Exposing Manipulative Media Techniques That Restrict Spiritual Freedom

The use of propaganda and negative framing techniques is rampant in both print and broadcast media. These techniques are used to portray alternative spirituality in a negative light, manipulating mass media consumers to fear and despise new religious movements as a criminal evil to be avoided at all costs. This article examines the framing techniques used to harm spirituality.

mediaDavid Gardner – When we turn on the news, open a paper or watch our favourite current affairs show, we might expect to be informed, not manipulated. What many may not consider or realise, however, is just how biased and sensationalist these forms of media can be, and how much they can influence our world view.

This is true in the media’s coverage of many aspects of society. Public figures are defamed on a regular basis, with the media knowing on probability that they will not be sued for every falsity or unsubstantiated allegation they publish. When people or groups are exonerated, the media is unlikely or reluctant to print a retraction, or to give it the same level coverage, as positive news is just not “newsworthy” enough to entertain its consumers. Sensationalism and negative coverage breeds curiosity, engages and unites consumers around social norms and orthodoxy and attracts advertisers.

In such a media environment, alternative spirituality is an easy target. It has been targeted and tarnished in the public mind through years of exposure to anti-cult rhetoric in the media following high profile tragedies at WACO and Jonestown. Alternative spirituality is almost always framed in a negative light, with the very idea of it deliberately conflated with controversy and associated with the very small minority of unconnected groups which have committed criminal acts. While the majority of the public have no experience with small spiritual groups, their curiosity is easily evoked by the lurid stories of “brainwashing”, “mind control”, broken families and alleged sexual transgression which the media often lead with when covering so-called “deviant” spiritual minorities. Continue reading

Ann Albers ~ Messages From The Angels

divine loveCelebrate the bright, beautiful, and magnificent souls that you truly are. You are God’s love poured in human form, having an experience of life on earth. You are here to remember love and your connection with love. You are here to see love, be love, and share love with the world. And Divine Love dear ones – as opposed to human love – does not always look the way you thought it would.

Divine Love is present whether you “feel” it or not, although you certainly feel wonderful when you are connected with this reality. Divine Love is not what you “do” although it is beautifully expressed in actions. Divine Love is not always “serving” others in the ways you learned to serve and Divine Love is not always agreeing with those around you.

Divine Love, dear ones, simply IS. Divine Love is the root of all existence. Divine Love takes shape in billions of forms – in universes, stars, planets, plants, animals, oceans, mountains, in you, in those you like and in those you do not. Divine Love is unseen substance from which creation is fashioned. To the degree that a being or a thing exists in its pure state – you will see the Divine Love radiating from within it.

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The Oracle Report ~ Saturday, May 30 – Sunday, May 31, 2015

Gibbous Moon in Scorpio: trust, magic

Goddess of Wisdom: Tara (Goddess Who Guides), Kamala (Goddess Who Leaves No One Behind)

COVER ART “Kashmir: The Symphonic Led Zeppelin – London Philharmonic Orchestra” – Jaz Coleman

God of Will: Ian (God of The East), Seth (God of The North)

Skill: open to teaching and wisdom

Catalysts for Change: over-indulgence, inflated egos, disregarding consequences, self-sabotage, self-denial, disconnection of body and mind, propaganda, manipulation of gravitational and tectonic fields, fear of moving on, drama and dramatic changes to the status quo, impulsivity, clingy

True Alignment: balance, a peaceful and beautiful mind, re-connection with the body, novelty, sharing self with others through direct communication or through creativity, opportunities, clear vision, last-minute rescues or saved by the bell, rewards and gifts, relaxation, connecting sides

Sabian Symbol for the Lunar Month: “a mature woman reawakened to romance”

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: “the music of the spheres”

This month’s lunar theme of something awakening or coming to life inside of each of us continues in force this weekend.

The magical elements of love are in the air, asking us to open our hearts to our brothers and sisters worldwide, but also to open our hearts to ourselves. Our goal as wise owls is to hold the highest value for life, which we do well within the context of fellowship for others. But what about our own lives? Can we uphold the value of life if we have ourselves forgotten how to live, forgotten what makes us feel alive, forgotten how to be caring to ourselves? This weekend’s energy helps us answer these kinds of questions and resolve these kinds of issues. Continue reading

Want To Feed The Homeless? That Will Be $400, Please

homelessLily Dane – Homelessness in the U.S. is continuing to skyrocket, despite what the government would like us to believe.

And if you want to help your fellow Americans who are in need, well…there is a price to be paid.

You see, the government isn’t going to just LET you go out and feed hungry folks. Nope. Like pretty much ANYTHING else in this country, that will require a permit, and permits aren’t cheap.

The good people of a non-profit organization found this out the hard way.

Luke Rudkowski of We Are Change recently visited Los Angeles, California to talk to Cloud 9, which is a non-profit organization that has been helping the homeless.

Because no good deed goes unpunished, Cloud 9 recently had the government show up at a charity event and demand they pay over $400 for a permit in order to continue their work.


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California Has Stepped In It

Mandating Vaccines Would Create A Forced Human Experiment In Genetically Engineering Human Beings

human experimentCalifornia is on the verge of setting up a forced human experiment for the biotech industry: the genetic engineering of human beings through mandated GMO-vaccines. The Congress and various states around the country are on the same path, all having suddenly had bills introduced by legislators highly paid by and acting on behalf of the biotech/pharmaceutical industry which is pushing for the removal of all exemptions to its GMO vaccines.

Some of the legal and genetic issues involved are evident in this article. None of those issues have been addressed by any state legislature or by the Congress.

GMO-Vaccines Making Siblings of Millions of Children, Teens and College Students: Who Can They Safely Have Children With In The Future?

It’s without doubt that GMO-vaccines are genetically modifying human beings because human DNA is being contaminated by GMO insect DNA and other DNA.

That being so, it is without a doubt that the use of GMO-vaccines (recombinant DNA vaccines) is a monumental but undeclared human experiment on the human species.

That being so, mandating GMO-vaccines creates a forced human experiment.

All human experiments in the state of California must meet certain legal requirements or face jail and penalties for failing to do so.

In recognizing that GMO-vaccines are the essential element in a massive human experiment, suddenly it becomes clear that the aggressive vaccine push occurring now in the US that has involved bribed legislators, overturning normal legislative procedures and orchestrating a near media hysteria over harmless cases of measles, is allowing the vaccine industry to distract the country from the reality and implication of GMO vaccines, which are as a radical change from previous vaccines as GMO seeds are from normal seeds. Continue reading