Angel Messages For June 1 – 7 2015 ~ Doreen Virtue’s Angel Oracle Card Reading [Video]

This week will increase your faith and strength, and push you to use all of your spiritual tools, because it’s going to be a continuation of the intensity that we’ve been experiencing. Look for the blessings within the intensity, and you’ll have healing experiences.


For those who are highly sensitive, the combination of the full moon with mercury retrograde means it’s best to retreat and nap as much as possible. Disconnect from drama as much as you can.

DO call upon Archangel Michael with his flaming sword of light to detach you from fear and worry energy, and remember the power of prayer to evoke miraculous solutions. Continue reading

The Gateway To Spiritual Consciousness

flowOwen K Waters – Love is the saving grace of all of humanity. We contact this primal energy in our finest moments. From the moment a baby is born, it is enshrouded in the unselfish love of its mother. From the moment a person springs into action to save others from peril, their own thoughts of survival are ‘overlighted’ by the love and caring that shines from their heart.

When a person dies and reviews their life, they see that one thing that mattered the most: Love. Pure, unadulterated, unconditional love. It is the source of compassion. It is the energy of caring for others. It is the binding force which holds together the entire universe, and it flows through you whenever you simply allow it.

Love is the gateway to spiritual consciousness. It is through activation of the spiritual heart that we pass into a whole new world of expansion and joy. In the realms of spiritual consciousness, we find peace, bliss, and continual inspiration. In the realms of spiritual consciousness, we expand our view of life to see the issues that are important to the soul. We can then see how love can heal and how we can and should spend the time to spread a little more love in the world every day, even if it is simply done in silent prayer for the well-being of others. Continue reading

The Reality Salesman Makes A House Call, Part 2

“Imagination is a force of nature. Is this not enough to make a person full of ecstasy? Imagination, imagination, imagination. It converts to actual. It sustains, it alters, it redeems!”Saul Bellow, Henderson the Rain King

“When the imagination sleeps, words are emptied of their meaning.”Albert Camus

“I believe in intuition and inspiration. Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited, whereas imagination embraces the entire world, stimulating progress, giving birth to evolution.”Albert Einstein

“But imagination gives us the sweet music of tiniest insect wings, enables us to hear, all around the world, the vibration of every needle, the waving of every bole and branch, the sound of stars in circulation like particles in the blood. The Sierra canyons are full of avalanche debris—we hear them boom again, and we read the past sounds from present conditions. Again we hear the earthquake rock-falls. Imagination is usually regarded as a synonym for the unreal. Yet is true imagination healthful and real, no more likely to mislead than the coarse senses. Indeed, the power of imagination makes us infinite.”John Muir

“Reality can be beaten with enough imagination.”Mark Twain

“The world of reality has its limits; the world of imagination is boundless.”Jean-Jacques Rousseau

“The imagination is not a state: it is the human existence itself.”William Blake

“One group, one collective, one unified species—consider the tonnage of propaganda that has been poured into that formula, in order to convince populations that elites want the Good, rather than what they really want: Control. What if the universal concepts of One Space and One Time in One Continuum is, likewise, a basic fraud?” (The Underground, Jon Rappoport)

“In the face of crises, people keep saying, ‘What can we do, what can we do, what can we do?’ And I keep saying, the real target of that question is the person asking it. He’s asking himself. I’m not demeaning solutions and staunch groups that are already out there. But I’m saying that the individual, by tapping into his own imagination, is a further solution. Imagination is the ultimate wild card. There are many answers and solutions and actions that haven’t been dreamed up yet. To ignore this fact, to remain out of touch with one’s own imagination is the worst possible idea.” (The Magician Awakes, Jon Rappoport)

ImaginationRailTracksWaterSkyStoneJon Rappoport – Hi again, folks. This is your friendly reality salesman, back for another reminder.

In my last message, I mentioned that all the inhabitants of Earth are due for a booster shot of our massively popular Perception Package. These updates occur every 20,000 years. Continue reading

19 Second Breathing Technique Induces Sleep ‘Almost Instantly’

A natural solution for insomnia

breathingRobert Harrington – The many pressures of life have contributed to a veritable epidemic of insomnia. People young and old, rich and poor everywhere have problems getting to sleep at night. Because the relentless stresses of post-modern life constitute the primary cause, insomnia does not seem to discriminate against any particular demographic … except one.

Those folks who really know how to relax and have adopted various stress management techniques seem to fare the best with getting a good night’s sleep. Of all the relaxation techniques one can utilize, none is as effective and fast-working as breathing techniques. There are actually several types of breathing techniques designed for different purposes, each executed according to various patterns and formulas.

Ayurveda, the science of life from India and mother of all healing arts, has much to offer the West, particularly where it concerns proper breath and breathing exercises. The various pranayamas of hatha yoga all find their source in this ancient system which extols the virtues of breath in the healing process.

With that background, an American physician has now developed a yoga-inspired breathing technique because of the many requests that he received from his insomniac patients worldwide. I’ts called the 4-7-8 Breathing Exercise.

“The 4-7-8 breathing technique was pioneered by Dr. Andrew Weill from Arizona, who describes the yoga-inspired method as ‘utterly simple, takes almost no time, requires no equipment and can be done anywhere.’ Continue reading

Opening The Seven Seals Of God-Consciousness

lightAA Michael – Beloved masters, it is time for you to take advantage of your physical and Spiritual senses in the fullest measure. You must redefine and learn to properly use the physical senses in order to access and develop the higher senses that became dormant so long ago: clairvoyance/clear seeing, clairaudience/clear hearing or telepathic abilities, clairsentience/clear knowing (that of an empathic, intuitive person with an expanded, inner sense of awareness). All of these heightened abilities are a part of your Divine Birthright just waiting for you to reclaim them.

We have discussed in great detail the seven major chakras of the physical vessel and outlined the positive and negative attributes/functions of each one. It is important that you also realize that each chakra and organ within the body has a consciousness of its own, which was overlaid and infused with the energies of your many past experiences and thought forms. You have not only created your outer world with your beliefs and the vibrational frequencies of your thoughts, but you have built your inner world as well.

Your body communicates with you in many ways, but do you know how to listen and interpret what it is telling you? I have stated this truth to you before, but it bears repeating. Many of you have accepted the fact that you can communicate and interact with the Angelic Realms and Beings of Light. However, most of you are still not aware that you can communicate with the many Facets of your bodily form.

Some time ago we gave you the gift of Seven Crystalline Spheres of Higher Consciousness, whereby you began the process of returning your chakra system to a harmonious state, by breathing Spheres of Light from your God Seed Atom / I AM Presence into each of the seven major chakra centers of the physical body. We had you breathe in a Sphere of Light, and then superimpose the Infinity Sign over each sphere/chakra to assist in accelerating the process of releasing impacted, disharmonious energy patterns, as you strive to reclaim the gifts of Self-mastery. Continue reading