The Heart Breath

laurabruno  August 12 2013 (Thanks, LB)

Laura writes ~ Here’s a fun, non-astrological post from my friend, Timothy Glenn. In today’s article, he covers dimensions zero through infinity, with focus on some of the “lower” dimensions, including 3Dality. He also shares a wonderful technique for reintegrating fearful parts of ourselves back into Universal Love. It’s a different type of post for Tim, but I think readers will enjoy his good humor and heartfelt wisdom.

The Heart Breath


A Technique From the Proterrian Channelings

The multidimensional/extraterrestrial collective known as Proterrian tends to express comical perspectives on our world. Since we make little if any sense to these Beings, their humor stands forth as their hallmark. In the midst of the fun, however, gems of information are shared.

Several years ago, The Heart Breath technique came out while Proterrian was playing a game called “If I were an earthling”, sung to the tune of “If I Were a Rich Man”. If these Beings incarnated among us, The Heart Breath is something they would utilize. The technique has resurfaced, being emphasized in the last several channeling sessions. Proterrian has even been guiding the audiences through the procedure.

Conceptual Backdrop

Proterrian sees us as magnificent twelve dimensional Beings. We comprise all twelve dimensions, and it amuses Proterrian that we think we are trapped in the third dimension and have to fight our way through the muck and mire of the fourth, so we can jump into the fifth and yell “Safe!” Why not integrate all twelve dimensions we already comprise? If only we allowed it, we could experience and express ourselves in any one or in any combination of those dimensions.

The third dimension (known to a friend as Third Dementia) is not something alien to escape, but rather an innate part of ourselves to realign. Another quirky human teaching claims that we must complete the quest of yelling “Safe” in the fifth dimension before we can freely access our higher spiritual energies in the realms beyond. Proterrian chuckles at this notion.

In the midst of all our glorious dimension-juggling antics, we seem to ignore ourselves as two dimensional Beings, and certainly as one dimensional Beings. Proterrian further suggests we start at zero. The Spirit that you are, is not of any specific dimension or set of dimensions. Spirit creates all cosmic planes, dimensions, universes, matrices and whatever kinds of realms exist in this thing called Infinity.

The Heart of the Matter

The pure essence of your Spirit resides in the center of your heart chakra. Your highest spiritual energies can be accessed in your heart center, where you exist as a zero dimensional Being.

In explaining this at last month’s channeling session, Proterrian gestured to the spotknown to some as the High Heart, a few inches up the sternum. After a pause and aglance around the room, Proterrian moved the hand down to the traditional heart chakraat the base of the sternum, noting that a few people might feel it there instead. Wherever it is, find it. Feel it. Relax into it.

In this sacred space, you are simply the Spirit you truly are. You are a focal point of and for the Infinite Spirit that creates and maintains all universes, which means you are a living essence that cannot be influenced, manipulated or violated on this level by any third or fourth dimensional creature. Your true nature is Divine Love, the very essence of the Infinitude Itself.

Breathe In the Out

On one level, The Heart Breath seems like an ordinary breathing exercise. But a keydifference lies in where we direct our attention. Remember the old adage: where thought goes, energy flows. Especially if you practice anything like yoga or meditation, it is easy for you to find an appropriate position for a breathing exercise.

As you relax your belly and slowly breathe into it, shift your attention away from your physical breath. Focus on breathing the Universal Love energy out in all directions from your heart center as your physical body expands due to the physical inhalation that you’re not focusing on. Feel the Love. Breathe the Love. Be the Love, and let it fill your energy field from within. What you are sensing is your true self as a zero dimensional Being.

While the body exhales, you can appreciate the extent to which the Divine Love has penetrated your field. Relax more deeply into the experience. Allow your awareness to waft freely in the perceptions and sensations, and then to drift gently back into the next wave of Divine Essence flowing out from your heart center when the body inhales.

This shift in focus will feel perfectly natural for most people, and it will be easy to maintain something that feels this good. In and of itself, this may suffice, but it often helps to give the monkey mind something to play with; something that will enhance the process.

Your First Dimensional Self

Here is an important distinction: this is not visualization. This is tuning into something thatexists and is happening easily and naturally.

Flowing through the channels of least resistance, the Love Essence emerges from the heart center in gently curving lines. For those who enjoy getting technical, there are 54 of these lines flowing out of your heart, and 54 flowing back in. Our focus at the moment centers on the outflow, so tune into one of the lines of energy emerging from your heart center.

