8:8 Lion’s Gate New Moon

lion's gateLorna Bevan – The ongoing clash between restrictive Saturn and Wildman Uranus will be palpable. Saturn is in future oriented Aquarius – the need for practical collective innovative action – square Uranus in Taurus – sudden emergencies and crises affecting human and natural habitats, food resources and migration. This is the climate emergency and its repercussions written right across the heavens.

Governments will be coming up with yet more rules, restrictions and policies while the urge for freedom builds and builds. Instead of getting hooked back into old 3D polarization, focus on strengthening your support systems. You need to know which aspects of your life the Aquarius/Taurus engine of revolution is permanently transforming.

On Sunday August 8th, the Leo New Moon is at odds with the Saturn in Aquarius/Uranus in Taurus Square, trine the karmic Great Attractor in Sagittarius – on the Wavelength of the Voice of God. At the same time, the Earth also aligns with the Sirian Lion’s Gate in the constellation of Leo and the Royal Star Regulus, making 8/8 a time to charge and clear your personal ecology. If you have been feeling stuck, in limbo or unmotivated, this Uranian re-charge is a nudge to step up to your new responsibilities to yourself and to the Planet.

In numerology, the 8th day of the 8th month is a highly spiritual and charged time. The number 8 represents infinity – the infinite soul that you are and the infinite journey that you take. While the Sun radiates life for your physical body, especially now in its ruling sign of Leo, Sirius radiates life for your spiritual body through High Heart healing/ third eye awakenings/ psychic downloads.

Sirius is also associated with highly advanced technology. If you have a tech innovation or are creating a website, blog, app or anything else related to technology, start the day after the New Moon.

♦ focus on what’s working, instead of what’s not working
♦ recognize what you’re finding, not what you’re losing
♦ notice what’s opening up when so much is closing down.

Chandra Symbol for LEO 17: Elegant women sitting on a porch and fanning themselves.

“Rising superior to apparent limitations, you defiantly renounce the letter of the law to salvage the spirit of the law. Puncturing pretense. Breaking down power and control structures. You are militantly outrageous, antitraditional.

Pulled forward by a vision, a knack, an instinct for what this Earth asks and demands. On fire with the power of radical changes, you feel in your cells the next stage in evolution.

Ignited by the sense for being selected out as the quintessential representative of progressive currents, you dramatize yourself, your cause, your expanding awareness.

You want to make sure everybody knows that something new is going on around here, and that it will not stop nor take a back seat to anybody or anything.” Inside Degrees Elias Lonsdale

Weekly forecast – Individual signs


SF Source Hare In The Moon Aug 2021

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