Are There Soulless Beings In Human Society?

Cameron Day – The ruthless corporate CEO, the despotic dictator, the serial killer – We examine people like this and often say that they have no soul.  But is it true?  Are there actually humans that lack the fundamental essence of being that we call a soul? This is a very important topic, and one that is difficult to convey to others properly.  The very idea is repugnant to many people, and it can easily lead to a judgmental or falsely superior attitude if a person interprets this information in the wrong way.

When asking the question, “Are there “Soulless” humans in our society?” the answer that I will tell you is “Yes and no.” This is because in order to truly understand the question, we need a deep foundational understanding of Universal and Soul evolution, so I will do my best to convey these concepts as clearly and concisely as possible while answering this question.

The Hero’s Journey of Consciousness

Put very basically, the journey of Consciousness in the universe of duality and illusion is to go from total awareness to almost zero awareness, and return to total awareness once again, having gathered a treasure trove of experiences along the way.  We need to understand a basic outline of the early stages of this journey so that we can know how a soul is developed.  The framework that I will use in this explanation is a model of the levels or “densities” of consciousness.

Using a model of the levels of the universe that is divided into an origin point with 7 “densities” beneath it, we can look at the lowest level, first density, as the mineral kingdom, which includes rocks, the elements in the periodic table, as well as some very basic plant life.  The transition from 1st density of the mineral kingdom brings consciousness into the 2nd density of plant and animal life.  3rd density consciousness is where humanity currently resides, and we get to interact with and manipulate the densities lower than ours.

For the 1st through 3rd densities to be experienced, Consciousness needs a suitable planet to support those densities.  Planets like Earth are highly evolved beings that support a myriad of life in multiple densities for Consciousness to evolve through.It is through the journey in first three densities on a planet like Earth that Consciousness grows into an “individual soul.”

In order to explain just how a soul is grown on a planet, we need to look at how consciousness experiences and moves through the first three densities. The energy of Consciousness exists within 2nd density as large energetic “pools” connected to a particular plant species or animal group the 2nd density consciousness chooses to animate.  I call the 2nd density pooled consciousness energy “soul pools” and it is from these pools that an individuated soul can emerge and take on its “hero’s journey” back to total awareness.

When Consciousness has had the experiences that it desires in 2nd density, it will begin to branch out into 3rd density, incarnating into human bodies. Many in metaphysical circles call these types of people “new souls” and while this term is often hotly debated, it is fairly accurate.  However, they aren’t “newly arrived from heaven” in the sense that is often depicted.  Rather, they are newly experiencing 3rd density, when their previous experience had been 2nd density.  A slightly more accurate term for these “new” souls would be “candidate souls” because they are candidates for further evolution in 3rd density, but are not guaranteed to attain permanent higher density experience.

The Importance of the Life Review

At the end of a candidate soul’s life, they go through a life review, where their actions are reviewed and the character of their soul is evaluated for its potential to evolve, learn from experiences in future incarnations and eventually ascend all densities of the universe to return to total awareness. This is a serious set of criteria that have to be met.  If the candidate soul is determined to have not developed sufficiently to undertake this journey, it will be returned to the 2nd density “soul pool” from which it emerged.  The pooled Consciousness energy will simply absorb this “unsuccessful” soul and incarnate another candidate soul into 3rd density.

If the candidate soul has developed well enough in their initial incarnation to be eligible to reincarnate and continue evolving as an individuated aspect of Consciousness, it is essentially granted “immortal” status as an individuated aspect of Consciousness.  This soul will then reincarnate and have more experiences in their subsequent lives, hopefully growing more aware of their inner Spirit as their true identity in each lifetime.  When the soul has reached maturation and understood its true identity is its Spirit core, and has polarized sufficiently towards Service to Others (hopefully) or Service to Self, it is ready to “ascend” to the 4th density.

In summation, the process on a normally functioning planetary sphere goes like this:  Universal consciousness engages the illusion of separation and journeys down to 1st density consciousness, largely forgetting its original identity.  Consciousness inhabits a planet that will help it to grow into 2nd density, where it forms “soul pools” that incarnate into the animal kingdom, growing through the experiences of the animal species that it develops through.  Later, aspects of this “collective soul” incarnate into human form as a “new soul” or more accurately, a “candidate” soul because it is not yet fully individuated. At the end of the candidate’s incarnation, their life is reviewed and if they meet the criteria to advance into the stage of an “Immortal Soul” they will reincarnate and continue to develop the individuated soul they now possess.  If the candidate soul does not meet the criteria for individuation, it will be returned to the 2nd density soul pool from which it emerged and be re-absorbed into that collective consciousness.

