Transcending the Psychic Sludge

consciousnessJames Gilliland – Recently because of Global and local events there has been heaviness – a barrier so to speak – between clear guidance and the chaos of social consciousness. There are ascension waves that are exponentially getting stronger to help in the awakening and healing process yet it seems we have been caught in the muck and the mire.

On the Island of Maui there has been a long battle against Monsanto; which has led to a lot of disheartening along with a complete disregard for the will of the people. There were the elections with so many of the masses misinformed with the fake news, social programming by the main stream media along with movements funded by the globalists to create separation and division.

Division between the races and gender preying upon the wounds and traumas of the past in a covert psyop program is being carried out by the very same people guilty of what they accuse others of doing. There are a lot of powerful people at the top of the food chain guilty of sedition, treason, child trafficking, even satanic blood rituals.

Yes. As much as we would like to remain in denial these events have happened and we are going to have to deal with it. Our false media-generated and supported leaders are falling. They will see the light of day and there will be a day of reckoning. Not just during their light review when they leave this plane but here on Earth. Many will remove themselves or be removed over the next two months.

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Angel Messages For February 27 – March 5, 2017 [Video]

Doreen Virtue – It’s a week of getting in touch with your inner strength and divine wisdom. You’re extra-intuitive and are receiving a lot of realizations and epiphanies about the truth of yourself and situations. If your faith is being tested by challenges, keep the faith as your positive expectations can lead you back to God’s light and miracles. Focus upon solutions, to feel empowered and positive.

From the Healing with the Fairies Oracle Cards at:

SF Source Doreen Virtue  Feb. 2017

Extraordinary and True

26th February 2017: Solar Eclipse in 9th Degree of Pisces at 2:54 p.m. GMT
Photographer Kahlil

Sarah Varcas –  With four planets in Aries and five in Pisces, this eclipse speaks of over-due endings and fresh starts. A new way of being is in reach, born of wisdom gleaned from past experience and freedom from shackles that no longer bind. But these endings may not match our expectations, and if we’re waiting for the new to prove itself before letting go the old we may find ourselves frozen by fear, consumed by indecision or unhelpfully resistant to unavoidable change.

Which is why this eclipse requires an act of faith and a warrior spirit, all wrapped up in a ‘can do’ attitude which balks at the notion that the next step is too hard, too challenging or not what we’d planned. As such, it asks of us a lot but if we take a deep breath, resolve to stay the course and do what needs to be done it brings great strength and profound wisdom: direct experience of the divine as our personal source of knowledge and power. Ancestral trauma, family karma and inherited pain are all raised as issues at this eclipse. The coming six months will provide powerful opportunities to turn our wise and compassionate attention toward them, bringing to a close long-established patterns rooted within and beyond our lives.

This eclipse speaks of freedom to claim as our own: an opportunity to step into the light of our unique individuality, shaped – but not contained – by all that’s gone before. It raises issues of self and other, me and you, standing together or breaking apart to do life alone. Whilst a solar eclipse in Pisces may be seen as a time of gentle reflection, this one is anything but. And whilst the essence of Pisces is unbounded communion with All That Is, we may now feel strongly the divisions which crystallise into ‘you’ and ‘me’, no longer able to tolerate the cost of pretending they don’t exist.

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The trigger point of the 222 gateway

new worldMéline Portia Lafont – Beloved Tribe, The gateway of  February 22nd just opened in our awareness and so already are we feeling this to be a digger. I have not been able to write much but this gateway made me sit down, sleep, let go and take a break. It gives me some time to write and share again what has been going on.

It is a most challenging time for all of us, and we are in the midst of changeovers.

We are turned inside out, upside down till there are no more “leftovers”… This says it all.

Since this gateway has opened I have this strong mantra that came out of me: NO! I keep saying NO and “NO more” since then repeatedly in my mind and screaming it out loud too. My soul is fed up with older realities that seemingly want to come up again as this current Gateway triggers a lot inside of me. These old facets of who I used to BE, are wanting to come up again and they come in hard in an explosive kind of way, It only needs 1 second and it’s there. Very quick and almost instant manifestations in that area.

The choice that was made at the end of 2016 is still being maintained yet at times it seems it does not want to come through as these old impressions keep on lingering around. I feel that it is the collective part which triggers the personal unique part. I find much more “differences” and disharmony being present at this time but I understand the necessity to find harmony with and within the disharmony, finding peace with the many differences and to be able and accept the fact that there are differences. Then it becomes easier to find a balance and a position in this all.

How you handle things, react to things in your life and your surroundings and most of all; the way you hold yourself as a pose in this all defines your way out of certain situations and realities you feel you are not part of anymore. You can still be involved in a certain situation (directly or indirectly), and change the way it affects you by your own reaction and way of holding yourself (attitude). You can fight it and start a revolution and find more of that to come your way because you oppose something that is a part of you, or you can learn to understand the deeper graphics of something to be a part of you but that part shares a different experience of you.

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Spend Quiet Time At The Holy Altar Within

allowJohn Smallman – The changes now occurring on Earth are amazing, and they are due to people like you – those reading and listening to blogs like this – intending every day as you awaken to be loving and accepting in every interaction, in every situation, and releasing all judgmental thoughts without engaging with them.

As you are being consistently reminded: There is ONLY Love!  And you, the Light bearers, Light workers, Starseeds, and those of you who have seemingly only recently embarked on your spiritual paths, have now realized that and are constantly doing your utmost to live that divine Truth.

Of course, you have all been on your spiritual paths since you incarnated for your present human life, it’s just that some of you are only just becoming aware of that.  Despite your seeming unawareness you have in fact been following that path all your lives, it’s just that you had lessons to learn, core issues to heal and release, or contractual obligations to fulfill before you were ready for awareness of your spiritual destiny to arise within you.

None of you are in any way inadequate, you are all divine beings doing precisely what you incarnated to do.  Let go of all negative self-judgments because they are completely invalid.  You are all beloved children of God, highly honored for what you are doing even though it may appear to you that you have nothing of value to offer humanity in its massive awakening undertaking.

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