Fields Of Consciousness

Spiritual Dynamics Newsletter March 31 2013

consciousnessWhen Easter and Christmas come around, I often wonder – in order for Jesus to achieve what he does on these occasions – just how huge his field of consciousness must be.

Consider this. He promised that he would be present in spirit whenever two or more people are gathered in his name. Even today, after two thousand years, he still delivers on that promise. Now, in order for him to be present in spirit in thousands upon thousands of groups and congregations, all at the same time, he has to be in thousands of places at once.

He has to be able to split his consciousness into many thousands of parts, with each individual part being capable of attending to one group. When someone in that group asks for healing or spiritual support, the part of him attending to that group senses the request and provides them with personal support.

When you consider how huge this avatar-sized field of consciousness must be, it becomes easier to see how Jesus performed amazing miracles. By comparison, yogis who practice for many years have been known to develop the ability to walk on water. Jesus just went ahead and did it.

Some yogis are advanced enough to materialize small amounts of physical matter right out of the ethers. Jesus not only manifested loaves and fishes, but he produced enough to feed five thousand people!

Some people – ones who can’t see how miracles are achieved – question whether Jesus’ miracles actually did happen. Personally, I don’t doubt the miracles. To me, the biggest mystery is how such a huge and powerful spirit managed to fit his enormous field of consciousness into one small human body.

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Too Big To Jail?

Jonathan Turley March 29 2013

Obama Administration Agrees To Large Penalty In Exchange For Letting Billionaire Escape Insider Training Charge While His Subordinates Plead Guilty

Steven A. Cohen

John Cassidy has a remarkable story out in the New Yorker this week about a sweetheart deal cut by the Justice Department with one of the wealthiest men in the world, Steven A. Cohen. Cohen’s company would pay $626 million but not have to admit any wrongdoing and Cohen would face no personal sanction. The billionaire appears to be celebrating this month with a buying spree with a Picasso painting and a huge new mansion. What is amazing is that various Cohen subordinates have pleaded guilty and Cohen has been tied directly to an insider trading allegation. Yet, he appears to “too big to jail” as a continuation of the Obama Administration’s bifurcated legal system for the super rich and the rest of us.

This is a standard ploy in which a sweet deal is reached to protect a powerful individual by setting a huge penalty to be paid by his company. The Obama Administration has been flogging the size of the payment to distract attention from the fact that Cohen will be left entirely untouched.

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Miracle Drink Kills Cancer Cells Too

Before It’s News March 29 2013

CancerThis miracle drink has been circulating for some time. A celebrity (Mr. Seto) swears by it.  Mr. Seto had lung cancer. A famous herbalist from China recommended he take this drink. He drank it regularly for 3 months. Now his health is restored and he is ready to take a pleasure trip, all thanks to this drink. He is bringing the recipe to the attention of people who have cancer or otherwise would like to improve their health. The drink stops bad cells forming in the body and/or restrains their growth.

According to Mr. Seto it is like a miracle drink! And it is simple.


Combine one beet root, one carrot and one apple to make the juice! Wash the fruit and vegetables, cut into pieces with the skin on and put them into the juicer and immediately drink the juice.

You can add lime or lemon for a more refreshing taste.

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Scientists Claim 40% Of UK Population Is Infected With “Mind Control Parasite”

IntelliHub March 28 2013

Joanne Webster, professor of parasite epidemiology at Imperial College London, explains that many parasites favor the brain, “because it shelters them from the full fury of the immune system”. But, she says, “it also gives them direct access to the machinery to alter the host’s behavior”.

The Telegraph reported that

“There is a single-celled parasite called Toxoplasma gondii, which is found in domestic cats, and is estimated to infect 350,000 people a year in Britain. Its effect on humans became the obsession of Jaroslav Flegr, professor of evolutionary biology at Charles University in Prague, who linked it with disturbed behaviours such as reckless driving and a greater risk of suicide.  Rats infected with Toxo, as scientists at Imperial College discovered, actually like the smell of cat urine, instead of being terrified by it. And studies at Stanford University in California have revealed the neural changes that lay behind this transformation.

Toxo – which comes in the form of tiny single-celled cysts – was clustered in two areas of the brain: those controlling fear and pleasure. Pathways that normally responded to the smell of cat urine with alarm had been damped down, while the pleasure hormone dopamine, normally released in response to female rodent urine, was now triggered by the whiff of cat. Most recently, researchers have shown that Toxo’s DNA includes two genes that boost dopamine production.  Human brains have plenty of similarities with those of rats and mice, suggesting that the greater number of car crashes among those with Toxo infection could be due to it damping fear responses.”

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