With all of the above taken into consideration, we can safely say that there really aren’t “soulless” people on the planet, only “soul candidates” who are seeking to evolve into higher levels of being.

Properly Functioning Planetary Spheres vs Our Current Experience

On a properly functioning planetary sphere, the number of candidate souls is usually a minority of the total population, and it is the sacred responsibility of the further developed souls to show these candidate souls how to attain sovereign individuation through Service to Others.  It is also the responsibility of the highly advanced souls to help educate the individuated souls that are in earlier stages of their progression.  On these planets, the more advanced 3rd density souls easily communicate with Service to Others 4th density beings in order to learn how to be the highest version of their Self, and also learn how to smoothly transition into higher densities when they are ready.

One of the problems we face on this planet is that the Service to Self ankle-biters (please never call them archons icon wink Are There Soulless Beings In Human Society? ) have completely hijacked the natural progression of Consciousness on this planet.  I have seen this hijacking take two distinct routes.The first route is that the candidate soul, no matter how well it has grown, is returned to the soul pool from which it came at the end of its life.  This prevents the normal advancement of Consciousness through matter, and keeps that Spirit/Consciousness energy trapped in 2nd to 3rd density, creating many opportunities for energetic feeding by ankle-biters.

This keeps candidate souls being generated over and over on the planet, which is an advantage to ankle biters because these “new” souls are more easily compromised and manipulated by the ankle-biter consciousness to act out of ego-based, primitive (even animalistic) modes of being. These “un-evolved” (candidate) souls are used to stir up conflicts, anger, resentment and various energy-sucking dramas, which provide significant energetic sustenance for ankle biters.

The second way that soul evolution is hijacked is through endless 3rd density reincarnations. After a candidate soul becomes individuated and reincarnates through many lives, eventually it will desire to ascend from 3rd density and experience 4th density.  This option has been blocked by these 4th and 5th density Service To Self beings, who have trapped souls on Earth, forcing them to continue incarnating with the excuse that that they need to “fully learn their lessons.” The trapped souls are forced to keep experiencing many of the same dramas over and over, lifetime after lifetime, all the while having their Spirit energy harvested by ankle-biters as they experience hardship, anger, stagnation, judgment, and all of the lower human emotions.

The ankle-biters, through many thousands of years of practice on this and other planets under their control have figured out that a 50/50 ratio of new souls and trapped individuated souls sets the stage for the most low-frequency energy to be generated, because the new souls are easily manipulated into bad behavior, war-like expressions, etc. So our current mode of experience on this planet is that roughly half the planetary populace are individuated souls who have been forced to reincarnate in 3rd density instead of being allowed to advance on their evolutionary journey.  The other half are newly formed “candidate” souls hoping to attain individuation so that they can eventually progress to through the levels of consciousness.

One important point here is that the current ankle-biter controllers usually force candidate souls to be “recycled” into the “soul pool” that they came from, UNLESS they exhibit a strong tendency towards Service to Self behavior. These candidate souls are allowed to reincarnate in order to push the balance on this planet further and further towards Service to Self.  This is important to understand for those of us who are baffled by the insane levels of selfishness exhibited by people who “should know better.”  It is one thing for an immature person / candidate soul to behave selfishly, but for a mature, rational, self-aware person to exhibit chronically selfish and domineering behavior, this is an indication that their soul has chosen the Service to Self path.

Not An Exact 50/50 Ratio

The ratio of candidate to individuated souls is not exactly 50/50, because there are two more important types of incarnated humans that we need to be aware of:  Star-seeds and psychopaths.

Technically, a star-seed is any being that previously dwelled on another planet or higher density, who incarnated on Earth after the ankle-biters took control of the planet in order to assist the Forces of Divine Light in liberating this planet from ankle-biter control. It should be mentioned that some star-seeds were originally from Earth and ascended to 4th density (and higher) consciousness before the ankle-biters took full control of Earth, its planetary grids, and reincarnation mechanisms many thousands of years ago.  Other star-seeds developed on planets in other star systems, or even other galaxies.  Some star-seeds only came to Earth in this current lifetime, while others have willingly put themselves into the fray for a series of lifetimes.

