Junk DNA: Doorway To Transformation

RawPear November 5 2013 (Thanks, JT)

Chakras2Something that is not widely known about the mind-body connection today is that, since the early 1940s, a genuine microbiological framework for understanding the power of suggestion, intention and belief has been developing.

In this article we will look at some of this work as it relates to previously unexplainable “spontaneous” alterations to the genomes of living people—and the physiological and psychospiritual transformations that often accompany them.

What We Fail to Understand Must Be “Junk”

The vast majority of our DNA “text” is not used in the coding of proteins and enzymes—it is non-coding—and scientists generally do not have any idea what its purpose is. Thus, they initially dubbed it “junk” DNA. How much of our DNA is junk? About 95–98 percent: rather a lot of waste for nature to keep.

Since this part of DNA is not responsible for constructing our basic physical form, its purpose has remained mysterious to conventional mindsets until very recently. We now know that a large portion of “junk” DNA is made up of mobile genetic elements (transposons and retrotransposons) or “jumping DNA,” which can rewrite and activate—or deactivate—certain genetic codes. Jumping DNA reportedly makes up as much as half of the total DNA nucleotides.

Another major portion of the non-protein-coding regions of the genome is composed of variable-number, randomly repeating sequences known as “satellite DNA.” Microbiologist William Brown believes that through specific conformational arrangements, satellite DNA interfaces with the so-called “morphic field.” Various conformations have specific resonances with the morphic field and can tune into different information programs. Since satellite DNA is very specific to each person, each of us tunes into a distinct and unique morphogenetic pattern.

It seems likely that both jumping DNA and satellite DNA interface with the morphic field, thus responding to alterations in one’s state of consciousness. Satellite DNA’s ability to expand the number of repeating sequences means an increase in the information-carrying capacity of DNA.

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Removing The Shadow In The New Earth Matrix

Earth-Keeper Chronicles March 30 2014

newEarthStarfieldDear Human , your main-stream ‘history’ is quite blatantly inaccurate. None of your religions offer the complete spiritual truth. Your extra terrestrial heritage is as yet unacknowledged and is in fact hidden from you. So too is your true history on this magnificent planet. It is time to let go of fairy tales and fables, and understand who you truly are !

It is time to accept your power & manage the veracity & challenge of responsible co creation. It is time to wipe the dross from sleepy eyes…and step into light. It is time to remove the shadow !

Masters, we tell you nothing can be in shadow in the dawning of the Planetary Ascension…in Year Two of the New Earth.

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The Dark Light Effect

SpiritualDynamics  March 30 2014

This article extends the information contained in the article, In Space, No One Can See The Stars. It points out how the magnetosphere, as well and the atmosphere, interferes with the passage of light, transforming it from its metaphysical, invisible state to a physically visible state.

In its free-traveling state, light is comprised of three energy charges – electric, magnetic, and etheric. It is the etheric energy component which makes light invisible to physical eyes. When a particle of light hits a barrier, or is interfered with, it temporarily loses its etheric charge. The Earth’s atmosphere diffracts light, reducing its energy charge, as does its magnetosphere.

The Earth’s magnetosphere is a zone of magnetic energy which extends for many thousands of miles into space and is blown along by the electrically-charged solar wind. Magnetic energy and etheric energy interact with each other as do magnetic energy and electric energy. In cosmology, the reason that “dark energy” (etheric energy) and “dark matter” (etheric matter) are known phenomena is because of their interaction with gravitational fields.

Like the atmosphere, the magnetosphere interferes with light enough to make it become visible.

The Solar Wind Carrying the Magnetospheric Wind Away From Earth

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Dandelion Blossom Jelly


DandelionBlossomJellyWhen I see the dandelions, I know that spring has finally made its way here. It’s a time of warmer weather, more sunshine and getting the garden ready for the growing season And, what better way to celebrate the coming of a new season than to preserve it.

I was telling my friend, Daisy Luther about all of the dainty dandelions popping up in my yard and she passed along a recipe for dandelion jelly for me to try from her upcoming book, The Organic Canner.

My daughters and I went out and picked 10 cups of dandelions blossoms and had the most wonderful time talking about what went on during our day. The hardest part of this was cutting the stems from the blossoms. It was, after all 10 cups worth of blossoms. But I was determined to try this recipe out, and I harvested blossoms until my fingers turned yellow from the petals. The process was easy and the result is delicious! Now that I have made this, it has become one of my top favorite jellies. It has a taste and color that resembles honey, and is delicious on baked goods, or as a topping in your oatmeal.

Next time you see dandelions in your yard, don’t run them over with the lawn mower! Remember, they are edible and pick them to use in recipes.

Dandelion Blossom Jam

If you are lucky enough to live in (or visit) an area that you are absolutely certain does not spray pesticides, you can join the bees and enjoy some Dandelion Nectar – except yours will be in the form of jam.

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Aboriginal ‘Pleiades Embryo’ Carving Reveals Origin Of Human Creation

Wake Up World  March 28 2014

PleaidesInStone2This brief article is the most accidental and one of the most important I have yet penned.

Evan and I recently received some archival records of immense importance, relating to studies, sites and conclusions that Frederic Slater (President of the Australian Archaeological Society of Australia), along with a bevy of well connected associates, shared openly in the public arena in 1937. According to the archives, this group of scholars were adamant that some (then) recently discovered rock engravings were of Egyptian inspiration, and made reference to a rock platform near the Cave of the Golden Boomerang we ourselves had previously stood upon – and came to the same conclusion.

Evan searched online for further details of that particular site, and there amongst a Newcastle University discussion about this location and its archaeology, was a photograph. The figure it depicted was a rather unusual semi-embryonic foetus, and much to our surprise – and delight – it was claimed that this icon represented the Pleiades.

The Pleiades Embryo

Our reaction was instant. We both immediately recognised the symbol, where it was found, and how dramatically the traveller’s narrative of the Cave of the Golden Boomerang had been extended — into the heavens and beyond. Knowing how sacred this cave was, detailing the beginning of modern humans, we had previously known of the general details, but none of the specifics. This changed everything.