Super Herbs to Boost Your Immunity

Super Herbs to Boost Your ImmunityKate Harveston – Cold and flu season is upon us. If you want to prevent sniffling and wheezing like a retired hunting dog, boosting your immune system can stave off germs. Herbs are a great way to supercharge your body’s defenses!

How can you take herbs? You can brew a pot of tea, or you can add selected varieties to recipes. You can also make diluted washes and aromatherapy oils. Consider the following types to boost your immune function.

1. Ashwagandha

Ashwagandha is an Asian herb that works as an adaptogen. Adaptogens help promote balance in different systems of the body and improve its ability to resist stress. The protective benefits don’t stop at the big presentation due tomorrow — they ward off the effects of environmental pollution, too. Continue reading

There are Trillions At Stake….

Sundance – President Trump is disrupting decades of multinational financial interests who use the U.S. as a host for their ideological endeavors. President Trump is confronting multinational corporations and the global constructs of economic systems that were put in place to the detriment of the host (USA) ie. YOU. There are trillions at stake; it is all about the economics; all else is chaff and countermeasures.

We are already familiar how China, Mexico and ASEAN nations export our raw materials (ore, coking coal, rare earth minerals etc.). The raw materials are used to manufacture goods overseas, the cheap durable goods are then shipped back into the U.S. for purchase.

It is within this decades-long process where we lost the manufacturing base, and the multinational economic planners (World Trade Organization) put us on a path to being a “service driven” economy. Continue reading

Meditation Changes The “Structure & Function of the Brain” In A Positive Way

Meditation changes brain structure positivelyArjun Walia – If you look at most ‘masters’ in the field of meditation, a common theme that currently exists is a big misconception about meditation, that it has to be done a certain way, that you have to sit a specific way or do something in particular in order to reap the benefits. These masters will be the first to tell you that it doesn’t have to be one specific way.

That being said, many spiritual groups, like certain monks for example, are taught different types of meditation in several different ways, so really, there’s no correct way to meditate, and the process of connecting with one’s higher self and quieting the mind can be done in multiple ways and practiced at various levels. Continue reading