The main theme for July is Transformation

– Radical, sudden, emotional, excruciating, higher centered, painful, ecstatic transformation. And, it’s all about love.

July is a 2 Act Play. In the first act, the first two weeks, you are likely to get a tour of your emotions, fears and all the attachments that are in the way of this transformation. The second act begins on the 16th and brings love, compassion and a higher emotional centered energy to everything, anchoring this TRANSFORMATION through beauty and love.

We could also say that this month is all about love; transforming fear into power through love, transforming doubt into confidence through love, transforming old emotional wounds into great wisdom through love. It is an opportunity for us all to learn our lessons through the tough love of spirit and to finally begin to love and cherish ourselves deeply and unconditionally.

Much of what has happened in the world is because of fear: fear of the unknown, fear of death, fear of entrapment, fear of abandonment, fear of what we may feel, fear of what we night not feel, fear of what we may lose, fear of losing control, fear of failure, fear of success, fear of being seen, and many others.

We have reached a point in our evolution where it is time to break out of the cocoon of fear and allow ourselves to soar with new wings from a place of love. This will not happen overnight, but we have a chance this month at a good start.

So the first couple of weeks may not be an easy time. You may have to revisit your emotional psyche and do a bit of clearing. You may feel triggered, impatient, reactive, emotional, cranky, irritated, out of sorts, discouraged, overwhelmed, defensive, mistrusting, and have a general feeling that nothing is working in your life. There is a pressure to transform something, but the clarity is not there yet. This too shall pass. Meet this time with discipline around your practices and self-care. Focusing on how you can better support yourself and who you are is key to your own personal transformation. Set strong intentions to be affected only by the positives around you and don’t take other people’s negativity and reactions personally.

When fear comes up, as it will, examine it and see it to be the illusion that it is. Especially fear of “what could happen” is not grounded in anything real. It is imagined and fabricated from a library of past events that should really cease to run the show. Your instinctive center as well as the first chakra hold all of your survival information that often triggers fear. It is important that you work with your instinctive center this month and bring it into present time so it is not triggered by old programs and past karmic experiences. (There is help with this on our monthly support Mp3)

So in these first two weeks you get a chance at “karmic clean-up” and completions. Completions are an important factor in allowing transformation. To the extent that you are holding on to how something “should have been or should have happened”, you have not completed that experience for yourself and therefore holding yourself back from your own evolution and getting in the way of your own transformation. Forgive and move on. Focus on completion, letting go, and bringing yourself into the present. If everyone could simply focus on eliminating fear by being present and acknowledging love, we could truly change the world.

Remember that whatever it is you feed, that is what will grow. So feed the love, not the fear.

The second half of the month brings with it the higher emotional center. This is the energy of love, connection, agape, a huge open heart and an experience of essence connection. It is the same influence that we had in the 1960’s that initiated the incredible creativity and revolution in music, art, relationships, community and radical innovative ideas. The higher emotional center is the fuel that will feed a new version of creative revolution more focused on spirit and with a greater sense of maturity and purpose.

During this time, you may feel yourself greatly inspired to do something radical and outside your comfort zone. It is a time to connect with others, to feed your creativity, to come up with new ideas and to fall in love with yourself, your life and everything around you. (Support Mp3 has a beautiful visualization for this.)

How the month shows up

You Personally

Radical personal transformation is possible. Start with taking care of yourself, loving yourself, giving yourself the time and space for emotional assimilation, clearing, healing, and allowing yourself to prioritize your life according to what matters the most to you. Give yourself permission to be irritated and cranky as long as it does not affect others. Be careful of impatience and judgment and always move yourself to a place of compassion and forgiveness.

You have the opportunity this month to end up not recognizing yourself (in a good way). Things could be that different. Transformation can happen suddenly with a huge change in your life that may appear to be challenging at first. This could bring up blame, judgment and possibly even anger. Trust in spirit that whatever you are drawing towards you as an experience is somehow integral to the big picture of your life unfolding in the right way.

Make sure this month to take time for yourself in the area of self-care. How can you best support your own priorities? How can you take better care of yourself as your own most valuable possession? Remember to have compassion and forgiveness and to be in love with yourself.


This is a trying month for relationships in the first half and a beautiful month for relationships in the second half. As you focus on your own emotional needs and self-care in the first half, it will become very apparent who does not support you and who does. Don’t take it personally. It may be time to move on.

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