Escaping the Matrix- Ways To Deprogram Yourself

lifeSofo Archon  – Think of the way most people live: they force themselves to wake up in the morning, dress up, drive straight to work, drive back home about 8 hours later, watch TV, and sleep, only to repeat the same routine next day for almost their entire lives. We consider this kind of living as normal and even healthy, but if you stop and think about it, it’s not healthy at all. Life is so precious and beautiful, and instead of making the most out of it, we choose to waste it just because we have been programmed to do so.

Habits, tradition and belief systems have turned us into mindless automatons who don’t enjoy life and just follow a predetermined path that was handed to us by society. This programming, however, can be broken, if we realize that the way we live is preventing us from squeezing the juice out of life, and gather the courage to transform how we think and act. Then, life can be turned into a beautiful celebration filled with laughter, play, and love.

How to Deprogram Yourself

Below are 10 tips that will help you to deprogram yourself and escape the matrix you’ve been trapped into since the day you were born:

Break free from the shackles of organized religion

Dogmatic, organized religion imposes on people what to think and what not to, what is good and what is bad, what is right and what is wrong. Continue reading

Massive Astrological Aspects In Effect

black moonThird Quarter Moon Phase:  revise, realign

Moon in Gemini

Sun: 25 Leo – “a large camel crossing a vast and forbidding desert”

Higher Expression:  perseverance, persistence, stamina, completing something difficult or outstanding, survival, reserves, inner strength, the energy for change

Lower Expression:  testing others to see how they feel instead of directly asking, running on fumes, reacting only by instinct and without thinking, giving in to the shadow side

Earth: 25 Aquarius – “a butterfly with the right wing more perfectly formed”

Higher Expression:  rising above or “out-vibrating” that which seeks to bring us down, beautiful creations and acts of love, color variation, coming out of an old way, self acceptance

Lower Expression:  lines of separation and division in advance of transformation, distorted, out of balance, perfectionism, conflict between emotions and logic

Today Is An Energetic Powerhouse.

Skill is required on this Black Moon Day.

First, let’s list all of the astrological aspects occurring today so that we see the immensity, and then let’s summarize to keep it as simple and as real as possible.  You don’t need to even read all of these aspects; I list them for emphasis because there are so many: Continue reading

Why This Common Cooking Oil is a Cancer Nightmare

A Von Butz – In 1956, a major cooking oil company published a series of magazine advertisements claiming that “fried foods become light foods” when vegetable oil is used in place of butter or lard.

The clear message to health-savvy homemakers was that vegetable oil was a low-calorie solution to the more traditional fats they were cooking with.

Millions of well-meaning cooks took the bait and made the switch, thinking their families would be better off as a result.

Fast-forward 60 years and this cooking oil marketing blitz was evidently an industry success. Vegetable oils continue to remain the go-to fat used in fried and processed foods.

Marketers are still claiming that they’re better for human health than animal fats because they contain no cholesterol and aren’t saturated.

But what does the latest science have to say about this vegetable oil madness?

In a nutshell: all that “golden goodness” being dumped into deep fryers, drizzled on salads, and poured into frying pans isn’t exactly the health boon that industrial processors have long claimed it is. Continue reading

Charlottesville Was ‘Inside Job’ To Ignite Race War

Baxter Dmitry – A Charlottesville police officer has come forward to express his anger at being told to “stand down” by the city mayor during violent clashes between protestors. He also claims the protests, which pitched “white supremacists” against members of Antifa, were “set up” to further the agenda of the elites.

We [Charlotesville police] were ordered to bring the rival groups together. As soon as they were in contact with each other, we were told to stand down. It was outrageous. We weren’t allowed to arrest anyone without asking the mayor first. We weren’t even allowed to stop the driver as he sped away.

The event was being set up as far back as at least May and it went like clockwork.”

Michael Signer, the mayor of Charlottesville, ordered police to stand down during the most chaotic and destructive period of the protests – despite police protests against the orders. Continue reading