An amazing tip to loosen up your neck!

neck painLori Walsh – Here is a fascinating skill to assist your neck in being able to have more flexibility and relax a bit.

First sit down and  and take your shoes and socks off.

Turn your head to the left as far as you can and notice an object that you see to give yourself a reference as to how far you are able to turn left.

Do the same turning to the right.

Now massage all around your big toe on each foot. Use some extra virgin olive oil as a lubricant, if you wish. For a bit more self-care, use St John’s Wort oil, to help reduce pain.

Turn your head to the left again and notice if you can turn farther than the first time, using the object as your reference.

Do the same on your right side.

Did you notice a difference?

Does your neck feel a little looser?

Rub around your big toes again and see if you have a wider range than before.

Is it not amazing how connected your big toes are to your neck motion?

I really hope you try this out and let me know your results.

Have a great weekend!

Inspiring you to have a healthy, rich life, Lori

SF Source Thyme For Wellness Jul 2021

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