The Biolabs: Disturbing Allegations

bioweapon labs in UkraineJoseph P Farrell – Last week I talked about the emergence of the biolabs in conjunction with the war in the Ukraine. One individual was so incensed that I dared give some credence to the Russian side of things as well as the Ukrainian,  he basically berated me publicly (after having privately demanded that I answer him privately and explain myself for my offenses).

During his public berating, as I recall, I was informed that the biolabs were explained simply as leftover Soviet labs, or something. The story itself, however, was released by Russian Lt. General Igor Kirilov, and is now being denied of course by the Ukraine and the USA: Continue reading

News And Views From The Nefarium August 17 2017

Joseph P Farrell – Germany backs China’s and Russia’s “double freeze” plan:

Germany ‘sides with China and Russia’, supports China peace plan

In telephone conversation with Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi German Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel reportedly backs China’s proposal for a ‘double freeze’ of North Korean ballistic missile and nuclear weapons tests in return for a cessation of US military exercises in South Korea. Continue reading

Putin Slams ‘Dangerous Soros’ For Driving America Towards Civil War

SorosBaxter Dmitry – Vladimir Putin has warned the United States that George Soros is driving the country towards civil war, using divisive politics, violence and media propaganda to further his goals.

Speaking at a cabinet meeting in the Kremlin, President Putin told senior advisers that George Soros is using his vast network of agitators to target America’s most sensitive points and cause turmoil.

“Make no mistake, his endgame is revolution through civil war. In America he is using exactly the same tactics he uses everywhere. “

“George Soros is a well-known pyromaniac with matches in his back pocket pouring petrol onto a bonfire.” Continue reading

By The Way, It’s Not Just Germany That’s Upset …

japanJoseph P Farrell –  Sometimes I feel like I’m living in some sort of geopolitical time warp, or a teacup carnival ride, based not on whirling teacups, but whirling countries, all spinning around on an out of control machine called Brzezinski’s Folly. Brzezinski’s folly is a machine that runs on the assumption that, America being the “sole remaining superpower”, it can and should attempt to run the rest of the world, no matter what the cost…

…even if the cost means pushing powerful allies like Germany and Japan away.

Case in point: yesterday, you’ll recall, I blogged about my long-held, seldom-voiced suspicion that some sort of covert warfare has been going on between the USA and Germany for quite some time. I finally have been talking more openly about that suspicion, since it seems to be being confirmed by various German and European leaders, not the least of whom is Chancellorin Merkel herself.

But in sifting through this week’s emails, the other shoe dropped, in this article shared by Mr. J.C.; and as you read this, when was the last time you saw the Chinese Premier shaking hands with the Japanese Premier, and both men were smiling?

Even Japan Is Now Considering Joining China’s One Belt, One Road

I cannot get out of my head what a monumental symbol this picture is, notwithstanding the contents of the article itself. We cannot approximate the earthquake it signals, especially in the Orient. There is bad blood between China and Japan… the Rape of Nanking, the Japanese invasion and occupation of Manchuria and the establishment of a Japanese puppet state there under the de facto control of Field Marshal Terauchi. Then the plundering under Operation Golden Lilly. Nor was it all one-sided: the Chinese entry into the Korean war – Korea being a former Japanese colony – Mao’s bluster and threats…

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The government’s real war on natural health

Jon Rappoport – In 1994, after a lifelong aversion to politics, I ran for a seat in the US Congress out of the 29th District in Los Angeles. My platform was Health Freedom.

At the time, the FDA was raiding offices of natural practitioners, and threatening to cut off citizens’ access to a full range of nutritional supplements.

I watched a trial, if you can call it that, in downtown Los Angeles, in which the federal government was prosecuting a young man for selling, and making health claims about, a substance that occurs naturally in the body.

The defendant told the Judge he was prepared to present extensive evidence that the substance was safe and effective. The Judge refused, saying the only issue was: did the defendant violate an FDA rule? If so, he was guilty. At that point, the trial was over, and indeed, the Judge soon pronounced a verdict and the young man was led away to serve a prison sentence in a federal lockup.

At that moment, I began to construct my case against the State, and consider what Health Freedom was all about.

Let’s start here. The FDA, the CDC, and several other federal agencies have blood on their hands. This blood doesn’t wash away. On July 26, 2000, Dr. Barbara Starfield, a revered public health expert at the Johns Hopkins School of Public Health, published a review in the Journal of the American Medical Association: “Is US Health Really the Best in the World?”

Starfield concluded that that US medical system kills 225,000 Americans a year. That would extrapolate to 2.25 MILLION deaths per decade. I subsequently interviewed Starfield (2009), and she told me the US government has never made a significant effort to end this ongoing holocaust.

So, when the government talks about FDA rules governing safety and efficacy of treatments, they should be referring to their own crimes, since, for example, FDA-approved medicines are responsible for roughly half the 2.25 million deaths per decade.

On the other hand, natural health treatments kill virtually no one.

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