Message for April 2021

AprilLee-Anne Peters – I’ve laid out some cards for April, so let’s see what they are and how they may fit into the month as it unfolds.

The first week of April looks like a great opportunity for us to look at and break negative habits and patterns that are deeply ingrained within us. This is a great week to look at any addictions or unhealthy habits we are practicing. If possible this is also a favorable week to slip into nature, and listen to what life has to offer us.

By the second week of April we may need to seriously consider taking a mental break – especially if things are piling up and overwhelm has kicked in. Things may not be as they appear in our physical world this week – deep changes are happening, however it may not be exactly as we are being told on the surface. We’re being urged to look deeper, explore, or seek out further information.

Week three of April is potentially a calmer week. We’re being encouraged to be patient, observe and find some time to settle ourselves and ground. Nature time may be important for some of us.

By the last week of this month some of us will be moving in a new direction – this is a direction we didn’t even see coming at the start of April. We can trust in the new direction that is opening up. It may even be one that pushes us into unknown territory and into opportunities that will help us come out of hiding – a part of who we are wants to emerge from behind closed doors.

Our theme for April will likely be around our family and our sensitivity. Some of us may find that our family commitments and activities are heightened this month. Also, we’re being encouraged to pay attention, listen to how we feel and ‘feel our way forward’ during April.

For more current energy updates throughout April, you may like to consider becoming a Pillar of Light Member. Please see the link below if you’re inspired to.

SF Source Temple of Balance Mar 2021

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