The Origins Of Our Police State

TruthDig  September 16 2013

ELIZABETH, N.J.—JaQuan LaPierre, 22, was riding a bicycle down a sidewalk Sept. 5 when he noticed a squad car pulling up beside him. It was 8:30 on a hot Thursday night at the intersection of Bond Street and Jackson Avenue here in Elizabeth, N.J. LaPierre had 10 glass vials of crack cocaine—probably what the cops were hoping to find—and he hastily swallowed them. He halted and faced the two officers who emerged from the cruiser.

“We are tired of you niggers,” he remembers one of the officers saying. “We’re tired of all this shooting and robberies and violence. And we are going to make you an example.”

He was thrown spread-eagle onto the patrol car.

“What I bein’ arrested for?” LaPierre asked.

A small crowd gathered.

“Why you harassin’ him?” someone asked the cops. “He ain’t resisting. Why you doin’ this?”

One of the officers went though LaPierre’s pockets and took his keys and $246 in cash. LaPierre kept asking why he was being arrested. He was pepper-sprayed in the face. One officer threw him onto the street, and, while he was handcuffed, the two cops kicked and beat him.

“What you beatin’ my nephew for?” his uncle, Antoine, said to the cops.

“It was so hot on my face,” LaPierre said of the pepper spray when we met a few days ago. “I was gasping for air.”

More police arrived. They pushed back onlookers, including the uncle. LaPierre was gagging and choking. He was dragged across the asphalt. By the time the beating was over, blood was coming out of his mouth. He was unconscious. The assault was caught on a camera, even though when the police saw they were being recorded they pointed a flashlight beam into the lens.

The only visible crimes LaPierre had committed was riding a bicycle on a sidewalk and failing to wear a safety helmet.

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Fighting – Easier To Win When You Choose The Time And Place

The Jeenyus Corner | January 17 2013

Part Five in a series – “Solutions from the Opposite Consciousness”

Barack ObamaThe time has long since passed to treat the US federal government for what it is: an illegitimate criminal cartel. Yes I know that reads like some outrageous hyperbole, but if you will not accept this reality, then read no further, you’ll get nothing useful.

For the rest…

We’re being backed into a corner for a fight that Americans have been trying to ignore.

This is our last opportunity to prevent the violence and I implore all Americans who read this to think carefully. Do some research and look outside of the control grid of corporate media. The criminals who run this government are arming and preparing for a civil war that they themselves are instigating. This is not about political differences or sour grapes over an election loss; BOTH parties are complicit in these crimes.

You will not find any of the following easily verified items of fact in the corporate controlled media. That most people cannot connect the dots is a part and parcel of the deception but it doesn’t mean these facts don’t exist or are unimportant.

No longer recognizing any limitations on its powers, the US federal government has assumed the unlawful authority to murder or imprison American citizens without trial. This is happening right now as you read this.

These thugs have armed their employees for war against the American people, spending over $2.6 billion on militarizing local police departments. Including weapons with no legitimate law enforcement use such as tanks, mortars, full auto machine guns, explosives and missiles – all for use against civilian populations here in the US. Federal agencies with no law enforcement function have purchased BILLIONS of rounds of anti-personnel ammunition. Not training bullets, ANTI-PERSONNEL ammunition.

This government freely admits to illegally using psychological warfare against its own citizens. It admits to manipulating social media and planting stories in the corporate controlled media to affect public opinion. Its a matter of public record that it has staged false events to move public opinion.

That your life may carry on comfortably while not noticing, or that this doesn’t yet affect you directly is irrelevant. It is real and many Americans are beginning to recognize it.

The millions of firearms being purchased in record numbers over the last four plus years is only one indicator. Congress has consistently held approval ratings in the single digits and the current administration was elected by a minority of the eligible voters. Mostly ignored by the controlled press was President Obama’s “winning” of 61,140,297 ballots from among 207,643,594 eligible voters, clearly indicating that almost ¾ of the citizenry refused to grant legitimacy to this government.

