Brexit or no Brexit? That Remains the question!”

subconsciousJohn Scott – Have you noticed that the mere mention of the word ‘Brexit’ more often than not incurs the wrath or the joy, the pleasure or the pain, the clarity of thought or confused outrage, anger and hostility or smug self-satisfaction, among total strangers, work colleagues, politically or otherwise inclined friends and even among close and/or intimate relatives?

Of course, each and every individual ‘point of view’ is thoroughly justified…given their specific, respective ’viewpoint’ that has been influenced by their family, society, and culture. They are all correct in their own righ but they are all different because they are colored also by their respectively unique perspectives.

Overall, there are two major camps separating ‘Brexiteers’ and ‘Remainers’. A final category (not to mention the third option that consisted in ‘not voting’ at all) is one that conclusively establishes that: ‘Everyone shall see their wish come true and their desires fulfilled.’

How can this be possible? First of all, and before answering that question, let us put Brexit into its global context, and in so doing, put each and every individual into their true, irrefutable perspective.

Everybody and everything is Consciousness

I would defy anyone to name just one thing, – one idea, one concept, one being, one mountain, one apple tree, one thought – that does not exist in consciousness.

It goes without saying that the mere expression of any ‘thing’ – real or imaginary – requires consciousness. It is impossible to name any thing that exists beyond or outside of consciousness. Consciousness cannot be separated from any thing. No doubt this is why the scientist is incapable of coming to know totality itself because it can never know the knower scientifically. Physics emphasizes the perceived, the part, and not the perceiver, the Whole.

For the perceived (reality) is in the perceiving, but the perceiving is not in the perceived. The ‘perceiver’ is not a fraction, not ‘mind’, but the Whole – Consciousness. And Consciousness cannot be objectified.

The same applies here, to the question of Brexit. By focusing on ‘one side’ of the question – the perceived – vision of the Whole becomes lost. We may think that our opinion or viewpoint represents the Whole, but obviously this cannot be so, for how could any other opinion exist (which, judging by the uproar, appears to be the case)?

“It’s a funny old world really.” Because were we to replace ‘Brexit’ with ‘tomato’, we would have no problem accepting as valid the viewpoint expressed by someone who detested tomatoes, even though we may adore them.

What’s more, this ‘anti-tomato’ person would avoid spending swathes of their time ranting and raving about how they detested tomatoes, the very thought of which makes them feel ill. And the tomato-lover would see no point in seeking to convert the tomato-hater to their point of view/opinion.

If everything is Consciousness, everything is by implication connected

Contemporary science confirms that, with regard to physical reality all matter is constituted by atoms. Even when the atom is ‘split’ it continues to exist in other forms. (I refer you to science’s Quantum Mechanics, Schrödinger’s cat, dog and bone and assorted tall stories 🙂 As William Blake said: “Nothing is lost.”

But in order to understand how we can all be at once interconnected and yet at the same time experience our self as being a ‘separate’ identity, a separate entity, we are invited to turn our attention to the way in which Consciousness manifests itself, and why, as far as we are concerned.

On the one hand, Consciousness manifests itself in the form of an Essence – for example, ‘John Scott.’ John Scott represents the manifestation of Consciousness which expresses itself in order to explore and experience itself (Consciousness) in this physical dimension, manifesting part of its infinite potentialities.

There are a many other dimensions, some physical, others non-physical, but this is not the subject matter here (if only because none of them contain Brexit) At the inception of this particular physical dimension, Consciousness (that’s us folks!) decided to create an environment in which it could further explore the infinity possibilities of its expression.

With this in mind, ‘essences’ (our unique personality) were created in order to explore emotions  and gender within a physical dimension (our 3D reality). Shakespeare wrote something along the lines of: “Life is but a stage upon which we play a part.” The ‘structure’ within which emotions and gender are to be explored consists of a number of primary ‘Belief Systems’*, which contain a multitude of aspects within each belief system.

(Note how the word ‘belief’ contains its opposite: ‘lie’)

According to Elias, our ten primary or core Belief Systems can be summarised as follows:

♦ relationships (e.g. intimate, family, work, social, political, etc etc)

♦ duplicity

♦ sexuality

♦ truth

♦ emotion

♦ perception

♦ the senses (physical senses/inner senses)

♦ religious (spirituality)

♦ scientific (elements of physical reality)

♦ physical creation of the universe (including accidents and coincidences)

We incorporate every belief which is contained within all of the belief systems, each and every one. Yet while we incorporate every belief that is associated with all belief systems, we express comparatively few. We select the beliefs which are associated with and in accordance with how we choose to manifest our personality, the culture in which we choose to manifest within, what we align with, – our families, our orientations, our preferences. We choose certain beliefs that we shall express, and these are associated also with our opinions.

