Time to Crack the Polarity Code

polarityDiane Wing, M.A. – As we explore Universal Law, it becomes apparent that these laws are present in every aspect of life surfacing on a regular basis. To recognize and apply them, therefore, is an essential part of understanding our interactions with the Universe and to become adept at flowing with its wisdom.

The Law of Polarity states that: “Everything is Dual; everything has poles; everything has its pair of opposites; like and unlike are the same; opposites are identical in nature, but different in degree; extremes meet.”

We are a combination of various energies, each present by degree. Some energies may dominate our nature and others will surface only on special occasions. We are also the essence of the concept of polarity. Polarity differs from duality in that each pole has the essence of the other contained within it. There are ranges and degrees of each aspect housed within the other, inseparable.

Polarity Manifests a Spectrum of Combinations

A continuum of polarities exists within us, and what we manifest is a combination of these polarities in varying degrees. Nothing exists in a pure state; everything blends to form unique and vibrant combinations. The physical and metaphysical aspects inherent in the energy that surrounds us is where the polarity begins; the power generated by opposites yet has the essence of each opposite held within it.

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President Trump: Nationalist Capitalism, An Alternative to Globalization

economic capitalismJames Petras – During his inaugural speech, President Trump clearly and forcefully outlined the strategic political-economic policies he will pursue over the next four years. Anti-Trump journalist, editorialists, academics and experts, who appear in the Financial Times, New York Times, Washington Post and the Wall Street Journal have repeatedly distorted and lied about the President’s program as well as his critique of existing and past policies.

We will begin by seriously discussing President Trump’s critique of the contemporary political economy and proceed to elaborate on his alternatives and its weaknesses.

President Trump’s Critique of the Ruling Class

The centerpiece of Trump’s critique of the current ruling elite is the negative impact of its form of globalization on US production, trade and fiscal imbalances and on the labor market. Trump cites the fact that US industrial capitalism has drastically shifted the locus of its investments, innovations and profits overseas as an example of globalization’s negative effects. For two decades many politicians and pundits have bemoaned the loss of well-paid jobs and stable local industries as part of their campaign rhetoric or in public meetings, but none have taken any effective action against these most harmful aspects of globalization. Trump denounced them as “all talk and no action” while promising to end the empty speeches and implement major changes.

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Those Bankster Deaths And More Missing …

europeanJoseph P Farrell – It has been a while since we’ve talked about those mysterious bankster deaths, many of them having all the hallmarks of “bankercides (i.e., murder by suicide), and it’s been even longer since we’ve talked about all that “missing money” sloshing around in the system somewhere, an amount of money in the trillions. Well, Mr. W.D. sent the following article, and it has my high octane speculation running in high gear and overtime, but we’ll get back to that, because I want to paint in very broad strokes today.

The article that he shared concerns a looming storm centered around Europe’s largest bank, Deutsche Bank, and some shenanigans that reach out to engulf Italy and, I suspect, pretty much everyone else. But as I said, we’ll get back to that. Here’s the lengthy article by Vernon Silver and Elissa Martinuzzi that appeared on Bloomberg Business Week:

How Deutsche Bank Made a $462 Million Loss Disappear

Of course, a mere $462,000,000 looks like chump change to a bank as large and powerful as Deutsche Bank, but there are even vaster sums involved in this disappearing act. The story begins, according to the article, at a meeting held at Deutsche Bank’s London branch headed by Italian banker Michele Faissola: Continue reading

The Media Is Now The Political Opposition

mediaPaul Craig Roberts – Bannon is correct that the US media—indeed, the entire Western print and TV media—is nothing but a propaganda machine for the ruling elite. The presstitutes are devoid of integrity, moral conscience, and respect for truth. (https://www.rt.com/usa/375271-bannon-trump-media-cnn/). Read the comments in which morons define freedom of the press as the freedom to lie to the public.

Who else but the despicable Western media justified the enormous war crimes committed against millions of peoples by the Clinton, Bush, and Obama regimes in nine countries—Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Pakistan, Yemen, Syria, Somalia, Palestine, and the Russian areas of Ukraine?

Who else but the despicable Western media justified the domestic police states that have been erected in the Western world in the name of the “war on terror”?

Along with the war criminals that comprised the Clinton, Bush, and Obama regimes, the Western media should be tried for their complicity in the massive crimes against humanity.

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Angel Messages For Jan 30 – Feb 5, 2017 [Video]

Doreen Virtue – Mother Energy is prominent this week, and you are super-powered with your spiritual gifts of healing, through opening your heart (and others’ hearts) with compassion and forgiveness.


Signs from Heaven will appear to you this week, such as feathers and coins. You are a vessel of much-needed personal and global healing with your open heart and faith in God’s miracles.

From the Mary, Queen of Angels Oracle Cards at:http://bit.ly/MotherMaryCard

SF Source Doreen Virtue  Jan. 2017