Give Up Your Worries

Giving up Your Worries.The Angels – There’s not a thing or a person on this earth that you need to worry about. There are, of course, people and situations that require attention, solutions, and plenty of love. There are powerful ways to assist even when you feel powerless in the 3D paradigm of reality.

There are ways in which you can go beneath the worry, focus on the care in your beautiful heart, and share your light with the people and situations you so dearly wish to help. Continue reading

Suffering Is Optional


Jafree Ozwald – What if all the worry, fear, guilt and emotional pain you’ve experienced in your life was not something you had to go through.  What if it was optional?   Often people live their entire lives and never open up to the possibility that the experience of perpetual daily pain and agony is not required.

There are many things that we assume are true in life, only later we realize they weren’t that way at all.  One of the most unconscious beliefs people have is that we don’t have the power to simply stop the path we are on, and choose a different experience.

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Why Worrying Is a Waste of Energy

worryDo you worry a lot? Is your mind continuously worrying about something that has either happened in the past, is happening now, or may happen in the future? If so, you may be leaking a whole lot of energy and needlessly lowering your level of consciousness in the process.

Worrying vs Caring

People sometimes confuse worrying with caring. They rationalize their fear-based worrying as simply them caring about something or someone. However, there is a key distinction between worrying and caring that is vital to understand. Continue reading

Kick the worry habit

worryThe Angels – Worry is an unnatural emotion. It is born from feelings of disappointment, abandonment, lack, victimization, and helplessness. It is what humans beings have been trained to do and feel when they don’t know what to do and feel. It give the appearance of caring, when in reality it masks true care. It allows you to focus on being helpless rather than taking responsibility for creating.

Yet, we would never judge it for we know it is an emotional “disease” passed along from generation to generation, culturally supported, and often used as a tool for manipulation. If you worry enough, you will watch the news more often to feel safe. If you worry about your health, you will spend more to prevent disease. If you worry about being lovable you will spend more trying to find a mate, become “more” beautiful, or dress stylishly. If you worry enough about someone, you hope they’ll change to relieve you from your fear. Continue reading

Angel Messages For April 27 – May 3 2015 ~ Doreen Virtue’s Angel Oracle Card Reading [Video]

This will be a powerful, pivotal week, in which you’ll heal worries and significantly reduce negative thinking.  You are guided to stop being so perfectionistic toward yourself, and to embrace how amazing you are! You’re also guided to heal the worry-habit.


Many of your worries will be healed this week, especially if you can stop worrying about them (worry makes everything worse) AND if you will work together with others in cooperative efforts to improve situations.

The path to getting these answers may seem stressful at first, but it’s worth the upward climb to important life lessons and solutions. Continue reading