Eclipse Energy Update – the Evolutionary Perspective

selfAilia Mira – Big inner shifts are possible right now.We may be more aware of the old stuff coming up, but that is what it is showing up for. Even as a Walk-in (only having been here since 2013) I’m having lots of stuff from the past which is stored in my body, the somatic memories, surfacing in both dreams and waking states. Along with big waves at times of fear.

Realize that there is an opportunity right now to (RE)CLAIM our true Self, and with that, align to all that we are, in consciousness. This shift is resonant with consciousness that is beyond polarity or separation and this shift — beyond separation, into Oneness, is the shift we’re in collectively as a species. Continue reading

If Spiritual Awakening Had a Disclaimer….This Might Be It!

awakeningNanice Ellis – Although the concept of awakening has been used to describe a myriad of experiences, the true meaning of awakening is moving from unconscious to conscious, and this means that the more conscious you become, the more you awaken. 

No doubt, if you are reading this now, you’re probably somewhere on the path of spiritual awakening. So, let’s get straight to the point….

When most people think of awakening, they tend to think of experiences that encompass love, joy and peace, and for the more idealistic, mystical images of unicorns and rainbows might even come to mind. Unfortunately, this concept of awakening is very deceptive, and in fact, if you do experience any unicorns during the awakening process, they’re probably dragging you through the mud by your toenails.

The truth is that no matter what you read or anyone tells you, the process of awakening can be downright brutal! In fact, if there was a disclaimer at the beginning of the path, most of us would think twice before starting the journey.

Having said that, if awakening did have a disclaimer, this is what it might say: Continue reading

Repressing The Real You Makes You Sick (For Real)

lifeLissa Rankin, MD – I write a lot about authenticity, being unapologetically YOU, and letting your freak flag fly. In my TEDx talk (see below), I spoke about the importance of tapping into your Inner Pilot Light and living in alignment with what’s true for you as a means of both preventative medicine and medical treatment. And in my book Mind Over Medicine: Scientific Proof You Can Heal Yourself, I make the assertion that caring for your body is the least important part of your health and that expressing your true self in all aspects of your life is the most important part.

But you might not believe me. How can authenticity and disease be linked?

As research for my next book, I’m reading the book Consciousness & Healing. In a chapter co-written by the phenomenal Candace Pert, a study was referenced that blew me away.

Authenticity & Disease Progression

Steve Cole and his colleagues at UCLA investigated HIV-positive gay men to determine whether how “out” vs. “closeted” they were with their homosexuality affected disease progression. Study participants were asked to rate themselves as “definitely in the closet,” “in the closet most the time,” “half in and half out,” “out most of the time,” or “completely out of the closet.” Researchers then followed the course of their disease.

What did they find?

Hiding Who You Are – Whether From Yourself or Others – Makes You Sick

Continue reading

Oracle Report ~ Tuesday, November 24, 2015

trueGibbous Moon in Taurus: trust, magic

Goddess of Wisdom: Kamala- Goddess of Transformation

God of Will/Desire: Elias- God of the West, God of Transformation

Skill: break free from limits and restrictions in order to bring harmony

True Alignments: finding hope, taking a chance, building Second Renaissance, connection with All That Is, breaking free and moving past, following intuition, self confidence, symmetry and order

Catalysts for Change: trouble expressing truth or true feelings, loneliness, fake unions, bossing people around, power and control dynamics in relationships, underestimating people with whom we may be competing, entitlement issues, bitterness, trust issues, deception

Sabian Symbol for the Lunar Month: “a woman drawing aside two dark curtains that closed the entrance to a sacred pathway”

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: “the music of the spheres”

Sometimes the stars and the Sun and the Moon align in a way that can only be described as magical. Magic happens today with a special combination to blaze open this month’s “sacred pathways.”

The timing is perfect, as always, since we are in the Gibbous phase of the Moon — the time of the lunar month that is most magical (meaning the power of the mind, intention, and mindset, among other things is higher).

Today’s magic comes courtesy of Mars, Mercury, and Saturn. But it really isn’t the planets doing this. It’s the energetic they are activating based on where they are in the starry sky. They “play” the particular frequency of the all-pervading “music” of Spirit. The planets are instruments and the sheet music is the code of the Sabian symbols. Continue reading