April 2019 Report – Truth, Choice Action

truthLena Stevens – This is a very interesting month with many ups and downs, twists and turns, eccentric insights, and changes and reversals that will definitely keep you on your toes. The themes of Truth, Choice and Action create a channel for transformation that is much like the birth canal. The only way out is by going through it and there is no going back.

Truth comes as an inner knowing not yet defined. Choice is the emotional commitment that needs no explanation or reason. Action is the disciplined follow-through that anchors a new path.

We often think of truth as something connected to our thoughts and intellect, something we can define and explain, but truth in this context is a fuller knowing and more of an insight that does not yet have a mental definition. Truth will come from an intuitive reaction that precedes understanding and will have to be trusted as authentic.

This is challenging as truth is very personal and your truth will not be everyone’s experience. It is important to claim your own truth at the same time allowing others to claim theirs without judgment.

The monkey wrench in all of this is the deceptive quality or the artisan creative energy we have as an underlying theme for the year. This energy supports possibilities for manipulating “truth” to feed the ego and the desires of the false personality.

If your truth is not coming from a place of neutrality and essence but rather from a place of motivation by one of the 7 obstacles (Greed, Self–Destruction, Arrogance, Self-Deprecation, Impatience, Martyrdom, Stubbornness) then you are vulnerable to some deception. You will also need to watch for others throwing their “truth” at you that is clearly motivated by ego and full of self-deception.

Any truth that seems to have a neat little definition and explanation is probably compromised by machinations of the false personality. Watch for projection as a high probability this month and set some good boundaries against taking anything personally that comes at you from others. This goes for your personal behavior as well.

Claim your truth but don’t project it onto others. Make sure your truth is motivated by essence and not your false personality. If you require others to agree with your truth, there is likely a motive and attachment fed by ego.

Choice will follow an insight or inner knowing as the commitment of the heart to make a change or to proceed in a certain direction. This is also an intuitive process that requires trust in your personal truth that is driving the choice.

For example, if your truth is that you need to relocate because your environment does not support you despite the attachment of your community, livelihood and friends, then you have to trust that it is the right choice to move despite all the reasoning from yourself and others about why it may be a bad idea.

Watch for fear to surface as a challenge to overcome. Fear that you may be making the wrong choice, fear that you will not be able to follow through, fear that you won’t have what it takes, fear that your life will get worse and not better, all of which are really the mind simply wanting to take back control over what it does not understand by inserting doubt into your truth.

Action is what follows as the confirmation of your choice. If your truth is an insight that a relationship is not right for you, and the choice is to make a change, then the action step is to physically complete the ending of that relationship.

There is a saying, “talk is cheap” and actions speak louder than words. So, you will need to step it up this month and be disciplined about following through with your choices and decisions. If you don’t follow through with action because of fear, doubt, ambivalence, or worry about what others may think, you may get lost in the limbo place of not being able to move forward. Remember the birth canal. The only way out is through. Getting stuck will be very uncomfortable.

One of the most important ways to navigate this month is to keep a “don’t know mind” as well as being unattached to how the end result will manifest. This was also a theme for last month as allowing for that “next step” to find you instead of the rational mind trying to control it.

Fear of the unknown can trigger the mind’s worry mechanism to come out with all kinds of negative “what if” scenarios. The future is a void of possibilities and if you stay present with your truth and allow for your authentic choices to guide your actions, you will manifest the right situation for yourself.

But remember to keep a very disciplined “don’t know mind” and not take anything personally that others attempt to project onto you. Because the month has ups and downs, twists and turns and possible bizarre and unexplainable events, it is more important than ever to stay out of judgment and to keep a “wait and see” attitude. Any expectation that is attached to a particular outcome is subject to disappointment when things take a different turn.

Truth this month will affect many areas of your life from health issues to relationships, from your unique needs to your true desires, from work to purpose and much more. You won’t be able to please everyone with your choices and you are likely to create disappointment and reactions in others but this is where you need to stay neutral and true to yourself. Some will disagree with your actions, and if they do it is because of their own fear of change and their own attachment to their comfort that includes you remaining familiar to them.

How the month shows up

You Personally

This can be a great month of change for you but some of the truth may be hard to face. The distractions to your own inner personal work may be a great temptation and important to overcome and discipline will help. If you are having difficulty with discipline around bigger issues, practice discipline around baby steps and practices in your life that are not such big life changing situations. For example, if you are one of those that have your phone or computer on all the time and are always available, try a discipline of shutting down at a certain time of day and stick to it as a way to support more free time for yourself.

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SF Source The Power Path Apr 2019

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