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Sartre ~ Gun Confiscation – Last Refuge of the Tyrant

BATR | January 13 2013

Few polarizing subjects are more hotly debated than gun control. Usually lost in the fray of emotional diatribes to ban guns, are the historic empirical foundations of our forefathers who fought a revolution to escape from imperial tyranny. The true reality in today’s AmeriKa is that individual liberty is the most despised activity that any citizen can exert in their lives. Both the popular state worship culture and the authoritarian hoodlums that run the government are so fearful of armed independent citizens, that they are eager to burn the Bill of Rights. Face it, the government is committed to force you to be a ward of the state and will kill you if you resist.

Because of government school propaganda, those indoctrinated during the last several decades are woefully lacking in the knowledge of their own heritage. Phyllis Schlafly writes in, The Founding Fathers On Right To Bear Arms, and reminds of the essence in the Second Amendment.

James Madison: Americans have “the advantage of being armed” — unlike the citizens of other countries where “the governments are afraid to trust the people with arms.”

Patrick Henry: “The great objective is that every man be armed. . . . Everyone who is able may have a gun.”

George Mason: “To disarm the people [is] the best and most effectual way to enslave them.”

Samuel Adams: “The Constitution shall never be construed . . . to prevent the people of the United States who are peaceable citizens from keeping their own arms.”

Alexander Hamilton: “The best we can hope for concerning the people at large is that they be properly armed.”

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Ready? Let’s Pretend Collectivism Doesn’t Exist

Jon Rappoport’s Blog | January 4 2013

Let’s all get together and pretend Collectivism doesn’t exist, it’s an outmoded idea, and only the USSR ever took it seriously.

Actually, denying the reality of Collectivism is already a powerful collectivist movement in America. It has been for some time.

There is a good reason for this. The word collectivism has hideous connotations. It suggests that political power, at the top of the food chain, intends to hold down people who can make a living on their own.

It suggests that these entrepreneurs, especially if they can garner significant profits from their efforts, are evil and selfish. They are intentionally screwing over “the less fortunate.”

It’s all right for a majority of Congress and even the president to believe these hideous things, along with the three or four quadrillion people who hold down civil service government jobs, but they can’t say it.

Well, with Obama, we have to amend that. Our leaders can say these things now. They can say that everybody has to feed from a common trough. They can say that any neighborhood in America where most of the residents have savings accounts is a criminal enterprise, and should face RICO prosecution, unless it “alters its unbalanced population demographic.”

They can say that unless everyone is free and happy and taken care of, no one should be free. (Except actors and politicians.)

So they’re letting the cat out of the bag, and that’s why we need more of us to step up to the plate and declare that Collectivism in America doesn’t exist. To provide cover for our leaders.

We all want to help this massive denial persist, don’t we?

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Sartre ~ Totalitarian Collectivism

BATR | December 17 2012

“The great strength or our Order lies in its concealment; let it never appear in any place in its own name, but always concealed by another name, and another occupations.” ~Adam weishaupt/Founder of the Illuminati

Shadow Forces Behind Government

Let no man or woman dare speak of a shadow government. The crony corruptocrats that make up the ruling elites of the world must maintain the illusion, that elected governments are based upon willful consent and have the legitimate authority to establish rules of conduct that their citizen are obligated to obey. For those regimes that maintain their grip of power by undemocratic means, the apologists for the international community give a wide berth of acceptance in order to maintain the appearance of individual national sovereignty.

In the essay, There Is No Conspiracy – Only Official Policy provides a study in power politics when a banana republic dares defy the moneychangers.

“The lesson for world leaders is you don’t cross the masters of power. But for Americans it is that a world run by the IMF never benefits us, the people. The enactment of the FTAA is just one more element in the grand scheme of global rule. There is no need to dapple in extraordinary theories; it is all in the open for everyone to see. The policy is clear – the nations of the world are mere colonies to the interests of the ruling elites. Citizens of countries and their elected leaders are mere subjects of the international community. Not exactly the revered Republic that we all owe allegiance, is it?”

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