Open to Love’s flow

 Open to Love's flowThe Angels – We know many of you are devastated by the massive earthquake that rocked your planet last week. Collectively, once again, the human family is realizing that you are all in this together. You are part of the earth – a living organism in which your souls are cells in her body.

You have called for love, and yet there is so much resistance to love in so many individual lives that Mother Earth herself had to create a release for this pressure. She moves, shakes, and settles more deeply into a new skin, in much the same way you move, stretch, and shake when you feel the tension that must be released in your own body. Continue reading

You are SO Worthy!

You are SO Worthy!The Angels – If we had a mission here in heaven, you might say it would be to assist you in realizing your true nature. You are birthed from love, given life by love, and will return to love. Part of your journey on the earth is learning to expand love, starting for yourselves.

It is easy to love yourself when you feel loved by another. It is a reality in heaven when you feel the love that unceasingly gives you life. It is also easier when things are going your way – when the traffic flows, when you find what you want at the grocery store, and when people are being kind. Continue reading

Living in worthiness

Living in worthinessThe Angels – Never tell yourself what can’t be done. Never explain to anyone why you can’t have what you want. Never believe anyone who tells you that you can’t change, whether the change you want is a change of habit, a change of location, or a change in your health.

Every time you explain to yourself or anyone else why you can’t be what you want, have what you want, or do what you want, you are telling the entire universe that you don’t believe in the Divine. You are blocking God’s work in your life! Continue reading

Finding Value and Creating Worth

value validationJennifer Hoffman – It’s Venus retrograde time, which is when questions of value and worthiness arise. Although Venus is typically described as the ‘love’ planet, that definition doesn’t go far enough to describe how profoundly we are touched by its energy. Our life long search for love is really about our search for value, validation, and worthiness. It’s something that is so important to us that we will sacrifice many other things to achieve the value we hope will make us feel worthy, important, and valuable to others. But this time is different because as we use the Venus retro to heal our value issues, we have access to higher frequency energies to fill the gaps and get real release and closure now.

I have found that every time Venus goes retrograde, and it happens once every 2 years, relationship issues come forward. Any relationship that is struggling may end or come to a new level of connection and alignment. Relationship dynamics can change profoundly, even among long established friends and partners. And remember that relationships include all relationships with family, friends, acquaintances, and partners, not just the romantic ones. Venus retrograde uncovers our value needs and how they are or are not being met. Then we can make changes accordingly.

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Looking for Love in All the Wrong Places

emotionalNanice Ellis – Have you ever wondered why so many relationships end in heartache? Even relationships that begin with incredible love, faithful promises and the best of intentions often come to a bitter end. If love is all you need, why does it all go so wrong?

What if I told you, there is a single core issue responsible for almost every break up and break down, and, not just in our romantic relationships, but in all our relationships?

As a relationship coach for almost twenty years, I share this insight with you now so that you can gain the wisdom and power to find love in all the right places.

Humanity’s Invisible Wound

Most of humanity is silently suffering from the invisible wound of unworthiness. Because we have amnesia of our true selves, and we have forgotten that we are unconditionally loved by an All Loving Source, we come into this world asking, “Am I worthy of love?” From our first breath, we seek this answer, not knowing that the life-long quality of our relationships, prosperity and health all depend on our immature interpretation of the signs.

In most cases, this pivotal answer is, “I am worthy if….” Until we awaken, Conditional Worthiness is the foundational belief for almost every human being on this planet, and the core belief that every other belief is based upon. If you believe that you are fundamentally unworthy of love unless you meet certain conditions, you will construct a reality built on this false premise, and, as a result, you will embark on this game of life, seeking love outside yourself, and building unsustainable relationships upon that search.

Most people spend their entire lives trying to prove that they are worthy of love, never considering that the quest for worthiness is impossible to fulfill, nor understanding, that this impossible quest covertly sabotages virtually every loving relationship.

The Core Wound

If you look deep, you will find that the core wound of all emotional wounds is the belief of unworthiness or conditional worthiness. This belief is so painful because it is completely untrue, but since our parents, teachers and peers all suffer from the same debilitating belief, it seems perfectly normal. Continue reading