“So what? What has all this got to do with Brexit?”

Well, while you represent a particular, unique identification of consciousness, at the same time you are all of consciousness. It could not be otherwise. Were you not ALL of consciousness, where and what would be the frontier between ‘you’ (manifesting Consciousness as an ego, a unique personality) and Consciousness as a Whole (which we have already accepted as containing every conceivable THING and containing everyone)?

You are identifiable as consciousness individually, then, as an essence. This essence is the identification of your personality, a quality which defines you uniquely as an expression of consciousness, but simultaneously, you are all of consciousness. In this respect, you occupy every aspect of consciousness. Whether you identify a particular area of consciousness as physical or nonphysical, you are it.

What you identify presently as you, in this moment, in this physical manifestation, is a specific focus of attention. This focus of attention creates a singularity in its concentration, and therefore appears to be separated from all else, within what you know. But in actuality, it is merely the designation of this focus of attention that creates this illusion of separateness.

Put another way, you are not here IN a place. You are here AS the place. You are the total experience that is taking place, even though you may view it solely from a particular ‘point of view’.

“Eek! So how come all this came about?”

Well, we can put it down (globally) to duality. ‘Right’ and ‘wrong’, ‘good’ and ‘bad’. Our religious belief system/s have taught us, on the one hand, to “Love thy neighbor as (you love) thyself” while simultaneously insisting that we are “sinners” who need to seek redemption. The jubilation expressed upon the arrival of a newborn child is subsequently replaced by repetitive invocations from parents, family, school, work contexts (etc) that you are ‘good for nothing’, ‘lazy’, ‘will never make the grade’ (whatever that may be), and so forth.

Belief systems influence our perception and our perception is the element that creates our reality in its entirety.

“The world of the happy is quite different from the world of the unhappy.” (Ludwig Wittgenstein)

How often do we express to ourselves and to others that we are so very accepting of other individuals, that we are very tolerant, or that the expressions and the ‘difference’ of other individuals is acceptable to us, from our point of view? And it is not. If we are honest with ourself, we recognize that this is simply not the case. (Just listen to the verbal reactions expressed when opposing Brexit viewpoints are being expressed!;)

We exhibit this within our intimate relationships, too. It may not necessarily apply to the expression of difference in cultures or races or societies. We are often un-accepting of one another in our very own intimate relationships – our friendships, our families, our romantic relationships, and so on. If we are not the same, if they are exhibiting difference, it is unacceptable. We tell ourselves and each other that we appreciate difference. In actual fact, we appreciate sameness. In reality, we seek sameness, for similarity in our life serves to validates us and makes us feel secure.

Difference threatens us, for it is our presentment with the expression of duplicity – of good and bad, of right and wrong, of better, of worse. Difference frightens us, for we are (as yet) unfamiliar with our true selves and our strength.

Therefore, we tend to look outside of ourselves and compare. We create this comparative action continuously, and if we find no similarity in comparison or not enough similarity in comparison – if we see ourselves to be holding a different perception or not identifying with the same definitions as another or others – we reject them, because it threatens our identity, it threatens our sense of worth and value. For we measure our worth through these comparisons.

When we encounter sameness, we are validated, and we offer ourselves an expression and measure of worth. If we encounter difference, we perceive unfamiliarity, and unfamiliarity creates unease, introduces feelings or aspects of fear within us, and this fear reinforces our discounting of self and our devaluing of our measure of worth, in our perception.


This boils down to individuals (essence) having become unfamiliar with themselves. They are continually torn between conflicting opinions. This was a necessary condition in order to enable the exploration and experience of duplicity, of duality – good/bad; right/wrong.These individuals are as yet unfamiliar with the action of turning their attention to self. They incorporate what is the expression outside of themselves and they assume this as their measure of their worth, in their creation of their perception.

This is what we create in ‘life’ – just as we have created for millennia – conflict, confusion, slaughter, lack of acceptance, and not even the expression of tolerance, which does not, in fact, involve acceptance. Because ‘tolerance’ is merely a temporary expression, but with expectations.

Acceptance is the expression of no judgment and no expectations – no judgment of good or bad, of right or wrong, and no expectation of any expression.

So. Brexit or no Brexit? That no longer remains the question!”

Brexit simply serves to symbolize a ‘re-birth’ into our Self.

Shift Frequency © 2019 – Brexit or no Brexit? That Remains the question!”

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