Living Beyond The Five Senses

The New Race: Homo Nuovo

heartA subtle current has been flowing through the human race since the beginning of time and though the change has been very gradual, it has been constant and unrelenting. This change has been occurring in the human population like a drop of water dripping on a massive rock cliff. The drip works gently but eventually the rock cracks open and the inside is revealed. This parallels the change in humans who gradually over time, have been transformed by a constant force of pressure.

A Spiritual Being, one that has conscious awareness beyond the self and beyond the five senses has now emerged in the human race in vast numbers. This human, or Homo nuovo as it has been coined, is the result of spiritual teachings and shifts that have been occurring for millennia. This human is a natural extension of the long line of early humans such as Homo erectus, to those who then became the current humans, Homo sapiens, to the new race discussed herein as Homo nuovo.

Though it has been said for many years that the time has come, or a new age is upon us, proof that the time is now, is evident. The proof is in the vast number of humans who are now consciously aware of a life beyond the self and one that is intricately connected to all things in the universe. These humans are also aware that they are in fact participating in reality with thoughts, feelings, and behaviours. The subtle momentum has done its work to the point where spiritual transformation over time has resulted in the emergence of Spiritual Beings.

Each of the religious prophets, meditation and yoga movements proliferating around the world, information about spirituality being shared around the globe so quickly and easily, popular culture seeding spiritual messages in music, film and art, are all credited for contributing to this profound change in humans. These were the drops of water that fell quietly and forcefully upon consciousness which then shaped and changed it until a Spiritual Being emerged.

Before delving deeply into the process and outcomes of this Spiritual Being three terms need to be defined as they are used in the context of this book; these terms are transformation, spirituality, and religion. When the term transformation is used this refers to a process of change which can occur slowly or very rapidly, depending on each person and the circumstances that occur. This transformation or growth process occurs for each person at the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual levels. This process may not actually be occurring at random but the foundations for these changes will not be the focus of this book. The theories as to why this process occurs are highly varied, and are in themselves, a separate matter for discussion. The focus of this book is the process itself and how it unfolds. The premise of this book recognizes that spiritual transformation is occurring in humans and either consciously or unconsciously, the changes are ensuing.

In terms of these changes, the distinction between spirituality and religiosity needs to be discussed given the confusion between the terms and also the strong repulsion or attraction that the mere word ‘religion’ can evoke. Most importantly, the process of change into Spiritual Beings can occur within any religious organisation or with no religious affiliation at all. Herein, religion is defined as belonging to a group that practices a set of beliefs, behaviors, values, and attitudes that are based on previously established religious doctrine and organized within an institution. The religious doctrine can be the Bible, the Koran, the Torah, or any other body of religious literature that is collectively shared and adhered to. Religiosity provides a sense of community, a sense of belonging, and supports groups of individuals that share the same beliefs, values, and morals.

Spirituality is the experience of a deep and profound relationship with a higher power or essence that occurs at the level of the individual. Spirituality includes a sense of meaning and purpose in life, a personal belief system and principles to live by. Transcendent beliefs and experiences can occur through an awareness of, and appreciation for, the vastness of the universe and recognition of a higher power. A relationship with one’s inner self develops with a deep connection to this higher power, which results in an increased capacity to love. This expanded capacity to love eventually leads to behaviours that focus on the greater good for all living creatures and the universe. Therefore, spirituality within any religious doctrine can lead people to this transformational process since all religions have this truth at the core of their original teachings. The process of transformation to Homo nuovo however, is not dependant on any religious doctrine or paradigm and in fact, can occur without any religious doctrine at all.

Spirituality, on the other hand, does not include a God that has been described by a religion or specific body of writing but rather, the concept of God or a higher power can be described as an inner force, a calling, or even life itself. This is the great mysterious force that brings life with the first breath of a new baby and the mystery that expels life upon death. This force is a felt sense that is personal and private.

The process of communing and communicating with this life force or higher power can be called prayer and comes in the form of thinking, talking, connecting, or meditating with the great space inside the self. This can occur at any time and in any way such as gardening, listening to music, spending time with a pet, playing a sport, cooking, watching a sunset or beautiful vista; anything that connects the heart to this higher power or essence will be called prayer.

As the body and mind transform, the need to commune with the essence or higher power becomes greater because it brings a deep sense of peace. It may begin once a week or even less but always in a personal and private way and each and every person will know how to connect with the greater force of life by how it feels. A deep and loving connection occurs. Once this connection has been made then the motivation to connect with it often becomes easy. The tranquility and sense of grounding it brings enriches one’s life in a natural way. It almost seems too simple to be true.

Homo nuovo is the term given to a group of people who know this truth and are themselves changing through a path or quest to understand why they are on this planet. They are trying to understand the purpose of life on planet earth and how they specifically fit into this process. They are moving toward an inner journey and sense that nothing outside of the self can provide permanent and long lasting happiness but rather, happiness has to come from inside the self. This longing for something more than what exists in everyday physical life brings forth a quest that literally changes the mind and the body.

The changes that occur during this quest are part of a process of change that occur on a continuum; at one end people are barely changing at all and are operating purely from their five senses. They believe the world is about material gain, competition, acquiring wealth, pain and suffering, joy and all things that can be seen, smelled, felt, tasted, and heard. The world at this end of the spectrum is only what you experience through these modalities.

At the opposite end of the spectrum is the Spiritual Being that has transformed beyond the five senses to what can be called Metasensory. That is, a person who lives through more than five senses and develops skills and abilities beyond what the five senses alone can provide. These people also live with an incredible depth of love for all life, have a powerful personal connection to a higher being, a connection to all people and all things in the universe, and are able to manifest life experiences through thought and feeling alone. Every human is living somewhere between these extremes and is growing and changing at their own perfect pace. If the feeling is such that one is drawn or driven to consciously transform then the process will happen very quickly when that path is taken. Though there are many paths to becoming a Spiritual Being or Homo nuovo, the strategies in this book are just one path.

No matter what path is chosen, religious or spiritual, all paths will eventually lead to the same goal when a conscious choice toward spiritual transformation is made. When we accept life’s hardships and trials as part of our life’s path and part of our own growth, then eventually a blanket of peace will come over us. Life begins to feel right even though we know it may be difficult. Prolonged anxiety, fear, or unrest tell us we are not making the right choices and if, over time, these feelings do not abate, this may be a clear signal that something is amiss and that we need to listen to the anxiety or pain as a calling for change. When we are in the wrong job, with the wrong partner, or making a decision that goes against our own moral code, then the inner feeling is the guidance indicating that we do not want this in our lives. Suffering becomes a signal for change and an impetus for transforming.

As we listen to our inner feelings then the transformational process can begin and the time to connect to a deep and loving source within the self is taken. There are no rules for how to connect with this but the need for connection becomes greater and then transformation accelerates faster. Life becomes more peaceful, even in the face of difficult life circumstances, and by consciously connecting to a source greater than one’s self, movement toward Homo nuovo begins.

Excerpted from “Living Beyond the Five Senses: Emergence of a Spiritual Being” Teresa L. DeCicco, PhD

TeresaLDeCiccoTeresa L. DeCicco, PhD is a professor of psychology specializing in the areas of the spiritual self, dreams, and dreaming. She has presented her work on TV and radio and in lectures throughout the world. Her books are available online and in bookstores everywhere. SF Contributing Writer February 2015

Living Beyond The Five Senses by Teresa L. DeCicco, PhD is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

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