Crystalline Grid Upgrades

crystalsKim Semetis – We have had a major shift/upgrade of our crystalline grids within our physical vessel since the new 2020 codes came in just a few short days ago.

I could feel my body changing for about a week or so before this occurred. You may have noticed that you have had, or will soon, appearing on your physical vessel tiny or much larger bumps that may look like pustules, boils or pimples where the crystals held within have been activating and are forming near the surface of the skin.

From my personal experience these may turn into a red dot after the incubation period and then the skin may/will begin to peel. I have had so many forming back to back on my hands and feet for years now, on and off.

Most recently, for the last year they have been going strong with a vengeance. These have slowed down the last couple of weeks and now for the first time I have them appearing a straight line across the back of my calf since yesterday morning.

These are very large ones, as our crystalline grid is lighting up and activating the crystals held within. This is occurring after the collective template wipe of last month and into the beginning of this month.

We have had a major clearing going on to prepare us for the new codes that came in recently. This crystalline line on my calf is not on any meridian points and I know that this is part of the new grid system that is occurring in this now moment.

I have seen my crystalline structure appear all over my body these last years as we begin to notice that our body shimmers and glistens as these tiny crystals appear. We begin to look as if we have glitter all over our body, as we become crystalline. This can especially become apparent when we are out in the sun. Working with crystals and andaras will assist with the activation of the crystals held within.

This major shift/activation in our crystalline grid will further enhance our DNA upgrades, further tuning us to our universe and all new higher timelines will appear. This is also in tandem of the crystalline grids of New Earth that are strengthening exponentially after the cleansing from Dorian, the hurricane that assisted with the recent cellular cleanse.

I personally was releasing so much fear that was held within my own physical vessel. I have to add here that while we are in 5D and higher, we can, and will, still be releasing. I was in much fear as the storm was approaching, yet when I went out and about, everyone was calm and just going about their day as if nothing was going on.

A neighbor even mentioned that a nearby gas station had run out of gas (typical before a hurricane), while I had no such experience in my reality/dimension. This is how multidimensionality works and everyone can have a completely different experience, depending on their frequency.

The key for us is to remember that these crystals held within our physical vessel are amplifying our energy/ our projections, our creations. It is so very important for us to carefully monitor our thoughts. To dream big as we speak aloud our hearts desire to further amplify our wishes.

Gone are the days where we beat ourselves up, which is not respecting and honoring ourselves as a beautiful being of light. Let go of the 3D human nonsense that we are not good enough, not smart enough, not pretty enough, etc, etc, etc….

Send your body/cells/crystals the love frequency all throughout your day, and see how quickly your hearts desires come to you. Overlook the way that your body looks during this amazing transformation, as it is an integral part of this process and our evolution that needs to occur at this time and all along the way.

These are exciting times as the 2020 codes have been installed in the new earth crystalline grid system. We are quantum jumping to all new higher timelines as leave the past behind. (Technically there is no time, we are simply shifting) Our cells and crystals are buzzing with excitement as this huge upgrade is occurring, taking us to a higher christed consciousness timeline.


Be ready for major changes and shifting as our frequency bandwidth is going ever higher as the collective consciousness will feel waves and waves of love and unity consciousness wash over them like a gentle wave of light. Oneness will be felt far and wide as never before and those with no resistance and an open heart will integrate these powerful forces of love.

All of my love, Kim Semetis

Remember this: when you have waves and waves of heat, body pain and other discomforts of ascension, it is bringing us closer to no longer having these experiences as we release these programs held within the physical vessel as we cycle up in our own ascension process.

This is a beautiful and magical experience as we anchor and hold more photonic light, which not only assists our own evolution but assists the collective as well. This is true unity, as we so called “take one for the team (collective)”. As we assist ourselves, we assist all others too. This is what we came here to do. It is with deep love, respect and gratitude that I thank all gatekeepers, grid keepers and light keepers.

PS. I personally use my creation of a beautiful blend of sacred oils to assist with my activating crystals and subsequent skin issues. It is called “Blessings”, channeled from Mother Mary some years ago as a healing/anointing oil and an exquisite perfume. It can be found on my website.

SF Source In5D Sep 2019

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