The Word Warfare Of Rabid Psychotic Zionism

“It’s time for each of us who know the truth to arise, activate and do our part. We cannot stand idly by as our very world gets hijacked by not just Zionist forces, but all parasitic forces attempting to take over.” Z Gardner

Zemanta Related Posts ThumbnailBesides the manipulated media spewing the Zionist party line and repressing the truth, we’re seeing a barrage of psychotic postings of every type all over the internet attempting to stamp out legitimate information that, of course, is not in their favor.

Take “Johnny Paleswine” for example, who reared his ugly fascist head today trying to get a comment by on my website in response to Psycho Israel Drops White Phosphorus Bombs on Gazans – Again.  

Apparently putting the words “Psycho” and “Israel” together hits their internet search hot buttons – Bingo!

“Israel is doing it the Anglo Muslim way. Anglos and Muslims have been competing who can kill, rape and displace more humans. Anglos killed, displaced millions from Colombia to Australia and have no shame. Same for Muslims.

Two races that love to kill.

Zen cares so much for the children. How many children have been massacred by MUSLIMS in SYRIA?? Over 11,000. No tears for them. Jews are not doing it so who cares.

YOU ARE THE COWARD – ISIS is coming to the USA.”

He’s right on one thing, others have also perpetrated horrific atrocities on populations, but that doesn’t excuse the wicked actions of Zionism. What an ignorant, obviously manipulated diversion. But their age old smokescreen is coming down as this ilk furiously fights to establish their illegitimacy with the same old polluted war of words.

Also notice the veiled threat, a common thread of these intimidators – this element cannot help but pop out in their programmed spew. “YOU ARE THE COWARD – ISIS is coming to the USA.” Convoluted warning to say the least. Somewhat reminiscent of 9/11 and the pre-knowledge of the 5 dancing Israeli Mossad agents sent admittedly to “witness the event”. Apparently the agenda is plain to the insiders and they can’t help but spill the beans.

Creating the supposed threat, as in ISIS or Al Qaida, then use it as cover for their dastardly acts to perpetrate their war mongering agenda sure comes to mind. A common tactic of totalitarian powers, the US being the prime example along side Israel.

If you want to know where this guy could easily have come from, here’s one of the Zionist’s disinformation centers:



“This article was published on July 14, 2014. The death toll in Gaza as of today, July 23, 2014, reaches 678 according to Al-Akhbar. Students at the IDC Herzliya “war room,” seen here in a screenshot, focus on posting propaganda justifying Israel’s attack on Gaza on Facebook.

A video accompanying the Ynet report shows rows of students beavering away at computers in a hall with a sign on its door saying “Advocacy Room” in English. In Hebrew, it says “Hasbara war room.” Go HERE for more.

Propaganda Warfare is their First Line of Offense

Such media rhetoric and attempts at intimidation are just another manifestation of the Zionist psychopathy of death we’re currently witnessing in the Gaza massacre. It’s the same evil source that has perpetrated not just massively murderous world wars, but death dealing false flags for over a century, including 9/11, which kicked off this ramped up stage of madness. On top of it, they not only use any wicked tactic their dark hearts imagine to further their agendas of control and expansion, but they massively profit from not just the war machine and the induced giving by blinded supporters, but by brazen pre-set insurance and investment scams, as in the case of the cockroach Larry Silverstein and a host of others.

All in plain sight as if no one would notice. Absolute insanity right in humanity’s face.

We’re witnessing the death throes of a frenzied, savage beast that needs to be put down. And fast.

Instead, in our currently upside down Orwellian world, violent Israeli mobs are free to attack pro-Palestinian protesters, the latter of whom instead get arrested, as Israeli onlookers of the Gaza bombardment cheer and party as they watch the slaughter of innocents. But speak up with even a college classroom presentation of the Palestinian perspective of what’s going on and their true history, and Zionist controlled Amerika Inc will have you harassed and muzzled, even in uber-liberal academia. This case brought on by just from one loud mouthed Zionist student’s complaint, who, incredibly, was told to “report back” to the college board whether the professor complied with their “guidelines”! All for teaching facts and then showing the amazing true to life award winning film 5 Broken Cameras in a course regarding the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

The conditioning is deep. That’s their strong suit – outright lying, with complete impudence. The slaughter of anyone who gets in their way just comes with their psychotic, anti-human territory.

