Every Day of Your Existence Is An Opportunity

OpportunitySkySignEvery day of your existence is an opportunity to create, resolve, and evolve.

The choices made create the atmosphere of advancement so critical to your time spent in the current reality.

The need to accelerate the growth often weighs heavily upon the incarnate soul. Yes, there are those who seem to float through the journey with ease.

“Why them?… and not me?” A frequent question from many.

The answer to that question lies within you. An intricate pre-plan of the life guides your energy into situations for opportunity of great growth.

After arrival, plans formulated can alter as the life proceeds. Partners may abdicate, plans may be abandoned, however, the dominant core energy of your soul still moves forward with certain power to enable you to glean the expansion necessary.

All things change. Your energy does not. Allow yourself the flexibility to adapt to the dramas presented. A difficult state of being can be clarified if one takes the time to reflect, while walking the path.

Not everyone you encounter will be blissful. In fact, the probability of encountering frustrated, angry individuals is high. Decide not to engage their energy negatively. Make the choice to feel their pain, but not fall into a dark exchange.

It can become familiar to reside in obstructions. Fertilize your own participation with clear calm choices. It is often not necessary to win the argument, but to realize that your deliverance into a better creation is the important moment.

Observe those who seem to have an “easy” time of it. Often if you dig a little deeper, you will find that what troubles them does exist within their energy;

Your comparison of yourself becomes an inaccurate exercise. Decide to remain focused on your creations, resolutions and evolution. By intersecting with all types of energy, you allow yourself to be active in the collective experience as well.

It is not a competition.

It is evolution.

Everyone arrives there by their own means.

Stop comparing, and live your own experience fully.

You may be surprised at how well that will provide opportunity.”


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