Yeast is a Cause of Cancer and Turmeric Can Kill Both, Research Confirms

 cancerSayer Ji – A new study validates a controversial cancer theory, namely, that yeast in our body can contribute to not just feeding but actually causing cancer. Can the ancient healing spice turmeric come to the rescue?

A recent study published in Critical Reviews in Microbiology lends support to the concept that opportunistic Candida albicans (yeast) infection may not just be a consequence of cancer, but is an actively contributing cause as well.

Titled, “Candida albicans and cancer: Can this yeast induce cancer development or progression?“, the study provided the following important background information on this controversial subject:

There is currently increasing concern about the relation between microbial infections and cancer. More and more studies support the view that there is an association, above all, when the causal agents are bacteria or viruses. This review adds to this, summarizing evidence that the opportunistic fungus Candida albicans increases the risk of carcinogenesis and metastasis.

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