A Stream from the Higher Worlds

soundThe Hathors – In our last planetary message called the Aetherium, we shared a sound meditation to help you transit through intensifying levels of world chaos by decreasing stress and by increasing coherency in your body and mind.

In this message we are giving you another sound meditation called “A Stream from the Higher Worlds.” The purpose of this sonic ally is to assist you to purify deeply held psycho-spiritual as well as emotional negativity and toxicity. Continue reading

Energy Feeding: Dealing With Physical and Non-Physical Energy Vampires

Signs You’re Being Drained and 5 Ways To Minimize Parasitic Activity

physicalLia Love – When we talk about vampires we are not talking about the depiction in films/television. We are not talking about literal blood suckers. We are using the ‘vampire’ reference for a non-voluntary feeding that is taking place on our life force energy from living consciousness either in the physical or non-physical realms and on all levels of your Beingness — physical, emotional, mental, spiritual. It has also been classified as psychic attack, although psychic attack can bring more misery than energy vampirism. This energy taking can be a very convoluted situation.

Energy feeding is the bottom line. To move about on any dimensional plane requires energy. All Beings require energy to Be and Do. Continue reading

The Virus of Consciousness And How To Remove Implants

energyEric Raines & Vera Ingeborg – Nausea, extreme exhaustion, an intense longing to just sleep, endless thought spirals and recurring emotional breakouts – this is the current experience and reality not only for people just waking up, but also for people that have been on this path for a longer time and had already raised their frequency to a 5th dimensional level. They had already been enjoying the ease and flow of this plane – being completely in the Now, their true authentic self and completely free. All of a sudden it feels like being back to square one.

How can that be after all the work done? How can I fall back so much? There is a reason for it and the experience can be turned around quickly again. We have to start by becoming aware of how the Matrix works and how we are manipulated energetically in case we do not have this discernment, yet. And please! This is nothing to be upset or scared of – the more you treat the situation and yourself with love, the easier you navigate through. Continue reading

Waking Up In The Dream – The Real Secret to Manifestation

Waking Up In The Dream – The Real Secret to ManifestationNanice Ellis – Do you know that you are dreaming, and that nothing is happening outside of you? This means that there is no competition and there is nothing that you cannot be, do or have. This is your dream and you are the dreamer. Indeed, this can be a scary realization or the most liberating. Possibly both?

Waking up in the dream state requires 100% responsibility for everything in your dream. This includes close and personal experiences as well as the global container in which you live and breathe. If you are even aware of something, it is a part of your dream. Continue reading

Energy Portals Creating Enhanced Changes of Consciousness

awarenessPaul Dobree-Carey – Many energy portals have aligned and opened and are now streaming forth the higher frequency encoded transmissions to bring about enhanced changes to the consciousness of our Planet and its many inhabitants.

Those who have awakened at this time have felt these energies expanding and flowing through their energetic bodies in readiness for the next stage of expanded awareness and the changes towards crystalline form.

Others are not yet aware of these changes within, having chosen to maintain a continuing existence within the existing Earth templates and archetypes, however ALL will feel that something different is taking place within and around them. Continue reading