Hidden Light: A Conspiracy Theory You Probably Never Considered

worldJack Adam Weber, L.Ac., MA – Rumi said: “Your task is not to seek love but to find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.”

That was a time before modern psychology. Some depth pioneers succeeded Rumi to give us a more detailed map of the unconscious; most notable was Carl Jung. Jung famously believed that we must make our darkness, our unconscious, conscious. If not, he said, it will return to us as fate:

“Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.”

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It’s possible to completely recreate yourself

Hilarion – As you endeavor to stay in equilibrium and balance during these days with all that is occurring within your sphere of resonance, you are finding that the intensified energies are having their effect, not only within your own system but in all those who are in your sphere of influence. The duality energies are rampant and it is important to remember your purpose for holding the Light during these times.

It is very easy for you who are sensitive to the energies around you to understand that the feelings that you have been experiencing are mainly those that are being experienced at the collective consciousness level. There is much fear and doubt that is rampant at these times – remember this – and re-center and refocus on that which you are and that which you stand for. Continue reading

In 1932 Edgar Cayce Predicted Putin’s Role in Stopping WW3

Edgar Cayce

Buck Rogers – Watching geo-political events unfold today is like watching a slow motion train wreck, especially if you’re informed by history and understand the connection between ‘World Wars‘ and the unseen influences behind international politics and global banking.

Edgar Cayce is one of the world’s most revered psychics, the ‘Sleeping Prophet,’ as they called him, and many consider him to be the father of holistic medicine. Entering into trance-like states of consciousness at will, he could divine information from some extra-ordinary plane of existence on behalf of his patients or in response to specific queries from an audience. He was remarkably insightful and accurate, which is why his name is so familiar to so many.

Much of what he brought back from the ‘Source’ of his inspired information pertained to specific medical issues, but in the staggering volumes of his readings and written works there is an abundance of insight and prophecy related to larger global political and social events.

“Dreams are today’s answers to tomorrow’s questions.” –Edgar Cayce

Many of Cayce’s psychic readings occurred in the early part of the 20th century during two World Wars and the Great Depression, but before his death in 1947 he had already seen many of his predictions come true, including foretelling of the stock market crash of 1929, foreseeing events related to both World Wars, and even the warning of the untimely deaths of two American presidents. Continue reading

The World Is Not an Illusion

illusionSteve Taylor, Ph.D. – One of the biggest myths about spirituality is that it reveals the world to be an illusion. According to the myth, when we “wake up” or become enlightened, we realise that the physical realm of things is just a dream. The world and all the events that take place in it are seen as a mirage. Only the spirit is real, which exists above and beyond the physical world.

One of the problems with this view is that it leads to a detached and indifferent attitude to worldly events. What does it matter if millions of people are suffering from poverty and starvation? What does warfare or ecological catastrophe matter? Why should we bother trying to fight for social causes or against global problems? It’s all just part of the dream, so none of it is of any consequence. Continue reading

Appreciate the simple miracles

loveThe Angels – Take a breath and as you exhale, relax. Take another one. Exhale. Relax even more deeply. With each exhale release your cares to the universe. All is well at this moment. You are sitting here and now, connecting with angels, and open to receiving our love.

Right here, right now, breathe. Sit quietly for a few moments and imagine streams of light from our hands pouring into your hearts. Imagine your heart is open, like a flower is to the sunshine, drinking in this light.

As you breathe and take in this light through your heart, imagine it filling your body, nurturing you, enlivening your cells, and loving you from the inside out. Stay in this space as long as you like. Continue reading