Finding calm amid the storm

feelingDana Mrkich – A lot of dust has been swirled up this week. It is pushing buttons and triggering people left and right. On the positive side, we are becoming more aware of what’s important to us and are feeling more compelled to actively do something to contribute to the kind of world we want to live in. On the flip side, we could easily spend all day being outraged about the stories, posts and comments we see flooding our feed.

Regardless of where you stand on an issue the chances of being triggered are high right now because everyone’s opinions are very much intensified. So if you agree with a post or article, the comments that don’t agree might upset you and vice versa.

While there’s the initial rush of adrenalin that anger provides, and the call to action it encourages, when we feel it constantly it is exhausting and drains us of our power. Social media is really powerful for the amount of information it provides but it is hard if not impossible to emotionally process the avalanche of information hurling our way all day every day. We don’t have time to read every single article properly and so we find ourselves fuming at this heading or that heading or sharing like crazy when we haven’t really read the whole thing.

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Whole and Wholeness

energeticJennifer Hoffman – Each aspect of your energy is whole and complete because it resonates at your energetic vibration and frequency. You are in wholeness on each step of your healing journey, aligned with the lessons and purpose of your lifetime in each moment. With each shift in energetic vibration, which happens first on the inner planes of consciousness, you feel out of alignment because  there has been a completion of one aspect of your life purpose, which is integrating your healing and aligning your energy into a new, soul-directed purpose. All of this expands your energetic vibration into a new frequency and opens a new possibility for wholeness. Now you are embodying energetic aspects that are vibrating at different energetic levels.

The discomfort, doubt and uncertainty which you describe as ‘not being on your path’ are the manifestation of being on two different paths, and attempting to embody two different life purposes associated with different energetic vibrations. It is time to choose the path you will be on but neither one is comfortable. The known path no longer resonates completely with your vibration and the new path is unknown and you are also not wholly in its vibration. Your healing on the known path is complete and it is time to move to another level of wholeness.

The final step of each healing cycle is the embodiment of new energies, which are new potentials you can choose for your next level of energetic alignment. As you make your choice, you are able to experience the new and old energies and decide where you will be. There is no pressure or timeline for this choice and the challenge you face is the release of connections with aspects of your reality that embody the ‘old’ energy, including people, relationships and situations.

You may be the first in your soul group to achieve wholeness at an energetic vibration and this can make you feel very alone. You may try to maintain connections that no longer serve you or your new path, or that you are no longer aligned with. This final release joins ego and spirit in a moment of wholeness, where you are fully aligned and complete, ready to begin another journey into transformation, wholeness, and congruence. This is the path of ascension, and with each level you integrate, align with and master, new levels of energetic vibration are opening so you can become whole and complete at ever higher frequencies and levels of being.

Copyright (c) 2017 by Jennifer Hoffman. All rights reserved. You may quote, copy, translate and link to this article, in its entirety, on free, non-donation based websites only, as long as you include the author name and a working link back to this website. All other uses are strictly prohibited.

SF Source Enlightening Life Jan. 2017

Strong in your love

earthThe Angels – Life is a choice. It was a choice you made before you were born, and a choice you make every morning when you wake up and bravely enjoy another day on your school called Earth. You chose everything about this existence for the lessons it would provide your soul. You chose your families, your country of origin, key people you wished to meet. You chose your body, your health, so many things!>

Then you surrendered into this existence you chose, hoping to remember your light, your essence and your lessons. You dove into the toughest classroom in the universe! It is there upon your earth that you can master love. If you can remember to love the light within yourself and others on earth – a planet where the illusions of separation seem so very real – then you have learned to love in a way that is deeper, stronger, and truer than anywhere else in the universe.

You are strong if you can walk on a clear sunny day but how much stronger you have to be to walk straight in a fierce wind. You are smart if you can figure out how to get somewhere on time, but how much more clever when you do so amidst obstacles. You are strong in your love if you can love when its easy but how much more you achieve when you can love your “enemy,” as the saying goes.

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Unpredictable New Moon in Aquarius [Video]

Joseph P Anthony – It’s that time of the month again where we need to plant the seeds of intention. The New Moon in Aquarius on January 27th has us focusing our thoughts on the future. Aquarius is a cool, objective sign, given to friendly detachment and occasionally downloads of cosmic inspiration.

The focus is shaking free of restraints, upgrading, re-modeling and innovating. The shadow of Aquarius is that it can be rebellious to a fault, stubborn, unrepentant and unpredictable. Aquarius can be a breath of fresh air after staid and restrictive Capricorn but in order for there to be a new start, it’s first necessary to negotiate the discomfort of a Venus-Saturn square during this lunation. The New Moon makes no major aspects but it will be influenced by the Venus- Saturn square.

SF Source Joseph P Anthony  Jan. 2017

How To Heal Your Inner Child And Unblock Love And Relationships

inner ChildLeda de Zwaan – Your inner child is ALWAYS inside of you. You carry it around wherever you go because he or she lives in your heart. When the inner child is abandoned by its father or mother, discouraged, or not ‘acknowledged’ by parents when you were young. But also cheated on or rejected by a loved one… Then what happens?

What does the inner child do? The inner child says: ‘I will shield myself from feeling anything for anyone. I do NOT want a serious, loving relationship because loving someone means getting abandoned or turned down. Caring for somebody will cause me pain, depression and even illness.

Of course you’ll keep on living and you‘ll move on, but your inner child will be there forever, protecting you from new possible heartbreak.

What happens when you connect, meet, see (even through internet) a possible long-term partner?

The inner child (tarot card 9 of wands) awakens (as a huge force of energy), already in fear of losing that person in the future. Will she leave me for another man? Will she turn me down, when my heart is wide open for her? Will she be mean, arrogant or bitchy? Will she get ill or maybe even die? Your inner child, has become so scared of all you’ve already gone through, that the slightest form of affection for anyone can trigger its alarms. It has nothing to do with your new crush by the way, this new wo(man) could well be the love of your life!

How does this trigger point work?

The energy can take over your whole system. It is so strong in protecting you from any more harm, that this can show up in your body functions, but also behaviour and sleep. When it stands up, all of a sudden, it can look lik this:

– Heart problems ‘out of nowhere’

– The strong feeling of ‘ending this now’- whatever it is.

– Feeling very nervous, without any reason Continue reading