Sarah Sanders Blasts CNN For “Fake News”

Katherine Frisk: Why do I find this all so amusing? In 2011 I got a wake up call. That all the media across western nations was owned by a small handful of six corporations and controlled by the CIA who dictates the narrative. This is a fact.

The so-called “news,” which is a propaganda tool and no longer gives truthful, honest, unbiased and accurate reporting, is a blight on all societies and a travesty in the so-called “civilized world.”

In spite of my terrible spelling and bad grammar, I made a commitment to pick up my pen, join the truth movement and do whatever I could to wake up the brainwashed. Instead of expecting the media to do their jobs, which they clearly had no intention of doing, I realized that the only solution was to become the media. So have thousands of others. I am not alone by a long shot.


Western Media today lies about everything and they have been lying for years. Here are a few examples: Continue reading