Our Hollow Earth, Inner Earth Culture, A View From Above

earthMichelle Walling – A number of compelling arguments have been put forth to support the Hollow Earth Theory [link]. This includes science, mythology, history and photographic evidence. Mythology speaks of lost civilizations, the Middle Earth, Shamballa and the Land of Agharta, with entrances across the globe and at both poles. The “Lost Horizon” Shangri-La was based on the stories of Shamballa.

Scientific observation of the structure of the universe from the extraordinarily large to the extraordinarily small reveals a truth regarding the structure of all of Creation. As the Earth is a product of that same Creation, it follows that it should contain that same structure.

Observe the apple, the neutron star and the atom. The most important force is not gravity but electromagnetism and the geometries of rotating plasma vortices. There are hundreds of thousands of seismographic records available that represent soundings (via earthquakes) done from all over the earth. There have always been seismographic findings which lacked an adequately simple and elegant explanation if we are to assume the Earth is solid, but fit perfectly with the hollow earth model.

For example: peak earthquake intensity is found at the surface and at 800 miles down. It decreases and increases in intensity between these two points in a “U-shaped” configuration. No quakes are found below 800 miles. Earthquakes are statistically more intense near a surface. This is therefore consistent with two surfaces. Also, the “shadow zone” findings don’t have a good answer in the solid earth model, but fit perfectly with the hollow earth model. The “shadow zone” is an area on the surface located between 103º and 144º to an epicenter. There shouldn’t be any seismic waves detected at these positions, but there are.

Pictures taken from space almost always show cloud cover obscuring the polar positions. If these entrances are actually there, they would likely be exchanging air of different temperatures resulting in a condensation of water vapor and the development of cloud cover. However, sometimes the cloud cover is not obscuring the entrances. People working inside NASA have stated that they had been instructed to airbrush out those entrances on photographs. However, photographs are available that show anomalous findings in the polar regions consistent with such an entrance.

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Oracle Report ~ Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Grand Cross
“Burst of Flowers” – photographer Marina

Third Quarter Moon in Aries: revise, realign

Aspect of the Aeon Sophia (Wisdom): Tara, Goddess Who Guides

Aspect of the Aeon Thelete (Will/Desire): Ian, God of the East

Skill:  change perspective

True Alignments: relevance, breaking free of conditioning/habits/limitations, being heard, seeing a brighter side, creativity and creation, proud expressions, liberty, leadership, seeing the future in current patterns, clearing

Catalysts for Change:  intimidating or dominating others, unjust assumptions of power, the power to sway, stuck in being a victim, expecting others to fix things, holding in feelings, difficulty letting go of what is no longer acceptable, feelings of worthlessness, giving away one’s power, cluttered up

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Month: “a symbolic battle between swords and torches” (the might of light)

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: “the magic carpet of Oriental imagery” (transcending the past, past beliefs, past systems)

Four planets are positioning to form a beautiful pattern in the skies.  When planets make patterns, their energetics combine in special ways to produce certain effects.

This particular beautiful pattern is called a Grand Cross.  It is an equilateral cross, with one planet anchoring each of the four points.

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This Banking Official’s Warning May Spark Rush To Pull Out Money

bamlsDaniel Jennings – Hackers now have the ability to bring down an entire bank by cyberattack, one of the world’s top banking officials is warning.

Gottfried Leibbrandt, the CEO of SWIFT (Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication), said major cyberattacks on banks in three different countries in the past year demonstrated that hackers now have the ability to completely wipe out a major financial institution. SWIFT is a money transfer network for the world’s banks.

“The banks were compromised, credentials to payment generation systems were obtained to send fraudulent payments, and the statements/confirmations from their counterparties were obfuscated,” Leibbrandt revealed at a conference in Brussels.

SWIFT previously had warned that the attacks are “part of a wider and highly adaptive campaign.”

Three attacks have him concerned: Continue reading

How does a life change?

The ‘key of life’/ankh at the temple of Kom Ombo in Egypt (copyright Hedwig Storch).

Jon Rappoport – A person tends to “gather up his own life” and construct its boundaries and possibilities in his own mind.

It’s like taking a snapshot of life and pinning it to the wall and saying:

This is what my life is. It couldn’t be anything else.

And when he does that, he builds a thought-form that tells him where he can go and what he can do and where he won’t go and what he won’t do.

I once had a client who was very enthusiastic about our work. In each session, he would come across new ideas and resolve to put them into action. However, he never did put even one idea into action. It was as if these new possibilities were bouncing off something already set in his mind. And that something was, literally, a thought-form he had built years earlier, for the purpose of defining his life.

This thought-form operated as a barrier. It repelled anything new.

In this sense, a person can have his own private status quo. No matter what he does, no matter what he says, things will remain the same.

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The Agenda Of The Illuminati

Michelle Walling – For a week in October 2008, a person claiming to be a generational member of a Ruling Bloodline Family answered questions on a forum at www.abovetopsecret.com He used the moniker “Hidden Hand”. The following are drawn from that posting.

negativeThe Illuminati is a secret branch of Freemasonry. It is the ‘Dark Cabal’ that controls the world. It controls the cartels of banking, media, pharmaceuticals, defense, chemicals, food, minerals and oil. It is run by 13 bloodlines that have ruled the world since its beginning. It is divided into a number of Houses which perform various functions within society. These Houses are the military, government, spiritual, scholarship, leadership and sciences. With complete control of the media and banking, they have all aspects of society under their control.

It has a number of levels. At the bottom are the Local Cell Groups or Family Clusters which consist of five to thirty in a town or city. Each local area has its own Council which represents the six areas of learning. On the next level is the Regional Council consisting of the council leaders of the Cell Groups. Then there’s the National Council with the leaders of the Regional Councils and then there’s the Supreme World Council with the national leaders representing their countries. Above this is a liaison group to ‘Power Lines’ not of this planet.

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