As for psychopaths, I define them simply as people with no ability to feel empathy or compassion towards others, who have no sense of conscience to govern their actions, and who are generally very limited in the spectrum of emotions they are capable of experiencing.   I go into more detail about them in this post from April, 2011.

Psychopaths generally come in two main varieties that I am aware of:  Candidate souls that are born into psychopathic genetic lines where the ability to feel empathy for others has been lost, and individuated souls that have aligned themselves to the Service to Self path in previous lifetimes who choose to incarnate into a psychopathic genetic lineage.

These STS souls are often born into “elite” family bloodlines, but not always.  Also, not every person in an elite blood line is a psychopath, but there is a much higher percentage of them concentrated there than in the rest of society.  Also, there are a very few STS beings from higher densities who have incarnated in 3d to assist the STS agenda.  We could think of them as negative Star-seeds, but they are quite rare, as these beings usually prefer to manipulate humans from the safety of a higher density.

From our terrestrial perspective, psychopaths are the people who most strongly seem to be “soulless” humans.  However, they do have a soul, even if it is a “candidate” soul.  The difference is that they have chosen the Service to Self path, which requires them to take the life-force energy from others, behaving in what we perceive to be horrible, criminal, soulless ways.  The essential difference between ST-Self and ST-Others is between taking and giving.  STS takes energy from others and enjoys degrading them, while STO gives energy and enjoys empowering others to attain their highest ideals.

An Ancient Prophecy Offers Perspective and Hope

For a little perspective on our current situation, let’s look back to the 0past with a few excerpts from an ancient Egyptian prophecy given by Hermes Trismegistus to his student, Asclepius.  Please note that I have added some clarifying terms in [brackets] and bolded a few very relevant passages.

“Do you not know, Asclepius, that Egypt is an image of heaven [the stars] or, to be more precise, that everything governed and moved in heaven [the stars] came down to Egypt and was transferred there? If truth were told, our land is the temple of the whole world.”

“And yet, since it befits the wise to know all things in advance, of this you must not remain ignorant: a time will come when it will appear that the Egyptians paid respect to divinity with faithful mind and painstaking reverence – to no purpose. All their holy worship will be disappointed and perish without effect, for divinity [4th Density Service to Others beings] will return from earth to heaven [the stars], and Egypt will be abandoned. The land that was the seat of reverence will be widowed by the powers [4d STO] and left destitute of their presence…”

“…[People] will prefer shadows to light, and they will find death more expedient than life. No one will look up to heaven. The reverent will be thought mad, the irreverent wise; the lunatic will be thought brave and the scoundrel will be taken for a decent person. Soul and all teachings about soul (that soul began as immortal or else expects to attain immortality) as I revealed them to you will be considered not simply laughable but even illusory. But – believe me – whoever dedicates himself to reverence of mind will find himself facing a capital penalty. They will establish new laws, new justice. Nothing holy, nothing reverent nor worthy of heaven or heavenly beings will be heard of or believed in the mind.”

“How mournful when the gods [4d STO] withdraw from mankind! Only the baleful angels [ankle biters!] remain to mingle with humans, seizing the wretches[candidate souls, STS souls & psychopaths] and driving them to every outrageous crime – war, looting, trickery and all that is contrary to the nature of souls. Then neither will the earth stand firm nor the sea be sailable; stars will not cross heaven nor will the course of the stars stand firm in heaven. Every divine voice will grow mute in enforced silence. The fruits of the earth will rot; the soil will no more be fertile; and the very air will droop in gloomy lethargy.”

“Such will be the old age of the world: irreverence, disorder, disregard for everything good. When all this comes to pass, Asclepius, then the master and father, the God whose power is primary, governor of the first God, will look on this conduct and these willful crimes, and in an act of will – which is God’s benevolence – he will take his stand against the vices and the perversion in everything, righting wrongs, washing away malice in a flood or consuming it in fire or ending it by spreading pestilential disease everywhere.

“Then he will restore the world to its beauty of old so that the world itself will again seem deserving of worship and wonder, and with constant benedictions and proclamations of praise the people of that time will honor the God who makes and restores so great a work. And this will be the geniture of the world: a reformation of all good things and a restitution, most holy and most reverent, of nature itself, reordered in the course of time <but through an act of will,> which is and was everlasting and without beginning. For God’s will has no beginning; it remains the same, everlasting in its present state. God’s nature is deliberation; will is the supreme goodness.”