This line is you as a one dimensional Being. At this level you are a direct expression of the Divine Essence; pure and inviolable. Everything you will ever need for healing and evolution is contained within this Essence. Although there are some really beautiful manifestations of your Spirit in the “higher” dimensions, those are merely outgrowths of what you are as a first dimensional Being.

Your Second Dimensional Self

These curving lines of energy begin to interact and create two dimensional geometric patterns. This process is continuously supported by breathing the Universal Love out from your heart center.

This is you as a two dimensional Being. At the level of two, we can begin exploring relationship. As in physics, everything is all about relationship.

The one may not grasp the concept of “other”. The one is what it is. If it encounters another, the one may think, “Gee. There’s another me.” But the two distinguishes its own unique expression, and seeks to relate with various diverse expressions of the same Divine Essence.

Your second dimensional self can thus be influenced, although it cannot be manipulated or controlled by the unscrupulous creatures that haunt portions of the third and fourth dimensions. Any inappropriate influences on the second dimension can be casually swept aside or realigned by The Heart Breath. Here you have the full power to choose Love over fear, Wisdom over ignorance, and Reality over illusion.

As a two dimensional Being you can choose Divine Grace, because as a one dimensional Being you still are Divine Grace. The Heart Breath flows this Grace into your second dimensional self without obstruction.

Third Dementia

You may have guessed the next step in the sequence: the lines of energy radiate the Divine Love from your zero dimensional self in your heart center out through your first dimensional self, from which these lines unfold into second and then third dimensional geometries. And here your good old 3D humanoid shape can be imbued with your Spiritual Essence.

The unfoldment continues into “higher” dimensions, but here in Third Dementia we encounter significant blockage. Here we have been manipulated beyond our current understanding; in so many ways and to varying degrees.

This blockage is based in fear, and the root of it all is primal fear; not fear of anything in particular or even of things in general; simply the crude, raw lack of awareness of our Universal Essence. But primal fear is merely Divine Love that is currently ignorant of its own truth.

If we breathe Divine Love from our heart center into the pockets of fear, the illusion of fear will dissipate and the reality of Love will emerge.

Prodigal Energy

As in the parable of The Prodigal Son, we simply welcome the fear back into its natural state, which is Love. Our darkness recognizes its true nature, which is Light.

There is no judgment, condemnation or rejection. Nothing gets amputated or sent to a fiery abyss. We simply bring these previously frightened parts of ourselves back into alignment with the loving universe.

In some instances, we may encounter the presence of entities, thought forms or other manifestations that would best be cleared away. But for the most part, The Heart Breath simply welcomes lost parts of ourselves back Home.

We can regard any physiological or psychological discomfort as a slumbering portion of our Essence asking us to help it reawaken. If that is all the blockage actually is, then The Heart Breath will swiftly, smoothly and gracefully reintegrate the energy. Tension signals the presence of fear, so feel free to make adjustments and to breathe into any spot holding stress. Welcome it home. Feel its relief and its gratitude.

Fourth Dementia

For some of us, the fascinating part of The Heart Breath awaits us beyond Third Dementia. Our awareness can follow the flow of Divine Love into and beyond our fourth dimensional selves.

In Fourth Dementia, we learn to navigate the murky waters of our subconscious. But with continued application, we find that persistently carrying the Light into our darkest recesses will gradually purify the waters that have lain stagnant for years, decades, lifetimes or eons.

Our creative powers can be unleashed, allowing us to return to being cause rather than effect in our own lives. We can choose the Path of the Infinite Spirit, as it explores this realm or any of our infinite possibilities.

To Infinity and Beyond

The flow of your Divine Essence will continue into your fifth dimensional self and beyond. You can become a full embodiment of Love, Light and Life Energies directly from the Heart of Creation. Your Heart is the Heart of Creation, because you are the Creator of your own Universe.

You are the Infinite Spirit Itself playing a game called “If I were an earthling.” In the midst of the game, you may find The Heart Breath a handy tool to have in your kit.

Proterrian often apologizes to the earthling audiences, saying things like: “Oh, we’re sorry. That’s too simple. Now if we can only make it complex enough, maybe you can get it.” The Heart Breath simplifies healing and evolution, which can be graceful and elegant in magnificent simplicity.

Timothy Glenn

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