employees. And therefore they have a vested interest in these organizations. Going to work is fun and inspiring; everyone works in the position that they are most challenged and inspired by and that they feel the best at. And they can easily move from position to position, according to what they desire at the time.

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Heart Consciousness As Soul Awareness

soulPeter Borys, Jr. – When we awaken to heart consciousness and move beyond the fear-based consciousness, we become aware of our being and essence as soul and not personality.

The personality as ego developed from the conditioning of intergenerational transmission of beliefs and emotions, and a narrow range of conditioning from life experience in a wounded fear-based material world.  This frequency band of limitation places human consciousness only within a limited range of the physical sensory and thinking mind.  It is a constricted view of matter and physics.  True matter and physicality has unlimited capabilities with infinite frequencies of the Divine.  The fullness of the human physical sensory range emanates from non-local dimensions of the intuitive knowing mind within the heart from the spirit.

Each human is a unique incarnated soul as an aspect of the infinite and eternal Divinity that is love and creativity.  The Divine blueprint that is the signature element of each soul is a knowing self-recognition and a recognition by other souls in resonance.  Sri Aurobindo understands our soul essence as the “psychic being.”  He then sees humanity transforming through successive layers of mind to an ultimate supramental consciousness.  Here, we emanate at the true Divine soul essence directly within, as, and through the physical body on Earth.

From within our heart consciousness in the spirit, we know our being as soul awareness.  The harmony of love, freedom, creativity, and unity only flows from the Divine soul.  Anything less restricts awareness in fear, conflict, control, and separation.  In a fear-based consciousness, the thinking mind needs to categorize everything by aspects of personality, life experiences, and life situation.  The number of permutations of each human personality is virtually limitless.

Therefore, when viewed from the ego personality, self-recognition and the recognition of other souls is impossible.  The lower mind level can never fully recognize the Divine essence of being that is the other.

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Oracle Report ~ Friday, August 7, 2015

“Colorado mountains” – photo by Marie

Third Quarter Moon in Taurus: revise, complete

Goddess of Wisdom: Dhumavati (Goddess Who Closes and Completes)

God of Will/Desire: Kathe (God of The South, God of the Field of Experience)

Skill: remain aligned with the value and respect for life

Catalysts for Change: harsh judgment of self or others, frustrated by the ignorance or lack of understanding of others, seeing only one’s own point of view and disregarding others’, idealizing the past, old battles in the mind, bossy, exploiting a situation for personal gain at the expense of others, reacting in an old way, self-punishment, inability to accept good

True Alignments: revelations, resolution of contracts/agreements/promises, caring for others, things becoming unstuck, recovery, renewal, insecurities being improved and fears resolved, standing up for others, taking personal responsibility, bringing air to situations, organizing, improvement of systems and practices

Sabian Symbol for the Lunar Month: “a woman and two men castaways on a small island in the South Seas”

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: “the music of the spheres”

The Third Quarter Moon phase is the time of the lunar month when we look back to the New Moon phase, see how the energy has manifested, and make any revisions or adjustments that need to be made to complete or advance things.

The New Moon phase of this lunar cycle was July 15-19. Think back to what was transpiring in your life then. The energetics of “a woman and two men castaways on a small island in the South Seas” began to unfold then. In the outer world, this manifested in complex relationship dynamics and interactions. In the inner world, our feelings and intentions tried to find unity and peace. Continue reading