Be the Divine Architect of Your Authentic and Fufilling Life


Open – Every day is a new moment, a new possibility. What will you create and how will you create it? If we can find the most aligned way of living and being, then we’ll progressively surrender into the divine flow, which will speak majestically through us. You’ll get the most sublime reflections that will sing you alive.

The key is to always begin with what you’re creating now. Why did you create it? What is it revealing about you? You’ll witness the shadow and the light. Ask, “how can I be more aligned in what I’ve created? Explore what ‘skin’ you now need to shed – what new aspect of beingness can it make way for.

When you look at life through this lens, then everything informs through your environment. From the most miniscule opening of a petal, to the spectacular majesty of the sunrise. All will speak to you of the greater YOU. And as you step into that reflection, taking full ownership of it, you’ll become the architect of the most miraculous masterpiece…YOURSELF.

Interplay of Surrender and Willpower

I believe that in the Spiritual Mainstream, the concept of “Surrender” is much misunderstood, and sadly, all too often, used as an excuse not to commit to anything at all. If there’s one apparent blocking synchronicity on the path, they plenty stop or turn back without fully exploring. Maybe it’s an invitation instead to push through, to discover divine will?

I witness a highly intelligent flow, that has the best interests of all life at heart. When you surrender into it, the ego will get battered by it for sure; you’ll encounter plenty of obstacles for certain. But that doesn’t necessarily mean to stop. Check the synchronicities again – truly understand what they are telling you. Is the pattern of life’s events bringing to the surface an old blockage, like non-commitment for example?

“Not Efforting” – Embracing Your True Reflection

The Universe is not there to spoon feed us. It’s there to challenge us to be all that we can be. Take a pause for a moment and contemplate the majesty of the sunrise, the wind through the trees or a rolling wave crashing onto the shoreline. Look out into the wider cosmos and imagine in your inner eye shooting stars, comets and super novas. Are they not expressing themselves in the most elegant of ways? Are they not butting up against resistance and yet breaking through?

What they are not doing, however, is efforting: they’re not trying to be something, or do something, other than what is right for them – what they are truly about. And that’s the key to authentic spiritual surrender: it’s about not efforting to be something else; rather embracing the reflections of who you truly are and being that.

The Amplifier of the Flow

Another misconception I perceive is within the art of divine creativity. Either there’s intentionally manifesting what the ego wants. Or else there’s languishing in the misconception of “Oneness” – not even showing up to the playing field. The Universe is a monumental mosaic, full of infinite variety and majestic creation – we are each a fundamental piece in the jigsaw – a masterpiece, that requires each to be fully play their part.


It’s like you are the amplifier of the flow that brings creativity into being through you. It requires all of your divine skills, your tenacity, your empathy, your commitment to the moment, in careers, day to day living circumstances and especially in relationships. By fully expressing yourself, you breathe the moment into life. The key is to be authentic, honest, real, and peel away that which is not.

I’m not specifically a follower of New Year’s Day celebrations. Why? Because every single day, every single moment, constantly offers the potential to be born again and create something new. As I breathe in, I unravel the old. As I breathe out, I crystallise the new. Why wait till just once a year!

Knowing the Sense of “Rightness”

The world is transforming strongly right now. The energy field is shifting and unravelling, bringing something new into being. You and I have the opportunity to be the creators of what comes into form, IF we create consciously.


Begin each day with alchemical meditation. Bring alignment to your field with the breath. Feel the sense of connection with the source and coherency in your soul. Then pay attention to how you feel to be, how the soul wants to create. Let it animate naturally out into your world, then step positively into it.

Wherever you are in the world as you’re reading this, whatever time of day it is, I encourage you to recognise that you are the architect of your life. Even though you are a part of the greater whole, even though at your core you are the infinite presence of The One, at a soul level, you are also totally unique, with a unique way of being and expressing. To find true alignment, to come into true Enlightenment, is to align with your uniqueness – you cannot aim for The One, because the very approach establishes separation from it. Instead, the key is to locate and connect with the flow of your soul. Because that will deliver you on the shores of The One inside.

So how will you align with your soul on any given day?

To me, the greatest challenge – and the opportunity – of life is to align with your soul. For me it represents the challenge of all creation. The answer is straightforward, but not easy. And although simple, will take a lifetime of mastery: it is to attune your sense of “rightness” in any given situation.

By “rightness” I don’t mean right and wrong, as in good or bad. I mean what feels right. And by that I don’t necessarily mean what feels easy. Imagine you were an extra terrestrial come from a distant star system and you’d never before seen or heard a guitar play. You would still instantly know if the chord was in tune or not. You’d know when the guitar was being played well. There would be this sense of “rightness” to it.

Consider yourself that fine musical instrument. In each moment, how can you get the best possible expression – the most harmonic and attuned? You’ll find it in what you’re doing yes, but to get the most aligned doing, it has to come from the most aligned being. So focus on being: whether that is soft and surrendered, whether that is passionate and committed, whether that is diplomatic or forthright. Work on discovering the intrinsic qualities of your soul and allowing them to speak through you.

Becoming the Architect

As you attune the uniqueness of your soul, what will happen, is you’ll progressively align with the most majestic flow, supported by signs and synchronicity – all pointing toward how to be more of you, to unleash the greatness of your soul. And as you do this, something truly miraculous will happen….

You’ll come home to the Void of Infinite Potential.
Your soul will be unleashed in all its majesty.
You will become the architect of a blessedly divine life.

This possibility of becoming the ‘architect’ of our lives comes especially into view as we shift more to 5D consciousness. To conclude with, here’s a sense of how to thrive from that more expanded consciousness now…

And if you would benefit from support in becoming the Divine Architect…
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In loving support, Open.

SF Source Openhand Oct 2020


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