Tips To Know If Your Food Is Safe To Eat

FoodYou always want to know that the food you eat is healthy, but safety is the first priority.  When you and your friends/family sit down for a nice meal, it should be a given that the food you are about to eat won’t hurt you but nourish you.

Fortunately, there are expiration dates on foods that go bad over time.  However, there are other reasons food might go from good to bad.  Knowing how to properly assess the state of your food will help keep you and your family/friends safe.

Here is a brief look at a few tips that will help you more clearly know that the food you eat is safe.  Take some time for research, and eat your heart out!

Know where your food is sourced

Knowing a little about where your food comes from will help you make a more educated decision on whether or not it’s safe.  Know how your food was preserved along the way.  Preserving food with an air cooled chiller is common and safe.

If you’re looking for veggies, fresh is the name of the game.  Sourcing your fruits and veggies locally is the best way to assure the food is quality and safe, because it doesn’t have to travel long distances to make it to your table.

Understand safe food handling/preparation

Your food may be perfectly safe until it hits your hands.  If you don’t know the proper way to prepare your food, you could be the reason it becomes unsafe for consumption.  Always start food prep with a thorough hand washing.

Don’t wash your raw meats before cooking them, the cooking will kill any germs present.  Washing raw meats just spreads harmful germs throughout your kitchen.  Don’t place cooked food on a plate where raw food has just been.

Trust your nose

Trust your natural capabilities as well.  Most foods don’t smell appeasing when they have gone bad.  If your nose senses harmful intruders, the food probably isn’t’ safe to consume.

Take a peek for obvious problems

You can also trust your eyes to tell if food is safe or not.  Fruits tend to make it easier, because they bruise.  A discolored, beat up food may not be the best to consume.

Veggies often chance texture, smell, and color when they go bad.  Take the time to really inspect food before taking a bite, and you’ll be in a little safer position than before.

Know some basic guidelines

Know some older tricks in the book on how to tell if your food is good or not.  For instance, you may have some eggs that aren’t cracked but have been sitting in the fridge for a while.  Get a glass of water.  Drop the egg inside.  If the egg floats, it’s no good.  If the egg sinks, warm up the skillet.

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Food Is Safe To Eat

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