Water Has Memory [Video]

laurabruno  July 29 2013

Those people familiar with Dr. Emoto’s “The Secret Life of Water” won’t be surprised by this independent study, but imagine the implications! This is why, for years, I have charged my water with Reiki, Runes, and intentions. It’s also why when we select our rain barrels, I plan to paint them with ancient symbols and protection and purification Runes.

People worry so much about chemtrails and radiation. I’m not saying these are not concerns — just that there are multiple ways around a problem. Why not place an energetic filter that Aluminum becomes the perfect organic fertilizer for your plants? Barium becomes love incarnate. Humans are 98% water. Again, imagine the possibilities! Want to change the world? Change your awareness of who and what you are, and your appreciation of who and what that “world” is.

There’s a lovely chant, which I’ve had stuck in my head for weeks:
“We all come from the Goddess,
and to her we shall return –
like a drop of rain,
flowing to the ocean.”

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Bottled Water And Bottled Beliefs

Exopermaculture | April 22 2012

BottleTranspose this hilarious youtube send-up of the bottled water craze to our addiction to competing belief systems that we enjoy/endure as we grope and/or march our way blinkered, forwards or backwards or sidling sideways, pretending/hoping/praying that we know best and fighting with or “tolerating” all the others who don’t. (BTW: the creators of this bottled water video didn’t even mention the god-knows-what chemicals that leach out of the bottles into the water.)

Each belief system is a brand, with its own advertising, cost, unintended consequences — and, hopefully, a sell-by date.

Once we let go of belief and expectation as our anchor, once we morph back into full occupation of our own bodies with (preferably bare) feet firmly planted in the living soil of this good green Earth, then we can let go of our crazed need for certainty and realize the profound security of our serene interconnectedness with the natural world.

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