Words of Warfare and Extermination

You don’t have to look far for this kind of inhuman rhetoric. It’s front and center in the mainstream news. These parasitic forces are in our faces like never before, bold and brazen. That they are in the least bit tolerated, never mind encouraged, is almost beyond belief.

Just look at these examples of the present day onslaught against human dignity and life:

For one, the threat of rape is apparently free game: “Dr. Mordechai Kedar stated that the only way to force “terrorists” to think twice about their actions is the threat of the rape of their sisters and mothers.” Source

Or consider this from an Israeli official:

Ayelet Shaked of the ultra-nationalist Jewish Home party called for the slaughter of Palestinian mothers who give birth to “little snakes.”

“They have to die and their houses should be demolished so that they cannot bear any more terrorists,” Shaked said, adding, “They are all our enemies and their blood should be on our hands. This also applies to the mothers of the dead terrorists.”

The remarks are considered as a call for genocide as she declared that all Palestinians are Israel’s enemies and must be killed.


Or this outrage:

Dov Lior, an Israeli rabbi from the illegal settlement of Kiryat Arba in the occupied West Bank, said in the ruling that it is “okay” to kill innocent civilians and destroy Gaza.

The ruling also says that it is not necessary to check if the people targeted are civilians or non-civilians.

The rabbi’s ruling authorizes all means of targeting the people, such as “denying supplies or electricity.” He further says military forces are allowed “to bomb the whole area according to the discretion of the army…” Source

Getting the mindset and picture? Downright nasty and demonic, in plain view. Horrific to say the least.

Yet the Genocide Still Continues

In the midst of this “word warfare” which will no doubt see duplicitous stalling “truce proposals” coming to the fore as the mass murder and forced evictions continue until the desired result, the reign of terror over Gaza keeps escalating. And with only selective reporting, as usual. Painting Israel as the victim is the exact same false premise the US “War on Terror” is based, and for the uninformed it works like a charm.

Threaten a population with a fabricated threat and the game is fully contained, defined and directed.

The enemies of Israel have been painted in the same Orwellian Newspeak manner – “they” are coming after us therefore THEY need to be destroyed.” Easy, breezy. Scared, brain dead uninformed inhabitants will run for cover and cry for protection in a heartbeat. Whomever sounded the alarm only has to sound believable to get them going..i.e. the state run media, and they’ll dutifully and blindly respond.

Meanwhile the reality of children, mothers, the elderly, hospitals and all rescuers being targeted at this very moment escapes what should be the mass reality. Disgusting beyond belief.

Where Are We Again?

The surreal nature of this obvious on-going slaughter in the age of information is hard to wrap your head around. One would think the clearly apparent reality of outright genocide would move public opinion. Instead, the preplanned slaughter continues as complicit, or intimidated, governments, including the Arab world, stand by almost completely silent. Even Egypt has closed its borders to prevent Gazans from fleeing certain death.

For some reason the hive mind is so stunned, drugged and programmed it cannot respond – to this or just about anything else being perpetrated on humanity. Only a precious few are speaking up compared to what should be a massive tide of public outrage.

But it is growing. Quickly.

People are awakening at an accelerating rate, but the overall morass of suppressed and contaminated conscious awareness is incredibly strong, creating a reinforcement of the mass media narrative without any ability to respond. A very strange place to be living, quite honestly.

It’s time for each of us who know the truth to arise, activate and do our part. We cannot stand idly by as our very world gets hijacked by not just Zionist forces, but all parasitic forces attempting to take over.

Stand, and deliver. Let’s each do our part. And screw the intimidators; it’s all hot air and swagger designed to instill fear and disempower.

We are eternal consciousness with all of the innate power of the Universal Force….and we are many!

They are very few.

Love, Zen

SF Source  July 24 2014

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