A Healthy Thyroid Supports Slimming Down, Greater Clarity And Renewed Vitality

NaturalNews May 29 2013


Feeling sluggish with perpetual brain fog? What about weight gain, depression and hair loss? If suffering from these ailments, a lethargic thyroid may be the culprit. Modern lifestyles and toxins as well as gluten can wreck havoc on the gland and, in turn, health. Yet the ill effects of modern living can be counteracted with a few simple adjustments. Two of the best methods are though diet and stress reduction.

Maladies and triggers

On of the largest glands in the body, the thyroid is located on the front side of the neck, sitting just below the Adam’s apple. It produces hormones that influence metabolism, digestion and immune response. When the thyroid is stagnant, it leads to:

– Malabsorption and elimination issues

– Weight gain and fatigue

– Cognitive decline

– Poor glucose utilization

– Depression and mood disorders

– Malfunction of the liver and gall bladder

– Diminished absorption of vitamin B12, folic acid and iron

– Decreased T-cell activity

– Increased inflammation

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Seeds of Death: Unveiling The Lies of GMO’s – Full Movie

PRNfm May 23 2013 (Thanks, Willow)

The world’s leading Scientists, Physicians, Attorneys, Politicians and Environmental Activists expose the corruption and dangers surrounding the widespread use of Genetically Modified Organisms in the new feature length documentary, “Seeds of Death: Unveiling the Lies of GMOs”.

Senior Executive Producer / Writer / Director: Gary Null PhD
Executive Producer/Writer/Co-Director: Richard Polonetsky
Producers: Paola Bossola, Richard Gale, James Spruill, Patrick Thompson, Valerie Van Cleve
Editors: James Spruill, Patrick Thompson, Richie Williamson, Nick Palm
Music: Kevin MacLeod (Incompetech.com), Armando Guarnera
Graphics: Jay Graygor

Manuka: Antibacterial, Antifungal, Kills Deadly MRSA Bacteria

Natural Society May 27 2013

Gut flora
Manuka trees

In 1769, James Cook called the tea tree a medicinal wonder with an ‘agreeable bitter taste’, but New Zealanders call their Manuka trees life savers. Manuka oil is derived from the Manuka tree that grows primarily in New Zealand. Its active ingredients, Triketones and Sesquiterpenes, are anti-fungal, anti-viral, anti-septic and anti-bacterial. The oil of the Manuka tree is even successfully fighting MRSA bacteria, also known as Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, or staph.

A skin disease which can cause mild to a fatal infection, skin rashes, boils, redness, and itching, MRSA isn’t always deadly, but it can be. Thankfully, recent scientific studies show that manuka oil can not only prevent MRSA, but treat it as well. In fact, the oil has been shown to be more effective than many pharmaceutical antibiotics, prescribed by doctors to treat MRSA. The oil can also alleviate symptoms from everything from anxiety to eczema.

In addition to being a potent answer to drug resistant bacteria like MRSA, another study published in the journal Microbiology found that honey – particularly that derived from bees foraging on manuka flowers – halted one type of streptococcus pyogenes from inhibiting the healing of wounds.

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Are We Living In A Cartoon World?

Laura Bruno’s blog May 29 2013

Update from Laura: “I have been informed that the original article that spawned this one was meant as satire. Here’s my point, though: in this world you really cannot tell! Between the Monsanto Protection Act that IS real and the 82,000 trees in California to be doused with Roundup (and worse) that unfortunately is also real, as well as the GMO wheat in Australia that randomly turns genes on and off without any way of predicting when or how … I still stand by this post.”

CanadaIs it me, or are the insane people running insane corporations getting exponentially more insane by the moment? I know this is all part of the great unveiling — that more and more people can finally see the Shadows — but does anyone else feel like we’ve entered one of those old cartoons with the over-the-top villains? Or an Austin Powers movie with Dr. Evil? Things have become so absurd that laughter may in fact prove to be the best medicine. One recent exposure to ponder:

Monsanto’s GMO Cucumbers cause mice baldness, mice-eating feral cat baldness, and “natural” Brazilian waxes for unsuspecting men and women taste-testers.

Oh, yes, you too can experience the unpredictable wonders of non-organic cucumbers that steal your pubic hair. In all seriousness, this story reveals several important things, including that GMO effects do rise up the food chain. Farmers testing the new genetically engineered cucumbers in Canada first noticed bald mice in the fields, followed by hairless feral cats, which strongly suggests that eating an animal who consumed GMO’s will, indeed, pass effects upstream to you.

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What, Exactly, Is Liberty?

FreemansPerspective.com May 28 2013

Franklin D. RooseveltMore or less every modern politician talks about “freedom” or “liberty.” Actually, they don’t talk about it as much as they use it as a magic incantation. They go on at length about “our free country,” but if you could get them to define freedom, that definition would be something along the lines of “what we have.”

Once we’re past such self-praising nonsense, we’re still left with the original question: What exactly is this “liberty”? And then the trouble begins. There are dozens of definitions. This is a problem. We’re all going around talking about liberty, but no two of us mean precisely the same thing. If you’re looking for reasons why liberty gets so little real traction in the world, this would be a good place to start.

So, it’s about time that we clarified what we mean by these terms. And, since I’ve spent decades pursuing liberty, and since no one else seems to be addressing this, I’ll take on this chore myself.

First of all, I’m going to treat “liberty” and “freedom” as the same concept. After all, the word freedom comes to us from old English and liberty from old French, and they both mean the same thing: unconstrained.

The problem with unconstrained lies in the fact that we are constrained by the natural world, by everything from gravity to rocks to weather. Nature constrains us. Yet, we don’t feel oppressed by nature – it isn’t trying to hurt us or limit us, it simply is what it is, and we can use it as we wish too. Our bodies are part of nature, after all.

It is when other people force us to obey, use violence against us, our simply intimidate us, that we feel constrained and abused. (Which tells us all we really need to know about the nature of liberty and humanity.)

So, here is a precise definition for freedom/liberty:

A condition in which a man’s will regarding his own person and property is unopposed by any other will.

That is the bedrock. From there you can add other aspects if you wish, but you cannot deviate from this core and still be talking about “liberty.”

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