8/8 Entering the Lions Gate – Healing of Humanity and the Earth

8/8 Entering the Lions Gate,James Gilliland – It seems the Universe is roaring, time to end the denial, heal and release the past, clean up the mis- and disinformation and move forward in the upward spiral of ascension.

We no longer have the luxury of denial. We all have images of ourselves yet do they correspond with right action? Have they corresponded with right action in the past? Have we been in service to self or service to others? Our vision of who we truly are versus who we believe we are is going to be shattered. Continue reading

“Transmedium” Sphere (UFO) Disappears Into The Ocean

objectArjun Walia – Footage filmed (video below) in the CIC  (Combat Information Center) of the USS Omaha on July 15th 2019 off the coast of San Diego depicting an unidentified flying object (UFO) has made its way into the pubic domain. It’s one of several incidents when U.S. warships were what seems to be continuously observed by multiple objects of unknown origin.

One video and multiple images have been released of these particular incidents, and the Pentagon confirmed these leaks that are apparently being investigated by the Department of Defense’s Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Task Force (UAPTF).

The Pentagon has also confirmed this particular video to be authentic as well. Continue reading

Why Fantasy-Based Claims Always Crash & Burn: The Big Picture About UFOs & Extraterrestrials

evidenceArjun Walia – There are many great quotes about UFOs and extraterrestrials. One of the most revealing quotes comes from the very first director of the CIA, Roscoe H. Hillenkoetter, who informed people that although UFOs are very real and the Air Force is very concerned with them, there has been an “official campaign of secrecy and ridicule.” (source)

In my opinion, this campaign has permeated the field of UFO research to this day, and it thrives by disseminating information that can’t really be verified or corroborated in any way, and really does nothing but harm when it comes to the credibility and understanding of the topic. There are some ridiculous claims out there, including those made by “whistleblowers” who have no proof to verify who they claim to be.

Meanwhile, in regards to legitimate evidence and credibility, there is a plethora of information one can use in order to see that the topic of UFOs and the potential for extraterrestrial intelligence is a very real and serious issue. Continue reading

Ex-NASA Scientist Says That UFOs Are Real And The Government Covers Up Alien Life

Steven Lerner – Although there is no concrete scientific evidence of aliens, a physics professor and ex-NASA scientist believes that the truth is out there and scientists should study it.


Why Should We Scientifically Study UFOs?

On June 28, a former NASA scientist published an article calling for the scientific community to thoroughly examine evidence of UFOs on Earth. The article was published just a few days before July 2, which is World UFO Day.

Kevin Knuth, a physics professor at the State University of New York at Albany, describes two personal stories about the speculation of extraterrestrials. The first came at a 2002 NASA conference.

“You have absolutely no idea what is out there!” a participant said. Continue reading