Money, Usury And Humanity

The Jeenyus Corner | September 27 2012

BarterMoney is a representation of time and space, which on the gradation of reality, puts it somewhere in between the tooth fairy and a refrigerator.  It’s been described as a bartering tool, a method, or a tangible item like gold.  Money operates to standardize the value of production and exchange.  When you produce a good or service and then exchange it for a different but equal good or service (which in and of itself represents time, space, or energy) money names that transaction.

Usury is a different beast altogether.  I came up with (or more accurately, consciousness bubbled up to me) ANTI USURY as the theme for weeGlobal nearly a year ago.  The Fifth Page researches things in need of exposure, not yet settled.  The weeLearn page explores how to get the the Fifth Page.  And once you’ve dug past the Fifth page of questions, you’ll be well on your way to thoughts of anti-usury.

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Ether Dispersement

Terri Newlon | September 20 2012

Djwhal Khul here. Tashi delek.

Djwhal KhulAlright. We have a new phenomenon occurring and let’s say all of Creation is feeling the effects of it. I’m going to call it “Ether Dispersement”, and see if I can explain a little about it so that you have an understanding of it and some ways to work with life forms, your own body, bodies of your family, pets and what not.

In the way that we spiritually study Creation, everything that exists is fluid or liquid. So we are looking at everything, even things like ether or things that appear to be space or air is really liquid. If you have ever seen a demonstration of making water wetter, like perhaps a Shaklee product Basic H or I think there are a few other things out there that are similar, crystal energy, looking, seeing, something I’m going to say automotive maybe, and other ways of treating drinking water.

So basically if you put a bead of water on a table and then you introduce another thing to it, the bead of water can no longer stay a bead, it just runs very flat. So essentially this is happening with the ethers. The ethers are becoming wetter or dispersing.

In the way in which it works with the physical body, it affects the pH balance, it affects the electrolytes and it affects the minerals in the body. I am going to recommend ionic minerals, maybe a negative ion generator in the home to get the body compatible with it. It is certainly good to alkalize the body.

Some simpler methods are just squeeze some lemon in some water. The fresh squeezed please cause the already packaged juice I think already has some sulfites; there are chemicals in there. Certainly I can see the chemicals. Your body runs too hot, use lime instead of lemon.

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Whole Foods Knowingly Engages In Massive GMO Deception

NaturalNews | September 26 2012

Whole Foods deceives consumers into unknowingly buying GMOs while financially supporting a GMO supply chain that ultimately enriches Monsanto, charges an explosive new undercover sting video released by Organic Spies.

The video features secret camera footage from a dozen Whole Foods stores in the Los Angeles area, capturing Whole Foods employees lying on camera about the genetically engineered ingredients found in products sold at Whole Foods.

“It’s against our policy to carry anything that’s grown with GMOs in it,” says one employee, caught on camera.

But according to Organic Spies, anywhere from 20% – 30% of Whole Foods products contain GMOs.

When asked whether Whole Foods products contain GMOs, another employee says, “Absolutely not. Because the bottom line for all Whole Foods is no preservatives, no additives, no added growth hormones, no GMOs, absolutely, that’s for everything.”

This statement is, of course, patently absurd. Even I’ve noticed all kinds of additives and preservatives in products sold at Whole Foods. And GMOs are found throughout the store, including in many so-called “natural” products that are actually made with GM corn. In fact, Natural News just revealed a list of the top 10 breakfast cereals most likely to contain GMOs… and some of them are sold at Whole Foods.

“Whole Foods has mastered the art of bait and switch”

According to the undercover video, Whole Foods has “mastered the art of bait and switch” by advertising their foods as organic and non-GMO, then inundating customers with foods labeled “natural” which actually contain genetically engineered ingredients and pesticide residues.

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Paul Craig Roberts ~ A Culture Of Delusion

Paul Craig Roberts | September 27 2012

ChinaA writer’s greatest disappointments are readers who have knee-jerk responses. Not all readers, of course. Some readers are thoughtful and supportive. Others express thanks for opening their eyes. But the majority are happy when a writer tells them what they want to hear and are unhappy when he writes what they don’t want to hear.

For the left-wing, Ronald Reagan is the great bogeyman. Those on the left don’t understand supply-side economics as a macroeconomic innovation that cured stagflation by utilizing the impact of fiscal policy on aggregate supply. Instead, they see “trickle-down economics” and tax cuts for the rich. Leftists don’t understand that the Reagan administration intervened in Grenada and Nicaragua in order to signal to the Soviets that there would be no more Soviet expansion or client states and that it was time to negotiate the end of the cold war. Instead, leftists see in Reagan the origin of rule by the one percent and the neoconservatives’ wars for US hegemony.

In 1981 curtailing inflation meant collapsing nominal GNP and tax revenues. The result would be budget deficits–anathema to Republicans– during the period of readjustment. Ending the cold war meant curtailing the military/security complex and raised the specter in conservative circles of “the anti-Christ” Gorbachev deceiving Reagan and taking over the world.

In pursuing his two main goals, Reagan was up against his own constituency and relied on rhetoric to keep his constituency on board with his agenda. The left wing heard the rhetoric but failed to comprehend the agenda.

When I explain these facts, easily and abundantly documented, some of leftish persuasion send in condescending and insulting emails telling me that they look forward to the day that I stop lying about Reagan and tell the truth about Reagan like I do about everything else.

“Knee-jerk liberal” is a favorite term of conservatives. But conservatives can be just as knee-jerk. When I object to Washington’s wars, the mistreatment of detainees and the suspension of civil liberties, some on the right tell me that if I hate America so much I should move to Cuba. Many Republicans cannot get their minds around the fact that if civil liberties are subject to the government’s arbitrary discretion, then civil liberties do not exist. The flag-waving element of the population is prone to confuse loyalty to the country with loyalty to the government, unless, of course, there’s a Democrat in the White House.

Rationally, it makes no sense for readers to think that a writer who would lie to them about one thing would tell them the truth about another. But as long as they hear what they want to hear, it is the truth. If they don’t want to hear it, it is a lie.

Both left and right also confuse explanations with justifications.

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Julian Assange To UN ~ US Is Trying To Build A ‘Regime Of Secrecy’ [Video]

 | September 26 2012

On Wednesday night, Julian Assange, the creator of Wikileaks, addressed the United Nations General Assembly in an event called “Strengthening Human Rights” from the Ecuadorian Embassy in London where he has been trapped for several months. The event that was hosted by the Ecuadorian Foreign Minister Ricardo Patino and gave Assange a platform to draw attention to his case and he emphasized the importance of revealing the truth. Here is that speech.