The Health Benefits Of Peaches: Weight Loss, Heart Health, And More

peachOnTreeElizabeth Renter – Characterized by fuzzy skin and a large seed or pit in the middle, peaches are a deliciously unique fruit which offers a a wealth of health benefits.

You can find peach trees in nearly all temperate countries now, but they are native to North-West China, near the Kunlun Shan mountains. They received their name Prunus persica from their voyage to Persia, where they were cultivated on their eventual journey to Europe. Now, you can find them in grocery stores and farmer’s markets all over the world. Continue reading

Vitamin C has regenerative potential for hormone health and cancer prevention

Vitamin CTracey Watson – When we think of vitamin C we probably think of citrus fruits, winter and preventing the flu. However, this powerhouse nutrient is so much more than an immune booster – albeit a powerful one. A groundbreaking but undervalued study published over two decades ago in the peer-reviewed journal Radiation Physics and Chemistry, found that vitamin C can provide amazing hormone balancing benefits and could potentially even prevent cancer. Unsurprisingly, the Big Pharma-led mainstream media and medical establishment have chosen for the most part to ignore the study’s findings.

Green Med Info’s Sayer Ji recently commented on that vital study, explaining that the Austrian researchers set out to explore the role that vitamin C could play in preventing steroid hormones like progesterone, estrone (a form of estrogen) and testosterone from degrading and becoming toxic, cancer-causing metabolites called “hormone transients.” Continue reading

Make Your Own Vitamin C Supplement At Home – It’s Easy And Costs You Nothing!

For many years, people have used vitamin C supplements as a remedy for the common cold. Vitamin C is needed for the growth and repair of tissues in the body; it also contains antioxidants that help block free radical damage. (1)

vitaminUnlike vitamin D, which can be manufactured in the body from the sun, vitamin C must come from an outside source and cannot be stored in the body. (1) Thus, the only way to get enough vitamin C is through food sources and supplements, however, did you know that almost all of the vitamin C supplements on the market come from genetically engineered corn? (2)

You may be wondering how you can get enough vitamin C if you want to avoid store bought supplements. The simple answer is to make your own at no extra cost!

Importance of naringin and hesperidin flavonoids found in citrus peels

Homemade vitamin C has live enzymes, allowing for 100% assimilation in your body.  You needn’t bother with a dosage label or approval by the FDA. Your solution is citrus peels! (3) Continue reading

These Cheap Items Will Be Worth Their Weight In Gold

“If our infrastructure collapses, there will still be a lot of water in most places. It just won’t be safe to drink. And since you can’t go for very long without water, finding ways to purify it will become the top priority for most survivors.” – J Krause

PowerConverterIf society were to break down tomorrow, the value of the things we own and the skills we have would be turned on its head. Everybody knows that certain items will be far more valuable after a grid ending event. Stuff like gold, guns, and food are a given in any conversation on preparedness. Skills like hunting, reloading, and first aid would be indispensable, while skills accounting and day trading would be completely worthless.

There are of course, other items that we may be overlooking. While things like gold and guns will be expensive in the future, they’re already quite expensive now. Once you have those bases covered on your preparedness checklist, you can start thinking in terms of “What’s really cheap now, but will definitely be more valuable when the SHTF? What’s going to give me the greatest return on my money?”

With that said, here’s a few barter items you can buy right now, for a fraction of what they’ll be worth when the grid goes down.

Bike Tire Patches

If say, there was an EMP type of event to hit America, it would take several years for the grid to be repaired. If it’s a worldwide event it will probably take even longer. Either way, the need for transportation would not go away. However, I don’t see horses making a comeback anytime soon. Even if it takes a decade for the lights to come back on, I don’t think you could breed them fast enough to accommodate the survivors. What would be far more abundant, is bicycles.

Even without maintenance, the current stock of bicycles in circulation would last a long time. The only exception to this would be the inner tube, which is prone to punctures and leakage. So having a fully stocked repair kit would be a good idea. You can keep spare inner tubes for your own bicycles, or maybe even buy a couple more to trade with (most common sizes are 27, 28, and 29 inches). Fortunately, repair kits and inner tubes are both small, and very cheap.

Vitamin C

In a society where the medical infrastructure has collapsed, and doctors are hard to come by, vitamin C will become one of the most important nutrients. It will also become one of the hardest to find. As far as food goes, the most obvious source is from fruit. Continue reading

Vitamin C For Taming Tension, Burning Fat, And Much More

Science Daily reports that a team at the University of Alabama (Huntsville) found that rats who were fed 200 mg/day vitamin C experienced reduced levels of plasma stress hormones, as well as lowered indicators of physical and emotional stress.” – C Wright

If you have undesirable fat around your midsection or would like to support cardiovascular health or reduce diabetic symptoms, vitamin C can help. Not only does it improve stamina, boost immunity, lessen stress response and curtail inflammation, but it also encourages insulin sensitivity and lowers concentrations of C-reactive protein (CRP) — a biomarker which suggests heart disease risk.

A case in point is research from the University of California (Berkeley), which found participants who took approximately 500 milligrams of vitamin C each day experienced a 24 percent drop in plasma CRP levels after two months of the protocol. According to a press release:

“C-reactive protein is a marker of inflammation, and there is a growing body of evidence that chronic inflammation is linked to an increased risk of heart disease, diabetes and even Alzheimer’s disease,” said Gladys Block, UC Berkeley professor of epidemiology and public health nutrition and lead author of the study. “If our finding of vitamin C’s ability to lower CRP is confirmed through other trials, vitamin C could become an important public health intervention.”

As a defense against infection or injury, the body triggers inflammatory cytokines, which then prompts the production of CRP by the liver. The researchers are unsure as to how vitamin C is able to lower CRP levels but suspect that the mechanism might be the suppression of cytokine production. Continue reading