Numerology Fascinates Me

After studying numerology for more than 35 years I’m less sure now I “know” what it is than I was 20 years ago. The reason is simple. As understanding grew so did awareness of overtones and undertones to underlying frequencies – the colorful nature of it, the sound of each vibration – fixed and yet capable of being blended into as many permutations of meaning as scalar sound within composition.

It is nuanced. Each underlying value adds dimension to the entire schematic. It is as if the blueprint itself is conscious. Alive and aware. It is vast in meaning, permutations and possibilities for how a particular life might unfold. So each time I do a blueprint it is a new revelation of possibilities within each identity map defined by the particular name and date of birth under scrutiny.

Each blueprint is magical, a thing of beauty. Each frequency harmonizes even dissonant notes. It is a vibratory lesson plan. If you’re here you likely came to do some heavy lifting and resolve energy imbalances within the Self and the environment into which you project “you.” How you best do that is contained within the probability sets within your blueprint.

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How To Build Your Best Physical Body

Inspire Me Today | March 28 2012

You are directly affected by what you eat. If you are eating poorly, it shows up on your body. If you are eating well, the body of your dreams shows up. ~ Rosie Battista

If today were my last day on Earth and I could share 500 words of brilliance with the world, here are the important things I’d want to pass along to others…It takes extreme self care and love to build your best physical body. Your physical body is what houses your amazing soul. So you’ll need a strong vibrant building for your very precious life.

Here are three principles for getting your body, your head and your heart in this game of body “building”, a Personal Promise, and 10 Ways to Achieve Rockstar Status.


1. Lose the Fake Stuff and Get Real – Get your body in the game.
You only get one body and it’s an awesome one. Not only is it your right, but it is your obligation to take care of your body. The food you eat directly affects your mood, attitude, and health. It’s important to participate fully in the process of nourishing yourself well. When you feed your body with processed, chemicalized, fake food, it will show up on your body as unwanted weight. If you nourish yourself with pure and naked food, the body of your dreams will show up.

2. Become Less interested in Why You Can’t – Get your head in the game.
You can do, be or have anything you want. If there is something that you want, go and get it. Don’t put your focus on the excuses of why you can’t; instead trust and believe that you can and take the steps necessary, one at a time. Make every meal an opportunity to improve your health. Make every workout an opportunity to feel better. Make every moment an opportunity to be present.

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David Icke On Red Ice ~ The Manipulation Of Humanity

Red IceCreations | March 22 2012

British author David Icke has written 20 books and traveled to over 55 countries since 1990. His books reveal how a hidden hand is behind world-changing events like the attacks of 9/11 and the manufactured wars in the Middle East, as part of a mass mind manipulation technique he has dubbed problem-reaction-solution.

While being controversial and often heavily attacked, David Icke has driven on with his unrelentless investigation into subject areas that others don’t dare touch. He reveals information that has been kept from a “dumbed down” population and has allowed the establishment to treat them as nothing more than slaves to a sinister hidden agenda.

David returns to Red Ice to talk about his newest book, Remember Who You Are. First, we begin the interview discussing Robert Green’s campaign and ritualistic child abuse. Then, David speaks about reality within our holographic universe. Later, David gives his perspective on aliens manipulating human DNA. Lastly, we discuss archetypes as software programs. David explains how human emotion is tied to genetics and using consciousness to override manipulation from external sources.

Self Consciousness

Enlightening Life | March 26 2012

consciousnessThe self plays an important role on the Path of Consciousness because it is through the self and its many different aspects that we are aware of our emotional, energetic and vibrational reality. Through awareness of the material self, our third dimensional, human self aspect, we are aware of our disconnection, fear and alone-ness in a vast Universe that we cannot control. But that is an illusion which lacks the element for transformation, enlightenment. To become conscious within our highest self aspects we can ‘enlighten’ the self, reminding us of our divinity and joining our human self into our spiritual self.

From the human perspective, being self conscious is where we are uncomfortable, recognize where we don’t fit in, are lacking in some way and are powerless, uncentered and grounded in a reality that lacks a foundation of spiritual truth. Through this type of self consciousness we see every fault and imperfection and how they are reflected in our reality. Being self conscious reminds us of our humanity and of how far removed we are from our divinity. This is our most powerless aspect and yet it is the one we use most often to interpret and navigate the world and our place in it.

But when we consider the many different aspects of the self, all of which can be expressed as different levels of consciousness, we can choose what we will be aware of and can then apply enlightenment to those areas. Are we weak and afraid? Enlightenment will release our fear and give us courage. Are we feeling undeserving and unworthy? Enlightenment will remind us that we are deserving and worthy of abundant, limitless blessings. Are we feeling unloved? Enlightenment reconnects us to our inner source of unconditional love and empowers us to be loving with ourselves, which attracts love to us.

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Paul Craig Roberts ~ Empires Then and Now

Paul Craig Roberts | March 27 2012

Great empires, such as the Roman and British, were extractive. The empires succeeded, because the value of the resources and wealth extracted from conquered lands exceeded the value of conquest and governance. The reason Rome did not extend its empire east into Germany was not the military prowess of Germanic tribes but Rome’s calculation that the cost of conquest exceeded the value of extractable resources.

The Roman empire failed, because Romans exhausted manpower and resources in civil wars fighting amongst themselves for power. The British empire failed, because the British exhausted themselves fighting Germany in two world wars.

In his book, The Rule of Empires (2010), Timothy H. Parsons replaces the myth of the civilizing empire with the truth of the extractive empire. He describes the successes of the Romans, the Umayyad Caliphate, the Spanish in Peru, Napoleon in Italy, and the British in India and Kenya in extracting resources. To lower the cost of governing Kenya, the British instigated tribal consciousness and invented tribal customs that worked to British advantage.

Parsons does not examine the American empire, but in his introduction to the book he wonders whether America’s empire is really an empire as the Americans don’t seem to get any extractive benefits from it. After eight years of war and attempted occupation of Iraq, all Washington has for its efforts is several trillion dollars of additional debt and no Iraqi oil. After ten years of trillion dollar struggle against the Taliban in Afghanistan, Washington has nothing to show for it except possibly some part of the drug trade that can be used to fund covert CIA operations.

America’s wars are very expensive. Bush and Obama have doubled the national debt, and the American people have no benefits from it. No riches, no bread and circuses flow to Americans from Washington’s wars. So what is it all about?

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