Oracle Report Sunday, August 13, 2017

Disseminating Moon Phase in Taurus:  share, communicate

Sun: 21 Leo – “a carrier pigeon fulfilling its mission”

Higher Expression:  messages, clear direction, returning “home,” open communication, completion of something

Lower Expression:  fear of sharing what you know or have to offer, miscommunication, lack of purpose, systems failure

Earth: 21 Aquarius – “a rug placed on a floor for children to play on”

Higher Expression:  safe/safety, paying attention to the wisdom and experience of others, careful, free to develop, creative expression, opening space in the field for new things and new answers

Lower Expression:  disconnected, whining, coddled, tantrums, arrested development, too serious

Kauai, Hawaii – photographer Donna

Laura Walker – The first full day of Mercury’s retrograde enters today, during the Disseminating Moon phase, no less.  Mercury and Disseminating phase are all about communications, messages, and paths.  Also, the Sabian symbol for the Sun today relates directly to messages – “a carrier pigeon fulfilling its mission.”

So a message is in store for each of us today.

This means we need to pay close attention.  Pay attention to animal sightings (Ted Andrews’ Animal Speak is suggested for interpretation), background conversations and other things in the background (like music), and repeats or “coincidences” (synchronicities). Continue reading

In Celebration of the Harmonic Convergence (Part 2)

The Harmonic Convergence, which originally took place August 16 and 17th of 1987 was one of the world’s first globally synchronized meditation events. It brought together thousands upon thousands of Lightworkers around your globe and it launched the Great Shift of the Ages and your current cycle of Ascension. It is now recognized as a major impetus that stimulated the remembrance of one’s true purpose for being on Earth. The original celebrants who gathered in 1987 later became known as your current day “Lightworkers” who are still here to assist humanity in remembering their Divine origin. –  The Councils of Shamballa

harmonic convergenceIn addition to the powerful Anniversary of the Harmonic Convergence August 16 and 17, you have also been blessed this August with the opening of two powerful portals created by a lunar and a solar eclipse taking place on either side of the Lion’s Gate on August 8. All of these wonderful events and planetary openings are bringing about an enormous downpour of the Creator’s Love and Light into the crystalline matrix of humankind. This matrix can now be used to clear away a great deal of the residual density within the overall consciousness of humanity.

You each came to Earth to be the conscious directors of God’s Love and Light and you are also here at this time to consciously assist in clearing away the separation modalities that eventually brought you into the density of the 3rd dimension. Yet now you are being encouraged to fully accept that you are really on the Earth to be conscious agents for bringing more of the Creator’s Love and Light into your world.

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Eclipse Corridor – Defenses Continue To Crumble [Video]

Andrew Martin – The corridor between eclipses is always powerful. The defenses that so many of us have built around our hearts are continuing to crumble. This is a beautiful expansion of the Heart field of our selves, the collective and the planet. This also means that vulnerability, trust, openness and the willingness to be seen as we are is required if we want to receive the Love that is here for us.

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What To Avoid When Timeline Jumping

timeline jumpingMichelle Walling – As we continue to accelerate towards a timeline split or bifurcation of timelines, we are steering the collective consciousness towards the highest and best outcome. The role as a timeline jumper is of utmost importance at this time, but there are pitfalls to avoid that one needs to understand.

The false matrix system overlay is run by an artificial intelligence computer. Within this artificial matrix, there have been artificial “black holes” inserted which can pull you down into a swirling vortex of chaos and fear. Rev. Sharon Elizabeth James from the Cosmic Center of Spiritual Light calls this “the tube”. In Vedic and other writings, the tube is depicted as a snake.

A person gets sucked into the tube when they lower their vibrational resonance. This can happen for many reasons. Arguments, misunderstandings, jealousy, addictions, drugs, alcohol, emotional traumas, and sickness are just examples that can escalate to magnetizing you to the tube. Interactions with others out of fear, anxiety, or ego can draw you towards the mouth of the snake. When you are in the tube, your reality shifts from riding the wave to being caught in the undertow.

Things in your personal life that seemed to be cleared come up again. People may seem to attack you from many different directions all at once. Rather than life seamlessly unfolding, there is struggle and chaos. Nothing seems to be going right when you are in the tube. Continue reading

A Story of Creation

loveThe Angels – Your lives were meant to be a joyful co-creative dance with the Divine and with one another. “So what has happened upon your earth?” you ask us. Why is life so challenging?

Let us tell you a little fairy tale – a story of how you came to exist…

Once upon a endless now the Source imagined a beautiful soul and in the very act of imagining you, suddenly your spirit was born.

Imagine you could invent the most amazing character in your mind. Imagine you could tell him or her, “I am giving you life! You are created within me. You live in my very own mind. I am dreaming that you will experience wonderful adventures within me. I am dreaming of your magnificent talents, your wonderful relationships, your experience of the abundance of my heart. I give you life.”

“I am in you and you are in me.” Continue reading