The Egyptians Taught Candidate Souls How to Become Immortal

The quote “Soul and all teachings about soul (that soul began as immortal or else expects to attain immortality) as I revealed them to you” shows that the Egyptians were teaching candidate souls how to become Immortal (as well as teaching higher level Initiates, of course).  Notice that the SOUL is what becomes immortal, not the body.  As stated earlier, once a candidate has cultivated its consciousness to a high enough degree, at the end of the life when the body is discarded, that candidate is “granted immortality,” which means that they will continue as an individuated consciousness and progress through more incarnations, and eventually up through the higher densities.

Now, the word “God” has had so many religions, projections, judgments and disinfo heaped on it that I prefer to use a more descriptive term like Divine Source, or even The Source.  Notice that towards the end of the translation above, it reads “…then the master and father, the God whose power is primary, governor of the first God…”Let’s look at that a little closer. The consciousness who’s power is primary, who governs the “first God” represents original Source, or something very close to it.  Perhaps the original creator of the Universe.  Regardless of the “ranking” of this consciousness, we can easily surmise that this being has a level of power that we can’t really imagine.

Divine Source is the Ultimate Chess Player

Through lucid dreams and meditations, my Higher Self has shown me that The Source is very aware of our situation on this planet, and has every intention to correct it.However, when you are the ultimate authority in the universe, you don’t just erase evil as if it never existed.  What would be learned from that?  That our big daddy will bail us out when we’re in trouble?  The candidate and less evolved souls would say, “Great!  Let’s keep on acting without any self-responsibility!”  This would be a waste of a powerful “teaching moment” that no loving parent would want to deny their children.

What I have been shown is that direct, massive intervention will only occur at the exact right time for maximum benefit to all who experience it, including those who have chosen the Service to Self path. An analogy would be a master chess player getting all of their pieces properly placed, baiting the opposition to over-extend and attack, then suddenly checkmating them in a few, nearly effortless moves.  Divine Source is doing that right now, and all the pieces have not yet reached their proper places.

This means that the societal conditions on Earth with ongoing psychological manipulations of impending economic collapse, radiation exposure, chemtrails, war-mongering, erosion of freedoms in all countries, manipulations by Service to Self ETs, etc will continue until the last possible moment, in order to give the maximum number of people possible the chance to awaken and declare “I don’t want any of this!  I want peace, abundance for all and a planet where everyone has all material needs met so they can contribute to the well being of the whole!”

I know that nearly everyone reading this has already made that declaration.  I ask that you continue to hold that vision in your heart as you go about your life, and perhaps help others who are ready to come to the same conclusion. I ask that you do your favorite meditation daily, and if you are so inspired, to connect to the Galactic Core and act as a Divine Conduit for the energy it is sending to us and the planet.

Finally, I ask that you allow yourself to be inspired by your Inner Divine Self so that you can be in the right places at the right times to assist in small (or large) ways in bringing us to the key moment of “Divine Intervention” where the oppressive yoke of the Service to Self agenda is finally lifted from this planet forever.

As you move through the world with the information in this article in your awareness, please remember that the honor and responsibility of a mature soul is to lead by example and help “candidate” souls to reach their highest potential.  Please do not allow your ego to judge these beings harshly, because just as a young child can be easily manipulated, so to are these “young souls” more susceptible to manipulation by ankle biters.

We will liberate this planet, of that much I am very confident.  When we can have our planet-wide “liberation celebration” I don’t know.  I feel that we have a very long road ahead of us, and that total liberation is still years away.  I ask that you prepare and strengthen yourself, clear away limiting energies & beliefs and hold strong to the vision of a society based on the principles of Service to Others, love and unity. In order to reach that goal, we need to awaken as many of the “experienced” souls on this planet as possible, as well as help the “candidate” souls to see the benefit in supporting a completely new kind of society on every level of being.

It is up to us to hold a vision for the highest possible good and to share that vision with others so that we can help birth it for the benefit of all life on this planet, and beyond. By holding strong to your highest vision, sharing it with others and listening to their vision, we will “tell a vision” of a planet based on Service to Others, and the power of that vision will one day replace the old paradigm, to our great delight.

Much Love, Cameron Day

SF Source Ascension Help Blog  September 27 2012 (Reissued Nov 2021)

2 thoughts on “Are There Soulless Beings In Human Society?

  1. man after reading this article im starting to see people’s mannersims from past animal lifes haha it’s awesome. there are so many creations on this earth

    1. Indeed, Andrew. This is just one of the many interesting theses concerning how life evolved on earth. I am really looking forward to discovering which one is the “right” one. Blessings G

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